So anyway... Donald Trump

>So anyway... Donald Trump.
I hate this motherfucker so goddamn much.

I'm just waiting for him to finally snap and start openly calling for GURUMP'S assassination

>So anyway... fuck America.
What a stunning interview that was, his best yet

Same. And his fucking audiance, the most retarded, childish audiance i've ever seen.

He had good bantz in the bush era.

TOUH ScOHOPS DanhaLD Dromphe NooOo T2o Schoooooops silly droooooooomph

Colbert is practically the propagandist from V for Vendetta at this point.


It's really sad that comedians are so caught up in the bullshit that they can't or more than likely won't learn how to crack good jokes. Bill Clinton was a peak time period for comedians, and Bush had plenty of material as well, Colbert being the best there was against Bush. But it's like they've all lost their touch.

Maybe audiences in big cities are too politically correct these days for the jokes to land right, who knows. Chappelle did a couple of good skits shortly after the election that went well regardless of what you believe, but I get the feeling even he has to watch what he says.

He has to play a character. He's a soulless hollow of man otherwise. His tonight show was embarrassing when he just tried to play a regular, normal host.

>So anyway... Donald Trump
[crowd booing]
>I hope his kid gets raped and eaten alive
[crowd laughing]
>Oh I'm sorry... I would personally rape and eat his autistic kid
[crowd cheering in rapturous applause]

Which episode was this


That is probably viewed as a liberal movie now like 1985.

every single one of them lately

With Clinton and Bush, it was meant to be funny. Now, in the current political climate, there is such vitriol and hatred coming through what people say about the other side, even joking, that it is just not funny anymore. The hatred is palpable. That's the problem.

>Regards, national socialist. Heil Hitler

>That flag

at least anarchist can use a metro or say roads ... where you go there are no such things (i mean in the toilet for political ideologies)

>waves Nazi flag
>complains about vitriol and hateful rhetoric

Oh the ironing.

He was funnier before :/
