If Israel was working on a 'Greater Israel' project, I'd be fine with it...

If Israel was working on a 'Greater Israel' project, I'd be fine with it. I would rather have a large(r) Jewish state in the Middle East rather than a Caliphate or a bunch of Islamic states, Sunni and Shia alike.

Also, don't you think Israel would have worked to keep Sinai after '67 if such a project existed?

Remember, the Israeli government is still divided. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled against occupational or expansionist sentiments.

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>I'd be fine with it.

White people suffer in this process, you idiot.


There are moving all the Muslims to Europe.

Listen, don't ever feel sympathy for a Jew. Jews are pure evil, every single one. They will stab you in the back the moment they get their hands on you.

The only good Jew is a dead Jew.

Nuke Mecca, Baghdad, and Damascus and they could probably get away with it.

>There are moving all the Muslims to Europe.
Nope. They'll move further East. Europe must grow the fuck up, stop being cucks, elect rightwing nationalist governments and close their borders just as Israel has advised them to over the years.

The problem is, once the Greater Israel project is complete, Muslims will leave the area and start migrating to Europe. So it's basically the same thing

>Muslims will leave the area and start migrating to Europe. So it's basically the same thing

This is actually happening now.

But Greater Israel is just a meme in my opinion. There aren't nearly enough Jews to fill up that space (even if all the world Jews decided to move there) and it would be too expensive of a project. They nearly went bankrupt when they first started annexing the West bank. I think the most realistic theory is that Israel is just happy with having their enemies who target them destabilized and at constant states of turmoil/war.

Sure. I'm just going along with this scenario and seeing how it could technically be achieved.

>There are moving all the Muslims to Europe.
No they are not.
US-Western foreign policy + Islamic countries intentionally not taking in refugees + Welfare states of Western Europe = disaster waiting to happen.

Many of them are economic migrants taking advantage of the refugee crisis. Remember, there's millions displaced from Libya, Iraq, Syria alone. When you dangle free education, housing, healthcare, opportunity for work/live off handouts, what do you think they are going to do?

Europe, particularly Western Europe HAS the power to shut down their borders and tighten the grip on benefits and welfare. They don't.

European voters constantly vote against right-wing parties, not 'da joozsh'

>Listen, don't ever feel sympathy for a Jew. Jews are pure evil, every single one
This thread isn't about just Jews. I'm obviously not going to change your opinion on how you feel about something. You're not going to change mine either.

>They will stab you in the back the moment they get their hands on you.
Super sensationalist and melodramatic much?

>Also, don't you think Israel would have worked to keep Sinai after '67 if such a project existed?
Also why hasn't anyone tried answering this yet?

Israel attacks Europe, racemix it, debt it, fuck you.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Will you think that when it creates millions of muslim nigger refugees

>just as Israel has advised them to over the years.

you must not be watching the news very much

No. MSM is complete rubbish. I do my own research. I suggest you do the same. If you want I can provide you with the sources I've come across both on here and elsewhere.

you may do so but I will be expecting it to come from actual government officials and not israeli news anchors

you should look further into the american political system and how many of those pushing for open borders have mysteriously similar last names

I'm talking specifically about the Israeli government, not the USA or Europe. It's in Israel's complete interest and security that far-right nationalist governments get elected and lose their liberal, Muslim loving ways which encourage anti-Israel rhetoric, BDS, scrutiny and the support of Palestinians.

>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right
>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany

Think about it this way: Israel needs a pro-Israel government in the US (and to a lesser extent, UK / EU).

An Islamised USA / EU would go against this priority as it would likely lead to governments with adversarial approaches to Israel. Imagine a UK government in which, say, Sadiq Khan becomes prime minister or a senior member of cabinet. Do you think Israel would see this with interest or oppose it actively?

That leftie, secular Jews in the US (and EU) are pushing for globalisation, islamisation and immigration is without a doubt true.

But to claim that this is a zionist plot demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic geopolitics, since Israel only stands to lose from such events.

Holy fuck, finally someone who gets it.

It was too big an area and mostly desert so it wasn't worth the political fallout if they kept it.

Don't blame Israel because Europe can't be bothered to defend its own borders. European people are suicidal.

It's an abstract kind of Greater Israel.

That is why they're encouraging muslims to live in Europe, so that some liberal muslims will go back or export novel islamo-liberal conventions to the Levant. Part of this greater israel will be dependable client states.

The regimes there are already burying themselves in american fighter jets, and the Israelies eagerly produce military technology systematised together with american standards, they've just a while ago secured rights to produce F-35s with very different avionics.

fuck off kike


If Jews have control of Western government they won't have to worry about any further Sadiq Kahns gaining prominence.