"Nigger toes"

>In North America, Brazil nuts are sometimes known by the epithet "nigger toes, though the term has fallen out of favor as public use of the racial slur became increasingly unacceptable by the 1960s. They can be seen being sold in a market under this name in a scene from the 1922 Stan Laurel film The Pest.

Ever notice how the white man has some little racist name for everything?

Other urls found in this thread:

merriam-webster.com/dictionary/iron chink
amazon.com/McCormicks-Licorice-Babies-Pieces-Pounds/dp/B00ESEB7GK/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1498795260&sr=8-1&keywords=Nigger babies

They call us crackers today

That's what we called them growing up

My grandma called them nigger toes... God I miss her and papaw

My grandpa called them that. I continued the tradition.

We have a knack for inventing languages.

My wife is black. I tell her to paint her brazil nuts like once a week

yep, never would let my mom hear me say it though

There's a more recent usage of someone or a cartoon using that term. I forget what it was but saying nigger toes reminded me.

Ha! My late alcoholic great uncle called these nigger toes to me when I was tiny. He also told stories about how white people have white bones, black people have black bones, and Indians have red bones. He "knew" this, because he dug into a burial mound when he was a kid, and all the bones were red. (The south is mostly red clay.)

The original eenie meenie miney mo was followed by "catch a nigger by his toe"


Still call em that, because that's what they are pal.

My grandma always called these things, "Nigger Babies".

Japan calls camera's "bakacho" or something, in referencing to how camera's are so easy to use, even a stupid korean could use it.

My mom called them nigger toes, said her uncle would call them that but her aunt would always berate him for saying nigger.

eat shit, you faggot. every race has a racial demeaning term for others.
>its only bad when white people do it

We do the same with rice around here. Rice is called average asian cocks

Nigger Navals coming through!

And these are called nigger titties. Both are better looking than their namesakes.

Ain't nothing like a bowl of cocks with some soy

Black-eyed Susans. Uh oh. Is that racist? Or... or is it perpetuating domestic violence against women instigated by the patriarchy? I feel so dirty now.

In Alaska they call these nigger heads

Nigger toes: the only good thing involving nigger.. Well, other than slavery.

My dad's from Oklahoma and still calls them niggertoes.

That used to be a Wikipedia article.

one time I was at the store buying nuts and my mom saw some of these and said "OH LOOK, NIGGER TOES" i was like jesus christ mom we're in public please don't so she was like "WHAT?? I JUST SAID NIGGER TOES" mom stop please "WHAT'S WRONG WITH SAYING NIGGER TOES" and I knew she understood exactly what she was doing

rip mom

>Sup Forums calling anything else niggertits
Fucking spider experts here, man

My grandma calls them nigger toes.

Based grandma.

Grew up in Texas. Never knew they were called anything else until college.

Still, niggers are disgusting

i've never even seen them look like that pic in OP i'm guessing that's the shell, actual brazil nuts legit look like niggers' toes

a bunch of countries in europe still have these little chocolate dessert things called nigger kisses though

Rut roh, better keep calling them nigger titties, just to be on the safe side!


If I used a mini bat to knock on your door, but I ran away before you answered, what action have I performed?

one of the more radioactive foods out there.

>castanha do para is called nigger toe in burgerland.

Why you guys have to put niggers in everything? Take Jamal cock out of your wives and mouths for once.

iron chink: a machine for rapidly cleaning and dressing fish (as salmon) at a cannery

merriam-webster.com/dictionary/iron chink

i still call them nigger toes

Similar to "ding dong dash" but with knocking...

Nigger knocking, bro.

But they look like ashy cracked dirty nigger toes

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo
Catch a nigger by his toe...

Always been nigger toes always will be nigger toes. Nigger knocking Forever

Half way there.

It would be "nigger knocking with a nigger knocker."

Thats actually a pretty interesting story, sounds like a cool dude. Any other stories?

Could you nigger rig a nigger knocker?

I call little nigger kids peanut heads because their heads resemble a peanut shell when freshly shorn of naps and nits

Trips make it true. NIGGER TOES

We still call them nigger toes.

i'll give more of a fuck when Ritz goes out of business for their hateful product

>nigger rig a nigger knocker?
Watch it, you'll end up re-inventing the electric jew.

This candy is called nigress tits in Hueland

My grandfather called them "rubber heads". Niggers in general, not just the kids

Why would anyone want to eat something called "nigger toes?" It's completely unappetizing - to have the image of some dirty black boy's feet in your mind while your trying to eat.

Can said "Nigger Kisses" Be procured online good sir?

Kys Spear chucker

Yes we would use fishing line on brass door bell knockers from across the street

there's a chocolate marshmellow snack in Lebanon that literally translates to 'head of nigger'.

In Texas Rick Perry's family hunting camp has a mountain named nigger head hill

Grew up in the southeast US. Never knew of them as anything other than nigger toes until I was in my 20's.

pic related is called negress tit

chocolate cake is called crazy negress

pic related is called pickaninny / little nigger

That's what my mom called them


No. Nigger knocking was back in the 50's when white guys would carpool at night and throw glass bottles (only kind back then) at black people strolling down the road.

Don't you run your mouth like that. I went nigger knocking in the early 2000s.

These are nigger babies. Ask any leaf

My grandfather always called them nigger toes. I love nuts, but I always had a hard time eating a nigger toe. Just unappetizing, in general.


Yeah and those black licorice balls are nigger balls

Yes we had those, too. Now we have Twizzlers or can order licorice Scottie dogs on Amazon.

Pontiac stood for "poor old nigger thinks it's a Cadillac"

french fries used to be called china dicks

Love it.

Shut yo' mouth. I love my old Firebird, lol.

Brazil nuts arent even the best nuts from brazil, Cashew Nuts are.
>Cashew nuts are ridiculously overpriced here and a poorfag like me cant eat a shitload of them.

Brazil nuts are insanely radioactive. Each is more radioactive than 10 bananas.


We always called knocking and running away nigger knocking. Here, when you hit a joint or cigarette and get it slightly wet, we call that nigger lipping.

We need to bring this shit back and start making new nigger names for things

'Don't niggerlip it." Been a loooooooooooong time since I've heard anybody say that.


I agree my snow mexican friend. Any ideas?

Nigger toes always make their way to the top of the can for some reason. My mom told me that and I checked and she was right. You can shake them but the next day they are at the top. Strange

try putting some cotton in there, on the top
they will instinctively move to bottom of can to escape doing labor

>Nigger toes
In Canada, we have a little licorice candy we call "Nigger babies".

My sister, while being quite liberal, still calls them nigger babies.

This is funny. A search for "nigger babies" on Amazon gives us licorice babies. amazon.com/McCormicks-Licorice-Babies-Pieces-Pounds/dp/B00ESEB7GK/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1498795260&sr=8-1&keywords=Nigger babies

Kek. Maybe you are right.

Looks like fucking cockroach bodies.

My dad, brothers and sisters all called them nigger toes when I was a kid in the late 70s.

Hell, now that I recall, mom said it as well.

Old people used to say jewing like jewing you out of your money. My gparents were pretty based desu.


Honestly Americans have a tendency to come up with humorous monikers for things.
Like calling Vienna sausages preacher peters.

Black people called them nigger heels

I remember when I was a lot younger, my mom told me that these were sometimes called nigger toes. Most everyone in my family, on both sides, calls them that, as do I. I always found the name weird, and all I can think of are actual nigger toes when I eat them.

Under fucking rated


It's still said, my family uses it often. Also "don't kike me" if you're being ripped off

my uncle would always call black bowling balls nigger heads

Doesn't matter what you call 'em.

Sooner or later whatever name you use will become a dirty word because of what it describes.

All I knew those nuts as were "nigger toes" until I finally looked it up on the internet in my late 20s to see what other ppl called them. Born and raised in the southern US.
