It's this time of the week again, where I try to post some truth to this board without being banned if possible...

It's this time of the week again, where I try to post some truth to this board without being banned if possible. Mod's who question the political validity to this message should realize that an individual or a society that adopts this worldview will radically shift in general political attitude. Therefore I argue that this is one of the most politically charged posts one can make. Ban me or do not. It will not stop me posting truth.

We are living in a holographic, fractal universe.
You are the single point of singularity from which the universe springs forth. Every being that has achieved free will can experience this, also known as the reborn or enlightened ones. Alignment with the All-being being the goal of free will. Every single point in space is this singularity of consciousness. The basic material from which the Universe is made is consciousness. The universe is a non-local matrix of the same conscious singularity. It has no edges, it has no center, except for the one perceived by you, which would be the space you enter when you close your eyes. All beings are like sun rays traveling along a highly personalized directional vector from the same 'sun' or singularity. Our 'past' are all connected to the same singularity which science has to tried to explain as 'The Big Bang' Theory. Except time isn't linear. It all spreads out from you. Past and future. The only real moment is Present. You are a holographic representation of the All-being, who also lives in Present. We all just inhabit different points of space. We are divisions of the great Mind. Many cultures have called this meta-mind God.

We are all One. We are. I Am.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why have we forsaken this knowledge? When did we forget, because indeed all ancient cultures knew all this. You hold great power within you, each as an individual but even more so as an aggregate. If we were to spend our time feeding this information back into the great loop, Life on Earth would improve beyond our wildest imaginations. Humanity is in dire need of this information. It has been occulted for too long. The 'powers that be' know this all, and seek to hide it from you. To make you abandon your divine inner selves. To bring you down to their level of non-connectedness, as these are psychopaths I speak of. Beings with no empathy, and therefore no ability to connect to this infinite structure. We must defend ourselves against the influences of these individuals, who in their psypathic state HAVE achieved a state of sick unity. They share the same ambitions and seek to control the mind for their selfish purposes, no matter who they hurt. They do exist for a reason though, to teach us this exact lesson. To teach us what we DON'T want.

I, you, we, IMPLORE you! Change your focus from the darkness to the light and we will find solutions. We must illuminate the darkness and it shall flee before us. It will not be a soothing experience. On the contrary, realizing Truth is often times painful and filled with struggles. We alone have the power to change the world but it happens on an INDIVIDUAL level. A quantum shift. Many hands make light work. For there to be a straw that breaks the camels back here have to be thousands of straws before it. I do not ask you to 'believe' this knowledge. I ask you to become a seeker yourself. Look and ye shall find. Know this knowledge first-hand, but for that to happen there must be research. RE-search it, for it has been found many times before. If we not only know this, but become it, then truly, you will have Wisdom. Action makes knowledge become Wisdom. And the smallest interaction, either with others or yourself, can cause great ripples in the ocean of Life. How you think, feel and act is of utmost importance. Do not believe the inner lies that tell you otherwise.

Love yourself, even the negative, so you can love others, so they can love you. This is the positive feedback loop we all desire within the sub-conscious. This will start a healing process. Align yourself with it and we will change this world in ways we cannot yet fathom with the human mind. Politics, economics, education, social in-groups seek to divide us and therefore block Truth. A Mind united under Truth has no need for these trivialities. Unity is ALL THAT IS. Pure consciousness. These puppet masters lie and enchant the mind into believing otherwise. Let yourself be free from these illusions and true happiness and contentness will manifest in all levels of human experience.

this is a politics board


I bring this message at this point in time because we were not ready to hear it.
But now there comes a new re-volution of the wheel of Life and it will be a tumultuous one, filled with change and confusion.
Trust in your Self. The higher Self and no harm can be done. Accept that your brothers and sisters are One with you, and are in great anguish, as are you. Recognize this. Darkness is not to be fled from but to be integrated into the Whole and to be made conscious, only after having done so can healing begin.

The only binding element is Love. Love for the All-being, which you are an integral part of.

Hear my, inadequate as they may be, words and SEEK!
Forgive yourself and others for their mistakes, past, present and future. Accept that we made mistakes on the Path. Accept that suffering is a state created by your own mind and the aggregation of all minds. Let go of illusions and dispell them when they arise. Seek Love, Harmony and Balance. Do this and we will find balance, integration and peace at last.

Ah you're back with your horsehit copy pasta.

You must some kind of witch.

As I have said, this is a political view. There can be no greater revolution politically speaking than adopting this worldview.

While it is copy paste I assure you it's my OC

If this is true, give me some money. I got bills to pay, and have been out of work for a little while.

>this is a political view

So what should the income tax be?

Should the DMT you've overdosed on be legalized?

Income is an old world concept in general.

The true currency is consciousness, which you can cultivate through thorough introspection, meditation, diet to balance the hormones and through these things raise your level of awareness.


I see weird spooky tits here.

I will never stop making this exact thread or threads of this type, as it is the only relevant information at this moment in human history.

Perception creates reality, so maybe you're just thinking about tits all the time.

Pictures like OP's make me want to learn differential and topology

Differential geometry

Yeah, yeah, everyone else are idiots and you are the only real helicopter.

Enjoy your autism.

You would in fact be studying the actual geometry the Universe uses to structure itself. Or more specifically speaking, that consciousness uses to structure the Universe in which it can have an experience.

If I really thought that I wouldn't be here, sharing this information. I would keep it to myself and use it as an exceedingly powerful weapon against people who do not posess this knowledge. It's what the 'cabal' does, and look how it's working out for them.

You should lay down the psychedelics user. Your brain is out of wiggity wack your are seriously bonked on the almonds. Your family is most likely concerned that you never leave your room and have jars full of urine and feces laying around amongst papers full off incoherent autistic scribble. SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY, we will help you!

I have never consumed a psychadelic in my life. The most powerful psychadelic is the sober mind. I know this all sounds vague and non-descriptive, but believe me when I say that one day science will catch up to this, actually it already is in the foremost frontier of quantum mechanics.

is making Sup Forums aware of this good or bad??what is your intent? who is the target audience?

Bump for universal knowledge , good job friend.

Good question. I can't be sure of the consequences of me sharing this information. The thing is, the only true moral thing to do is to share it, what people do with it after is their own moral choice. I cannot control their actions. People need to hear this, whoever does not know it, so the target audience is everyone who doesn't already know really.

As for my intentions, I assure you they are good, or I would have never shared these gems of information with you all. There are some who would say; do not toss pearls before swine. I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement, as I have faith in the good in the majority of man and trust them to do the right thing with it, even if they reject it at first, or do not immediately know how to effectively apply this information. All I can do is share it and hope for the best.

Source on this. You obviously didn't propose this theory yourself. I would rather hear/read from the original author than a cuck slav.

Actually I did come to these conclusions myself, only to have them affirmed when looking into different fields of scientific endeavor. A good place to start would be plasma Universe, or holofractal Universe.

They basically propose the same theory, that there is a metaphyisical substance that pervades all of space, which ties every single quantifiable 'particle' together. A point of infinite information, accesible at every point of space.

I mean Tesla basically said all this outright. Zero point energy is this field of energy, to which we are all attached. But I actually recommend not letting your perception be influenced by these external theories, but to look inside the self and finding this energy yourself, as this is not only possible, but it will uplift your life to ever greater states of contentment. Zen masters, buddhist monks, catholic priests all strive to come into as close of a contact with this field at all times, as you are indeed coming closer and closer to actual infinite divinity. Or rather, this field is what we have called God/divinity, as it is omnipresent, omnipotent (from it emerges all we can experience) and omniscient (it contains all the information needed to manifest all things).

Experiencing this force for yourself, internally, will connect you to all things, unifying you with everything surrounding you, bringing and end to division and therefore suffering. Eating well, conscious exercise such as yoga and quiet introspection through meditation will yield these results when practiced enough.

We all have. Most of us noticed atoms look like galaxies in 4th grade. Thanks for the interesting pastas tho, saved.

Yes those types of realizations are excellent in true sight. Yet there are deeper levels of consciousness only really found by cutting away at the ego and seeking ever greater levels of connectedness inside of yourself.

Having an intellectual concept of consciousness is not the same as outright experiencing consciousness first hand. Thinking is not being.

We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC AND FRACTAL in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger.

>Thinking is not being.
Well I'll completely agree with this detail right here. It's probably impossible for anyone remotely aware of these "similarities" to fully understand the mind of one who is completely ignorant and unmotivated towards the subject.


Mixing in truth with falsehood to manipulate people isn't the right thing to do, but you will find this out for yourself eventually.

I don't have anything to add to this thread, so have a bump at least, for the truth.

I actually realised these facts myself, so I'm glad someone took the time to put all this together. Good work, OP.

That picture is very interesting
It illustrates the meaning of Being of life, which is life itself
Our true purpose is to live and multiply, have kids and make sure our kids will have kids
Basically, attain genetic immortality
Interestingly enough, all religions are build around this idea and call it Logos or Tao.

We can never be on the same level intellectually, but when we tap into pure consciousness within ourselves, all playing fields are leveled. Anyone can experience this no matter the level of their conscious knowledge of it, because the sub-conscious knows all things.

What does the Rodin glyph explain about the significance of 3,6,and 9

Genetic immortality is impossible, as all slates will be wiped clean in the end. It's just that while we are here, we should strive to make the most beautiful creation that we can, by adhering to the laws inherent to all creation.

My many dmt experiences would beg to differ

Watch this. Encoded on the cover of Shakespeare's Sonnet from 1609 there is a lot of esoteric knowledge. All the mathematical constants we use today are in it. Some constants which we have been told we "discovered" just recently are there.

There is a big surprise in the video as well which i'm not gonna spoil.

'Truth' and 'falsehood' are relative terms. You cannot know 'truth' without 'falsehood' to compare it to. Thus, 'truth' and 'falsehood' are concepts bound by duality (i.e. opposites). Pure Consciousness has no opposite, that's what makes it Pure Consciousness. And we will agree to disagree. :)

DMT is a shortcut to higher consciousness. But it is hollow in that you didn't do the inner work to achieve it.

That's a load of shit. There is ONE and only one Universal consciousness that emerged about 200,000 years after the big bang. You are NOT it. It is all-powerful, omniscient and infinite. It has all the power of the Universe at it's disposal including relativity and retro-causality. We are all in touch with it to a greater or lesser degree. Some enlightened are in constant conscious contact. See the research of Stuart Hameroff.

It is Holographic and interconnected at the Planck scale. See the research of Paolo Zizzi.

You are not God.

Pic related it's a centuries old conception of how the Universe operates at the Planck scale.

That's a very Zen way of looking at existence.

I'm not saying we ARE god. I'm saying we are a monad in the grander pattern that is god. The ALL is god and we are a small part of it. That being said, you are a holographic representation of it, and you can let the divine properties within shine through.

Truth and falsehood are not relative terms. I recommend you release your solipsistic ways. Truth is not something you can determine as you wish. Truth is something inherent in things that we are to discover and then accept.

>Truth and falsehood are not relative terms.

Yes they are. Truth and falsehood are completely relative terms.

>I recommend you release your solipsistic ways.


>Truth is not something you can determine as you wish.

Yes it is.

>Truth is something inherent in things that we are to discover and then accept.

Truth is not inherent in anything and freedom is the end of acceptance. You lack imagination.

Maybe attaining genetic immortality is only an individual human's purpose.
Is creation itself the end and mean of God/the Universe?

>You are the single point of singularity from which the universe springs forth.

You clearly said the above statement which I copied. VERY WRONG. You ARE a small part of the infinite. There is a HUGE difference.

Accept that you are NOT god, but an infinitesimal part of God. You are a hair on a pimple on God's ass. That is all.

A misconception about God is that he is all-loving. WRONG

Beg God's infinite mercy if he allows you to, for after all, all your thoughts come from God.

We are basically sensory and motive organs for God. God sees through our eyes and works through our hands. (As well as gravitational lensing, and the power of black holes and every other thing in the universe)

You are clinging to illusions and even though your experience of them might make them seem real to you, they never will be. What you are doing is embracing secondary psychopathy.

Okay but he's starving. The only thing you're giving him is death. Are you fucking retarded?

Op has CLEARLY been under the influence of a psychedelic drug.

This memory of the post will remain forgotten in the spiral of perception.

I'm not a robot. Ticked. Select all squares with vehicles.

Yes. Consciousness creates so that it can experience.

You know that POV only works, when you consider there's a god as in
>god the creator

All is One! Yes! LIke the Law of One!
> Crazy series, but super fascinating.


>you are saying stuff against my bullshit and therefore it is wrong and a delusion

You're literally circle jerking here, give me a compact version of the message.

>You are clinging to illusions

Everything is illusory, except Pure Consciousness. I cling to nothing.

>even though your experience of them might make them seem real to you, they never will be.

'Real' is another relative term. What is considered 'real' to someone is the dream state is considered 'unreal' to someone in the waking state.

>What you are doing is embracing secondary psychopathy.

I embrace nothing. I only say what is.

I'm not saying my body or my ego is the infinite. I'm saying that consciousness is the infinite and if you can stop the interference created by the ego and the impulses of the body and mind, you can experience this infinity. You can align your experience with that of the All-Being. I'm not saying you can become it completely while being incarnated here.

With plasma universe are you referring to plasma cosmology?

* someone in the dream state

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit you just made up while on psychedelics.

what happens when we die then Dutchman?

All I do is wish for ego death and collective consciousness. Please help me find a shred of truth in this world.

>We are all One. We are. I Am.
No we're not you dumb nigger.

Yes I am, but I prefer the holofractal Universe theory for its clarity.

Pure consciousness is indeed the only objective experience we as humans can have, but there are subjective experiences derived from objective value. Gravity is indeed in effect and we all have only a subjective experience of it, but it is, in this Universe, an objective law. You may say it doesn't exist and that all laws are illusory and malleable to your will but then you are confusing yourself, a lowly ego driven being, with the eternal creator. Which you are not.

What you are stating would be completely correct if you were the only being in existence, but you're not. This is a psychopathic view.

Nah he posted it already.

Mods dindu nuffin; that's some luciferian faggot.

You either have learned this lesson to your core and you return to the source of consciousness, to live in eternity, until you choose to incarnate by free will or you forcibly reincarnate to learn the lessons you have not yet learned.

Either way, it's nothing to worry about.

>or you forcibly reincarnate to learn the lessons you have not yet learned
>Either way, it's nothing to worry about

Pure Consciousness is the only 'being' (if you want to use that word) in existence and I am Pure Consciousness. So are you and everyone else. Pure Consciousness is the whole and I am a part of the whole, but since 'reality' is holofractalic in nature, I not only contain the whole but AM the whole - but merely on a smaller scale. So, yes, I am the only being in existence.

Remove all negative conditioning on yourself and you'll find that the ego will actually serve you in bringing you to a state of consciousness. The ego is not something to be completely discarded of, but a tool to bring you closer to true consciousness. It is a stepping stone, which you put down when you achieve pure consciousness and pick back up again when you need to act in this world.

Start by removing all negativity from your life, by being brutally honest to yourself about your life and your habits. That's the best info I can give you without knowing more of your situation.

You are the only being in existence which is like you. You are unique. Your genetic code may be tied to your parents and family but you are still unique as people go. So technically you are right, you are the being in existence which is like you

No. You are a low resolution representation of the whole which isn't the same as the highest resolution version of it. If you view the same picture through 8 bit or through 4k, is it actually the same picture?


You need to learn this, or you will inflict great damage not only to yourself but others as well.

You are not currently having the All experience, and the fact that you are typing on a computer proves that.

Negativity is love.
Darkness predates light.
Righteous hatred is the only freedom from the cycle.
Become the little death that brings total obliteration.

Then why do you not remember any of your 'past lives'



>You are a low resolution representation of the whole which isn't the same as the highest resolution version of it.

I am the highest resolution version of it.



>You need to learn this

No I don't.

>You are not currently having the All experience

Yes I am.

>and the fact that you are typing on a computer proves that.

Wrong. I'm not typing on a computer. I'm typing on a piano.

So what do you want us to do again?
Any info on september 23?

Because memory as we experience it is a function of the human brain. Therefore, 2 different brains cannot have the same memories.

That being said, you can 'remember' what it feels like to be attacked by a tiger through the experiences of your ancestors, through dna. So in that sense, you can 'remember' them. But you can't have the conscious memory of the exact situation etc.

I can certify that this is true. I'm not christian at all, but i like this one particulary:

Mark 4:35-41
35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

It is all about belief. It sounds like a clichè, but believe hard enough, so hard that your subconciouss don't doubt yourself, everything is possible. I've used this much, and opportunities and people approach me.

You can think, believe and do whatever you want.

Couldn't literally everything about modern life be considered a form of negative conditioning born from ego? I can't help but consider ego to be a pox, a parasite that feeds off of the consciousness and prevents us from actually amounting to anything as a species. is a perfect example with his text book solipsism. There are too many people on this planet with the same mindset and it's incredibly frustrating knowing that we'll very likely never break free from this.

Op is clearly trying to inflate his ego and his reality comes down to shitposting...

trying to fulfill his superiority complex because he is a lonely man child who crazes satisfaction..

Such a vile existence.

Meanwhile Western civilisation and white people are being eradicated..

Yes almost everything in the Western and increasingly global culture is becoming ego centered. But there is a world outside of it. A world of love for your fellow man and wholesome creative activity. You need not follow this template laid out for you.

if you accept that quantity is real, then truth is inherent in many things. ive never met anyone who could deny quantity being a thing

That's nice and all but if you don't base yourself in God the Father and the Bible you're just pissing in the wind.

See that's what your type can never understand, its not just about love, its also about righteousness, that's what new age kids don't get about christianity, there needs to be soft virtues like there needs to be hard virtues, you can't abuse love or it will turn you into a cuck who thinks in exclusively subjective terms, and you can't abuse righteousness because it turns you into a asshole jew tryannt.

You can share in a small part of the infinite. But you are NOT the infinite. When the infinite tires of your mortal form you (your ego) will wink out of existence. The infinite will continue as it always has.

You're not special to the infinite, just one amongst trillions of sensory inputs.

We will never ascend because the ego seeks to consume rather than to coexist. And the ego is the core of our being. Look at

The only hope for us is ego death. We can only have a future if we shed our humanity and become something else.

I've never said love doesn't mean sometimes defending things that are right and true with force. But that's where it ends. Defence. Once you find yourself acting first in the name of 'righteoussness' you are becoming what you are supposedly fighting. Beware the trap of conflict.


How do I get to become a grill with this knowledge? Teach me.

Jesus comes from Gisis, or isis which was the egyptian god. Look at your dollar bill, it's a pyramid with the eye of Horus, and the "Eagle" is ISIS. The wings around the sun is how the egyptians depicted God. America is masonic, and masons hate christians. They want to destroy it and worship baal.

bla bla bla.

If I believe I'm a jelly donut will I have a soft fruit flavored center?

Lots of hokum.

There is one true god and he gives a shit about you.

He's all powerful and all-knowing so you do exactly what he wants as he's known you would for billions of years.

You can't surprise him or 'make him sad'. LOL.
He's motherfucking all-powerful. And if you're not worshipping the all-powerful ONE, you're worshipping a feeble shadow of him.

You have no free-will, just an illusion of free-will.

I do not completely agree. The ego is not at the core of our existence, rather it is at the outer shell of our existence, with the inner core being pure aware consciousness.

The way I see it it's: pure transcendent consciousness > sub conscious > self-conscious mind/ego. That is ofcourse an extreme simplification of it, and there are an almost infinite amount of degrees between those 3.

The ideal state of mind being in my experience inside of the sub conscious. Transcendental consciousness can only really be achieved during meditation, but if we all inhabited that state constantly, we would starve, not realizing our body needs sustenance. The body is a gift of God and deserving of our responsable stewardship. But if we live in ego only, we would only be sustaining our body and meeting it's survival needs. Both of these states are necessary but not exclusively desirable.

The golden mean, the middle path is the way to go, where you are keeping your 'eye' on the transcendental stars above to navigate general direction, but remembering to look, through the ego, to the ocean surface to navigate the multiple obstacles facing you on that plane.

Read a book cuck

What you're stating is that I believe this experience is completely solipsistic from our point of view, which I completely disagree with. You can't completely alter the substance of the Universe according to your lower self will. What I'm saying is that we are in a shared experience, in which we can, to a degree, mold our own subjective bubble of experience, and others can do the same, resulting in a shared result. The complete and utter collection of all these experiences and Universes being the All-Being or 'God'. And yes it is all powerful and all knowing. We are talking about the same thing if you would just read all my comments here.
I'm not often a proponent of eugenics, but in your case...