UK authorities decide to kill baby against parents' wishes

>But the couple, from Bedfont, west London, raised almost £1.4million so they could take their son to America but a series of courts ruled in favour of the British doctors.
>One said: 'The #CharlieGard case is terrible. Shame on the UK judges allowing him to die, shameful, terrible decision.'
>Another message the account retweeted read: 'Very evil people..... Sentencing a child to death! What an anti-child pagan society we are. I pray for #CharlieGard!'
>A statement from the ECHR said: 'Today the European Court of Human Rights has by a majority endorsed in substance the approach by the domestic courts and thus declared the application inadmissible. The decision is final.
>'The domestic courts concluded that it would be lawful for the hospital to withdraw life sustaining treatment because it was likely that Charlie would suffer significant harm if his present suffering was prolonged without any realistic prospect of improvement, and the experimental therapy would be of no effective benefit.
>Specialists in the US have offered a therapy called nucleoside.
>Three Court of Appeal judges upheld that ruling and three Supreme Court justices dismissed a further challenge by the couple.
>Mr Justice Francis made a ruling after a trial in the Family Division of the High Court in London.
>He heard that Charlie, who was born on August 4 last year, has a form of mitochondrial disease, a condition which causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage.

So now parents have no control of what to do with their child in our Brave New World.

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Well it is a brave new world we live in now and the abbo poster above us is just happy a white baby died he can go blow his monkey looking brother.

My opinion on this depends on whether he'd be able to live a normal life or be a vegetable.

clickbait has arrived on Sup Forums

please rephrase:

Doctors allow baby to kill itself.

>kill itself
I don't think the baby asked for it

you're just trying to rationalize killing, that's what you're doing

Good, is was a failed unit. Selfish parents only wanted attention for themselves.

if only it was a nig baby, it might have had a shotat life

Yeah, about that cure?

Sorry, no cure. Baby in pain, every court in the UK rejected their appeal to make the baby suffer more. They took it to the EU court, the EU court also rejected their wish to make the baby suffer even more.

I know you monkeys like making children suffer with your snuff movies on liveleak but yeah that's not happening with this baby. He needs to be put out of his misery, much like the entire population of Brazil.

Portugal get your colony under control, bunch of fucking monkeys.

It should be legal to leave retarded babies to exposure in the middle of nowhere and let the strongest downies rule death mountain like in Sparta

So what? The parents don't want to kill their son and they have money to try to save their baby. It's not like they're leeching off taxpayers' money. and begging for gibsmedat.

You have no right to stay in the way of parents trying to save their baby, who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies?

Don't worry the muslims agree with your lack of morals, they'll behead you for your own good, in order to maintain peace we just need to eradicate you a little bit.

we live in a Jewish police state

And people said death panels were a myth


there's only one 'b' in 'abbo' tyrone, you stupid nigger cunt

He's already a vegetable, and the US doctor who offered the experimental treatment admitted in court that he had no idea the kid was so far gone, and that he probably wouldn't survive it.

Nice cherrypicking OP!

Well, on one hand I can understand the parents wanting to save their child and trying to do everything they can. Call it parental instinct, I suppose.

One the other hand, in a case of quality of life it is probably for the best that the kid died. Anyone know how long the baby would have lived otherwise?

>to try to save their baby

They can't save it, that's the very fucking definition of terminally ill you retard.

>The ECHR said the British courts had concluded "on the basis of extensive, high-quality expert evidence, that it was most likely Charlie was being exposed to continued pain, suffering and distress and that undergoing experimental treatment with no prospects of success would offer no benefit, and continue to cause him significant harm".

The arrogance of the retards truly knows no bounds.

>Terminally Ill
>Still wasting money to keep it alive
How could they be want more slefish?
>Wanting to raise a white child in the United caliphate of Bongistan
That right there is child abuse on it's own

>who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies?

Who gives the parents the right? Without medical care he would have died already. This is not something anyone can or should survive. This is torture.

There's a lot of ethics in medicine. Doctors also consult whether or not prolonging of life is ethical if the subject is suffering.
It benefits no-one continuing the treatment of this child, which has effectively become a potato/human-guinea pig.
You see this a lot when it comes to old people on there death bed, in which doctors can recommend whether or not to continue treatment.

This is a form of eugenics. This is good.

>it is a brave new world we live in now
What the fuck are you even talking about?
This has been normal in Europe for literally 50+ years
Socialized medicine does not financially have room to try and see if weakly born children can survive.
I was born premsture in the early 90's and would have literally been put in a jar to die had I been born in Europe instead of the US.
You motherfuckers should read up more on socialised medicine in Europe and learn just how fucking bad it is

>I was born premsture in the early 90's and would have literally been put in a jar to die had I been born in Europe instead of the US.

Nigga you are just straight up lying.


>all the christcucks in this thread complaining about the brainless waste of taxpayer dollars getting denied its intravenous injections of liquid money

Varg is always right

>seppo cunt lecturing people on healthcare
Tip top fucking kek. They made a mistake saving your retard arse.

how do you know you can't save the baby? In the US they have a experimental treatment and the parents have raised 1.4 million pounds to pay for the expenses, you have no right to deny them the opportunity to do whatever it takes to save their son

You know people lived once in a time where not every disease had a cure, the difference is that telling them to go hang themselves wasn't an option, while now we have judges and politicians wanting to decide who lives and who dies

By doing those experimental things, maybe they can even help to find a way to deal with this as a breakthrough discovery. That's pretty much what happens when people go for that kind of stuff, they test all kinds of shit and see what works. If we killed everyone who has a certain condition we would never learn how to deal with it

How many deserving children could they save from orphanages with that much money?

They chose to keep a dying meatsack breathing with a cup of soup where its brain should be.

In all honesty, the court should have ordered the parents to be euthanized as a service to humanity.

>There's a lot of ethics in medicine. Doctors also consult whether or not prolonging of life is ethical if the subject is suffering.
Actually the very first thing your phasicians do is check wether or not it is financially feesible before anything.
Remember on scrubs how the head of the hospital would always be shown telling the doctors that people without care had to be kicked to the curb? That's what it's like in your shithole instead of it just being a joke and fake political tactic used by communists like it is here

I knew this would be the first post. Genuinely curious, are you just being edgy?

This story has a lot of media spin. The mother was clutching at straws, she didn't have a clue about how the treatment works when interviewed on TV.

You clearly have no grasp on the situation whatsoever.

this. the UK's NHS has syrian refugee children to look after, they dont have time for some UK citizens white offspring

That's like saying you shouldn't buy anything expensive because that money could go to starving kids in africa. Completely sjw tier.

>Actually the very first thing your phasicians do is check wether or not it is financially feesible before anything.

Not everyone live in a third world country where greed and profits reign supreme you know.

Britain is literall MURDERING white babies and actively importing niggers
Yet some people don't believe in white genocide

the situation is its their child and they should be allowed to fly out of the country and buy him medical care somewhere else if they desire.

but obviously the UK is a nanny gov that decides what is best for its subjects. i honestly dont see how anyone is surprised at this story, UK faggots have been bred and indoctrinated to follow monarchy rule for hundreds of years. they are a country of followers and children

>every court in the UK rejected their appeal to make the baby suffer more
You mean seek treatment elsewhere, nobody was petitioning to "make the baby suffer more", only to seek treatment in the US. Is that wrong?

Brain damage isn't a real condition, they wanted his organs, because they wouldn't let them, they're killing the child.

Horrible, horrible Jewish cunty bastards they are.

No I'm not, my parents looked into it when I was first born to see if there was any better care in Europe to better maximize my chances of living.
I was born at 26 weeks, at the time England was the closest country in Europe that allowed premsture children to continue living and they wouldn't go lower than 34 while the rest of Europe was between 36 and 38
Don't tell me about shit I lived through you ignorant cunt. Europe STILL has limits to the amount of care they will put out for children born of unusual circumstances based on the amount of cost to the system. You clearly know absolutely nothing about it or you wouldn't be arguing your quite inaccurate point

Yes, some of us (you) live in actual third world countries, surrounded by the people of the third world.

I'd like to listen to why shouldn't they be allowed to use the money they got via crowdfunding to get a plane and try whatever it takes to save their son in the US. They won't be even occupying a hospital slot in the UK. Does it trigger europeans to see someone valuing their son's life or what?

This is just government enforced eugenics, backed by the EU.

kill him off then. don't waste taxpayer money.

if the kid was gonna be brain damaged they did the right thing

life is already hard enough with a functioning brain

This never would have happened in the free market

It has nothing to do with greed and profits. Your systems can only handle so much "free" shit and an over exertion of the health systems finances on single individuals is not very flexible. If it looks like it starts to get a tad expensive the family has to be turned away in which cases they try to find somewhere else that will take care of their child(iirc Switzerland is pretty similar to the US in that they'll do everything and you'll just have to foot a bill if it gets too crazy) though unlike us they lack free children hospitals on par with what we have

You clearly are a nigger happy that a white baby has died

All potatoes should be euthanized

it triggers europeans to see someone bypassing their nanny government authority and undermining their socialized healthcare. whats next, all the rich people leave the country for medical care when they need it? who will pay for the syrians?

How the fuck were they going to reverse brain damage already suffered? This would not be a full cure AT BEST it would have grown up to drain public finances and never contribute anything. We have enough brain damaged leeches on the left already. No more.

>public health system
>greed and profits

Child abuse isn't a right you retard, people don't have the right to torture their brain dead baby. Humans aren't fucking propriety.

You're still not getting the permanent brain damage, terminally ill part. I know you're probably uneducated and all since you're from a third world country but that's not a reason to not even try to understand such simple concepts.

Brillant thought from a clearly brillant brain.

The English exert rule I've all their subjects with an iron fist, letting anyone go from it would fuck them and their NHS would collapse within a year due to all the Brits leaving for America to get real care that isn't by a dirty Muslim having to resort to budget cuts from their nanny state

just fuck again and try to make a non-abortion you fucking idiots

baby lives should not matter until they are 2 years old and if they are genetically fucked they should never matter

> Anonymous (ID: bQ9gSmRa) 06/29/17(Thu)07:56:08 No.131752030▶

Should not have waited until their 30s.

I find it ironic how deluded by emotion this Brazilian is but like other posters mention this is terminal and the baby has no chance of having a fulfilled life, how you can justify letting someone suffer like that is beyond me and although people have good intentions I feel theyre missing on a simple and sad point. Kid is doomed, need to let him stop suffering

yeah this happens sometimes he was molested by (((someone))) who couldn't be afford to be identified when he got older

>haha le edgy xDxD

neck yourself

>until they reach 2 years
Why stop at 2? They shouldn't matter until they reach majority. Afterall they're not really human anyway.

They were spending money to get him to the US tax payers weren't fronting a dime
>Let's not try because it still might stay a vegetable
You cunts act like they wouldn't have let it die had the procedure not worked
Goddamn heathens
And it's not child abuse if the thing is already braindead, it's not even a goddamn child anymore so letting them do as they please is what is right

>raised almost £1.4million

Something's missing in this story. If they raised the money, let them dance the ooga booga dance and put magical magnets on his forehead. It's their money.

If the people are in any way paying for this spectacle, then that's an issue and triage matters. The kid is a braindead vegetable with no real hope of recovery.

>Baby in pain, every court in the UK rejected their appeal to make the baby suffer more.

Can a vegetable suffer at all?


Here in Canada we keep babies alive that would be left to die in other first world countries
This is a fact that you could probably look up.
My Mum is in the Neo Nadal Nursery, she has taken care of "babies" that have a lot more in common with fetuses then people.

Bet they would have let him live if he had been the son of refugees or a Muslim.

If the baby is terminally ill what could they possibly do?

>I don't think the baby asked for it
I don;t think 95% of the dead asked for it. quite opposite. Nevertheless they are all dead, you will be too. Soon.

If it were possible to reverse brain damage, how come they haven't tried it on (you)?

>waaah they could do this they could do that.
Got to love when you put your kids up for nazi tier experimental procedures

Serious crippling long time diseases are fully reimbursed in France so basically everyone who's afflicted with that can afford treatment. Which means doctor "phasicians" don't check wether or not it's financially feesible before treating the patient.

No it's just the English courts showing everyone that they still have power.
Rags pick up stuff like this all the time for click bait but in reality it's just a show of force and reminder to the English that they have no say in their own lives if the state so wishes
You would think there must have been something else going on that the court wouldn't be so cruel but you would be wrong. They made their decision and any attempt to overturn that in their eyes is an attempt to ursurp or override their power to make decisions

>due to all the Brits leaving for America to get real care

You can get private healthcare in single payer systems.

If you don't like the greasy polack who they hired, go get private healthcare as long as you pay for it.

That's what you dumb shit americunts don't get. You're getting fucked out of the baseline help and then jewed twice by insurance and lawyer kikes that make your bandaids cost 20 000 dollars because GUESS WHAT RETARD YOU STILL PAY FOR THE ILLEGAL OBESE MEXICANS ER VISIT.

Top kek, he thinks his costs aren't socialized.

Proof of nigger level intelligence the fucking emu cucked Aussie can't even spell abbo right

>I was born premsture in the early 90's and would have literally been put in a jar to die
And you really should put you weak genes in the jar.

Good abortion should be legal and paid for my the government.

Because the child is public property and therefore may be disposed of by the state.

This is what socialism gets you, numbnuts.

Because you're ahead of me in the que mate
Diseases =/= debilitating birth defects


Even if he survives he would grow up to be a literal retard because of the brain damage. The doctors did him and the parents a favor.

They can just make an other one instead of having to deal with living with a brain dead person for the rest of there lives

There is a difference between killing, and putting a switch off on someone already dead.

You christians are so stupid on that, using technology and modern medicine to keep old people from dying when God chose their time has come, or to keep on life support some people forever who were weak since birth and natural selection should've taken off.

Then, compalin about whites are weak.
Good job.

>trying to save a child's life is child abuse
Are the french already brain dead? Try to pretend the baby is from a muslim, then maybe your empathy will kick in

Until 2007 the only socialized medicine we had was Medicare(which is getting the hatchet soon)
>You can get private insurance if you don't want the single payer
Yes you can, and it's expensive as fuck and shit compared to what you can get in America for a fraction of the cost. Or at least it was until Oniggercare
If you seriously think eurocuck healthcare is comparable to what we have in the US then you need to do some research because you are terribly uninformed

I love how you cucked ice countries keep bitching about the price of health care in America guess needing antidepressants to live in a fucked by mudslims liberal hell scape really ups the number of visits you faggots make per year

>raise money to fund treatment
>no that might kill him, its safer to just kill him

If I make a wiki page that says you're a faggot, will you come suck my dick?

Socialized medicine is cancer

My grandmother went to the hospital with a broken leg, was tied to a bed, got an infection and died

Permanent vegetable, operation had 0% chance of helping. Doctors are ethically obligated to not put patients in unnecessary pain, and keeping the kid alive is unnecessary pain.

>trying to save a baby
It's their baby and their money, they have every right to try to save him

>Weak genes
>Survived being borderline translucent, having half developed lungs, and still barely half way done being developed
Whatever vodkanigger

If this was a minority family this discussion wouldnt be had. Truly white genocide.

honestly they shouldn't matter until whatever age Christians think they can go to heaven without being "saved" since Christians are so against sending babies to heaven and would rather them grow up and risk the chance of God setting them on fire for eternity for getting tricked by Satan instead

English will make room for more muslims

Whats the point in keeping him alive? True love would be putting him out his misery


>You christians are so stupid on that
No they are not stupid. When christians were in power they banned technology and especially medicine so nature good do their job. This baby born in the Christian 1017 would be no issue at all.

But then liberals came and deprived Christians of the government powers and forced medicine and """"progress"""" degeneracy on them.

>got an infection and died
That's an 1800's epitaph if I've ever seen one

>still might stay a vegetable

Dude, when a bunch of doctors come together and say the brain damage is permanent, it's permanent. Stop pretending you know better. That's what ignorant people do.

Your country has the poverty rate of Turkey, user (and about the same number of people who think evolution isn't real too).

As ridiculous as that claim sounds, I agree. It really seems like the natives of Europe are being singled out out for some type of ass backwards eugenics program. Between all the mudshit and nigger men, unpunished rapes and assaults, the very common terror attacks etc