I hate ads so much, like just imagine never seeing an ad again

I hate ads so much, like just imagine never seeing an ad again.

what is that even an ad for.

Whoever wrote that must've never been outside before.

>ah,sweet sweet home.

I actually really like ads
I've found a ton of good products I wouldn't have otherwise known about that way.
With that being said I use like 5 different ad blocking programs

I said this the other day when I walked out of the blazing heat of the sun into an Air conditioned store....

"Said no one ever"
I HATE this fucking Reddit/imgur way of speaking that is infecting everything
"So much this"
"Said no one ever"

Soon signs will say "take all of my upvotes"


You mean Jewish Vandalism? Yeah. I hate it too. Probably a beautiful panorama obscured by that kike graffiti.


the only people who say this are people who think being outdoors is just a hobby. If you've ever actually done anything outdoors, or worked a hard day in your life, then stepping into the 'great indoors' is like blowing your load in a 10

I have adblock plus, ghostery and several "hide my adblocker" extensions.
For outdoors signs, there is nothing to do, I hate them too especially those who use a naked woman, that are impossible not to look at (pic related is in Italy).

Ads have gotten worse.
>Listening to the radio
>15 minutes of commercials and maybe about 10 minutes of songs
>Some stations will play two songs and then play 5 commercials
Clear Channel was a mistake.

I love the indoors, fuck that ad

so much this

I hate niggers so much, like just imagine never seeing a nigger again.


Making friends.

I like clever ads, but there's few of them
I also like getting paid to design such ads, and if I can't make them clever I can at least make them effective.
People that think the same rules for physical and digital ads should apply in both directions is fucking stupid

All of those sayings predate Reddit you nigger

Ads are literally a non issue. The only time i ever really have to deal with "ads" is when some asshole telemarketer calls me trying to sell me something for the 5th time in a day, and they're always from india.


Sorry sweetie KROUMPFKIN

I like it but this is sadly not true, some people would rather be in a crowded gym than in the woods.

It's "home sweet home you disgusting manlet"

"This." said no one ever to you.

True story, i actually reject buying products due to advertisements far more often that i end up purchasing a product due to an advertisement. IMO ads do more harm to a product than good to promote it. If i want to learn about your product or need info on which products are available i'll use this thing called the fucking internet.

probably a conservation society