Does the IQ gap exist or is it just racists being racists?

Does the IQ gap exist or is it just racists being racists?

I thought the IQ gap didn't exist? and the only studies on it were 10+ years old with phony data. Damn that's weird.

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In ww1 Jews had much much lower iqs than they do today. Ponder that

The final IQ redpill:

It exists and no one denies it. The question is to what extent is it determined by genetics

Kek op just work around some minorities and then get back to me you don't even need to quantitatively measure it to figure this out it's blatant

I worked at a McDonald's that had very few employees, so to solve this they hired a bunch of nogs from the city. It was like working in the monkey house at the zoo.

I will provide my own anecdotal evidence to show that there is an intelligence gap.

I am an avid cyclist. occasionally I will ride the local rapid transit to/from where I am going to cycle.

There are hooks on the rapid transit which are meant to hold a bicycle. it requires the user to lift up the front end of their bike and angle the front tire into the hook so that it will support the bike vertically.

note that i said it requires the front tire to be angled in. For me, this is quite simple to accomplish and takes maybe 5 seconds.

Every time i see a black person try this they attempt to insert their tire without angling it. this does not work. They will continue trying. The train will continue for 2 or 3 stops until they give up and simply stand with their bicycle.

i shake my head every time i watch them trying to get it up on the hook, yet none of them are able to tell by simple observation that it requires the angling of the front tire.

Blacks in the US sound like whites in Aus

>Genetically superior
Genetically superior

>Genetically superior
Genetically superior

>Genetically superior
Genetically superior

>Genetically superior
Genetically superior

All the upper class and educated jews with connections and money were able to emigrate out of Europe during the holocaust.

The stupid, poor and weak jews were left behind and killed. Darwinism.

>Inb4 oy vey merchants etc.

Lol I just now got done listening to this:

Those whites are good boys who did not do anything

Check the common core test scores in your state. I bet they fall in the same graph as the IQ scores you are questioning. Try to prove me wrong.

there's a pattern to shitlib race denialism

>we're all equal
>well minorities only perform poorly because of oppression
>well IQ is culturally biased and thus useless
>well race doesn't exist, your groupings are arbitrary

>Does the IQ gap exist

As opposed to what, you hapless retard?

Everyone is the exact same level of intelligence, except for the jews racially high IQ?


The absolutely is a disparity in average spatial awareness, verbal ability, higher cognitive function. Of course this is disputed for political reasons, but its there. The same trend will show itself anywhere in the modern world.
The sum total of intelligence isn't one thing however. I hate to give the left any validity to their arguments, but IQ tests may not be the end all be all. They simply measure things that matter to our society in practical application. This isn't bad in anyway, but it isn't totally complete.

Some blacks can have very high verbal IQ, they can be inclined towards creative musical ability, but still be functionally retarded in their ability to perceive consequence and recognize patterns. Until we have a system that can fully quantify all of this the left will always dispute IQ results.

The gap is there with 100% certainty - even Wikipedia acknowledges the gap... the only issue is what causes it...genetics or white people being racist.

Almost all real scientists who actually study this shit feel that it's innate at least to some degree. From what I gather they are making a quite a lot of progress, and it is going to get harder and harder to deny that there is a genetic component to racial disparities in IQ.

1. IQ gap exists
2. you're still massively dumber than the smartest nigger
3. figure it out

Right. The consensus of science(!) is that this gap exists.

The question then becomes about whether nature takes part at all, or if it's ENTIRELY cultural. The latter viewpoint is current PC dogma. Force them to defend it.

Common Core Math and English
Mixed Race