After watching the movie "Patriot" and watched the show "TURN Washington's spies" and reading up on history about how...

After watching the movie "Patriot" and watched the show "TURN Washington's spies" and reading up on history about how evil and corrupted and ruthless the redcoats brits were towards the colonists and such I have a question.

Why did we stopped attacking the british after the revolution?

Seriously I get it that we fought for freedom and independence from the yellow buck teeth bastards but why stop there? Why not continued the fight and gather up the military strength and go towards U.K. and destroy the rest of them?

Seriously it infuriates me to see and hear that the United States of America after becoming a self proclaimed country and independent nation have not went after the fleeing bastards and ended them all then go after U.K. and destroy that empire onced and for all!

Why!? Why did our four fathers and later on generations of this nation not raged war against the ungodly nation of U.K.!?

Why are we allied with them and why are we now friends with them!?

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Because imperialism is fucking stupid

Are you fucking retarded? Do you know what a logistical nightmare it was to cross the Atlantic in the early 19th century? It would literal suicide to do so. The founding fathers were extremely intelligent men. Goddamn wait this is bait isn't it

Because it would be fucking retarded and nigh impossible.

I wished we did go after them and destroy them all for what they have done to us.

Our military is strong now and their "empire" is a joke now so I agree with you. Why are we not attacking them at their weakest point?

United Statist have been mere peasants back then. They barely managed to get rid of the Brits by making this war cost-ineffective for them just like the Viatnamese, Taliban and Iraqi insurgents did in modern times.
What makes you think the pitiful US Navy of the 18/19th century could have taken out the Royal Navy or even fight the Brits in their homeland?


you did, you dismantled our empire after WW2.

if you had tried it back after the war of independence you would have got your shit stomped.

so maybe stop asking Sup Forums for history lessons.

Because our corrupted government sided with their corrupted learders and we are forced to be allies with those disgusting brown teeth cunts.

Oh and of course because the majority of settlers were british, including those fighting for independance.
They harboured no deeper hatred for Britian which you seem to imply, they simply wanted to be free of them.

because you would have fucking lost you stupid inbred american, start reading books and dont get your history from a fucking propaganda movie and some trash tv show you faggot.

>amphibious assault against what was at the time the world's largest navy
Whites shouldn't fight whites anyway.

Ice Hizzari:
So, what kind of people moved to America? Well, the yanks would tell you it was the energetic, the industrious, the thinkers, dreamers and thrusters, casting off the stifling social shackles of Mother Europe.
Well, they would say that, wouldn't they?
Permit me another interpretation. What kind of strange people travel halfway across the world to a wilderness, leaving families, homes, and friends behind?
The misfits do. The weirdos. The credulous, simple-minded cultists of new religions. The strange, the unloved and the unlovable. Weak husbands running away from their wives, felonious criminals escaping the law, repeat failures at life dodging creditors. The greedy, the lazy, and the feckless.
The energetic and motivated don't run to a new land; they stay and are successful in their homeland. The intelligent don't risk everything on the whims of the sea. The brave don't flee from their circumstances. They stay, they persevere, and they make a success of themselves.
We can see its effect in England. For 50 years Great Britain cast off its dead wood across the sea, freed itself from the shackles of the mediocre, the criminal, and the crazy.
The result? For a hundred years England, a small and poor nation, presided over the greatest sustained period of advancement in the history of mankind. Its trade was several times larger than its next rival. Its fleets unmatched at sea. Its empire spanned the globe, the largest in history, the largest that will ever be. Look at Ireland; after 100 years of casting off the dead wood, she was able to free herself from England.

Meanwhile, the Americans were handed a pleasant land of fields and roads, managed by a friendly and welcoming populace and blessed by a climate suitable for the growing of any crop that can be imagined. The mineral wealth of the Northern continent was a vast untapped jewel box, the greatest of its kind ever known. Within two centuries, they had genocided the friendly natives, turned vast swathes of productive land into dust bowl wastes, and after two hundred and fifty years of freely plundering the greatest natural treasures ever discovered, still managed to find themselves trillions of pounds in debt, universally loathed by everyone else, in possession of a ludicrously materialist culture, a legal system up for auction to the highest bidder, a morally bankrupt kleptocratic political system, a poisoned land rapidly getting more poisoned and the world's most ignorant and fattest population.
A nation settled by betas, founded by betas, and almost entirely comprised of betas and their history, politics, so-called 'culture', with an astounding track record of military failure to peasant guerrilla armies across the globe that only serves to confirm this.

We were going to ally with the French but their terms were worse than what the Brits wanted at the start so we said "Fuck the French" and went with the Brits.

How can you love the country that destroyed the world and gave all control to the kikes?

Because they knew the power of the kike and the british royalty is as rat-faced as they come.

This. If it weren't for Jackson we would have even lost the War of 1812 on our own soil.

television isn't real you stupid fucking retard

Because from almost our inception an elite of criminals was allowed to form, unchecked, that sympathized with those "yellow buck toothed bastards." American old money WASPs see themselves as an extension of the English, and for the longest time they were the most influential group steering our country's politics. This group has worked hand in hand with Jews and is responsible for the degeneracy we have in our country today.

Because you never gained independance, you've been living under the crown this ENTIRE time and that is a FACT


Hello E. Michael Jones.

>Want to gain independence from Britain and their tyranny
>We actually get it
>Okay now lets go invade them and subjugate THEM

Are you fucking stupid? The colonists wanted independence not vengeance you moron.


Two nukes weren't enough

Haven't you heard of the War of 1812?

The Patriot was a subversive, dumbed down, normie meme tier piece of shit, set to prop up the struggle of America's founders as hypocritical and the concept of monarchy as inherently incompetent, vile and oppressive. It depicts whites, especially white American men as inherently ignorant and cruel. It depicts non-whites as inherently oppressed, and that the course of their social rise as a product of natural order. Any competent, fully masculine white man was depicted as either a symbol of impulsive brutality, or a symbol of reformed impulsive brutality. The hero of the film is only willing to pursue his own rights and dignity after the murder of his white son, like some sort of sacrifice.

It is the most blue-pilled historical film I've ever seen. Except maybe the 300 sequel.

you watched a movie and a tv show where the british are the bad guys and the main characters are the rebels.

also turn is complete fiction with characters named after people from history.

The Royal Navy would be the most likely answer, the Thirteen Colonies had nowhere near the strength to defeat it.

Because we did, then got fucking destroyed.
The Brits burned DC to the ground. We won one good victory against a shitty general after it ended.

>after it ended

Canadian proxy fag possibly detected. Brits objectively failed. US objectively succeeded. We won the war.

The Americans did attack Britain the got to whiteheaven and made it to the nearest pub and got drunk! I shit you not

Britain had a 2 power naval standard. They had as much tonnage in the water as the closest 2 powers combined, in case those two became allies to contest British naval dominance.

It's the same with American military might. Even the two (or twenty, in your case) next military forces could form an alliance and still be unable to contest American military dominance.

With that aside, do you realize between 33% and 50% of Americans have British ancestry? You wouldn't call Texas seceding an ethnic dispute, but rather a political one. You are our family and we are yours.

No hate. I love America more than any other country but my own.

>Why!? Why did our four fathers...
four fathers? Leaf with American proxy detected.
>In 1778 John Paul Jones launched one of the first invasions in American history. John Paul Jones, who is known as the father of the US Navy, was actually born in Scotland. In April of 1778 Jones, the captain of the sloop Ranger, led a shore party of about 30 to 40 men in a raid on the town of Whitehaven in England. About half of his crew found a pub and got drunk but a British coal ship was burnt and Jones spiked the shore batteries to protect his escape. The British press was in an uproar over the Whitehaven raid and insurance rates on shipping doubled overnight. No one was killed or seriously injured, but John Paul Jones had brought the war home to the English during the American Revolution.

Britain are the real Jews. They've been sticking their nose in everyone's business for a few hundred years now. Why hasn't the world just cooperated to sink their island yet?