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im done

But don't they record sex not gender?

Lmao dude I can't even. I have no words. Like just fuck my shit up senpai.

>rape woman
>go to court
>but its a dude, men cant be raped
>court shrugs

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

This is fucking child abuse. Fucking disgusting.

They need a war.

nuke ontario desu

as long as is voluntary and not mandatory I guess....

Nice non country you got there

Imagine the bureaucratic rigmarole this will cause when their gender is finally registered..

All this to satisfy the demands of 0.00001% of the population. At this rate why don't we put braille for the blind on every single object since we are now catering to every single person

They are going to give them during birth and you'll be gender neutral until 18 when you'll have to pass a misogyny test to get a male passport.

Just fuck my child's medical records up senpai

I literally can't wait till all the bubbles burst and reality knocks everyone in this country on their ass

I can't wait to see their flowery interpretation of reality burned to ash

I can't wait for them to be forcibly given the redpill

They should start issuing date-neutral ones as well so people can choose their own birthdays.

But Braille IS on most public objects, even drive throughs

Uhm, what's the problem sweetie? Nobody is forcing you to be gender neutral. Mind your own business, thanks.

Yeah but its not on every single object yet you ableist pig

fucking cancer


It's ironic these people would be the ones to proclaim they love science so much due to pop culture glorifying it in shit like Rick and Morty, Breaking Bad and The Big Bang Theory but if it wasn't for that I bet you any money they'd ban biology entirely from both schools and universities.

Fuck this, I'm bouncing bros. I loved this place... but I'll be better off in Hungary. Sigh... twas fun lads.

post link

there's tons of false news about canada on this board. if you dont see a link, its probably fake

Google you idiot


why dont you the decency to link your own fucking OP instead you useless fuck. i know writing more than one line to you is probably unthinkable

It's real


cant wait to get out of there

Canada is going to confuse many future archaeologists.

Real AF and supported by most zombie normies and media without question. (Leaf bro posting from burger-land)

Unfortunately it's real.

>when a minority can force it's will upon the majority because they're too scared to do anything

ALL the panels and hearings have had a ton of speakers talking about how letting stuff like this go is a bad idea but both the nonelected councils and the elected officials don't have the balls to do anything, with one or two exceptions.

Plus EVERY panel has at least one woman who stands up and starts screeching RACISM or TRANSPHOBIA as soon as someone states an opposing opinion. Almost always a middle-aged stubby Asian woman.

Down down the hill from now on

God damn! This is utter child abuse of the mind. I bet the parents wanting this will force tbe kid to be neither masculine or feminine. This is some voluntary subtle MK Ultra shit. That kid is going to be mindfuck as in it's parents are going ti force and perhaps even punish them for naturally wanting to comform and do behaviours related to their sex & gender. I fucking hate these faggots. Dykes, Fags, Trannies and secret Fags (bisexuals) are the only real queer shit.

If I had a son, I'd register him as a female. That way, when he gets to high school he'll be able to go into the girls locker room and see titties all day. That would totally guarantee he wouldn't grow up to be a giant homo.

Parents can now be punished for not allowing their child to conform to it's feeling of gender identitity and what it wants to do.
Unless of course it's the same as the child's sex, then it's just fiiine to fuck with it and force other things on it.

I wonder how many angst ridden teens are going to be calling CPS.

Nice to see child abuse widely accepted in leaf land.

>when global warming is real but biology is fake

>when people are more scared of being called a name than societal downfall
They've let it get to the point where you can be imprisoned for your nonviolent ideas and words now. SEEM FAMILIAR.

Social media was a mistake.

second of all, that woman in OPs picture is really ugly, no joke. I want to kick her in the chin.

>Siding with a leaf


Who needs a nuke. Historically the acceptance and widespread touting of trans or nonsex peoples by the upper class has signalled the ruin of empires.

Let it burn, I grow food, have enough lumber nearby to support multiple generations and enough ammo to deal with thieves.

Canada hate thread?


Canada YES!



Can you imagine the public cost of this? Identifying people, etc? Just how much waste this will generate?

Who am I kidding, the government doesn't give a shit about waste and the public don't understand tax waste because they can't comprehend it unless someone is physically robbing them.


the entire world needs a wat,we need it desperately.if we win it's all good,if we lose,at least we stop suffering.

>kid is mentally poisoned by external environment
>kid is mentally poisoned by internal environments
Ayo hol up.. what cities (not province) are moral corrupters in Canada with SJW, gender mindfuck and suicidal altruism shit?

don't call it a grave, it's your future

>"what cities"
>not just "cities"
Urbanization is a cancer, especially in NA.
Stay rural or semi-rural.

*rubs hands together*
muh sheckle investments are showing great returns

Ontario is absolutely insane and ruining the country. They teach anal sex to grade 3 children and gender identity shit in classrooms. They are the ones with the gender identity bills passing to take children away from you if you dont give them hormone blockers and use proper genders. They are the ones with the islamaphobe bills passing from their muslim brotherhood communities and MPs. Ontario needs to die.

>suspect is armed and dangerous
>and gender neutral according to their ID

Nothing to see there.

>tfw I almost moved to Canada at one point
>decided not to
>now my kids won't have their gentians Manditory mutilated via decree of the Canadian government

Thank gos

All we need is a white ( excluding hispanic and jewish ) and a non-white birth certificates.

I hate you sweetie fags so much

Most of the SJW bullshit about Canada posted on Sup Forums are from Ontario, Canada's Sweden

Some newborns are physically undetermined.

In this case only -and under strict medical agreement- gender neutral certificate is OK, as it allows the newborn to choose a gender when able.

Muzzie and queer alliance. A combination that can only create an absolute shithole.

While I agree that Southern Ontario is a big issue, it's not alone.

Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal are part of it.

Exactly. They have always been 'gender neutral'.

I can feel the frost in that pic

Yeah, we a re a post nation state with no identity. The prime minister said so. He also said that diversity is our strength, though, so maybe take all this with a grain of salt.
