America depended on black women to put men on the moon

If not for the black women who did the mathematical calculations to get astronauts into orbit, American would have never sent men into space, nor have landed men on the moon.

There is a great movie about these women called "Hidden Figures".

America also depended on Nazis, what is your point?

Baiting others, isn't it what Sup Forums is for ?

Literally one, out of the hundreds of "calculators," working at NASA was a black woman.


Wasn't this shit considered secretarial work anyways?

> 1/8th black woman did a job that requires high school math


Yeah, in OP's picture, the one in the middle was a good and decent secretary, the one on the right was okay at computers and the one on the left did fuck all.
A few hundred thousand people working at or for Nasa in some capacity at its peak.
Stupid movie.

Yes, I believe. Nowadays we have super advanced computers, so using niggers to do calculus turned obsolete.
Back then, we used niggers to pick up cotton, then we invented farming machines, and you know the rest.

Also, I do realise that this is bait, and that this is your face every time someone replies.
But I thought, "what the hell, gotta take the bait sometimes."

Fuck, forgot pic

Take another sip of that cool-aide.... There is no truth I this story...

It depended on a ton of people, not just three people.

I hate this.
It´s a shame that Hollywood wants to turn major and historical American advancements to "the true story that minority women took part of".
I already knew that the lunar mission had the strength and courage of at least hundreds of people working on this.
They make a statment like:
"Yeah, basically, those three white men could not make it to the moon if it weren´t for these three African-American women."
Yeah, I don´t care, this mission took more hard work than what just three people could accomplish.

I like how they black washed her.



Actually, the US got to the moon thank ENTIRELY to Nazi scientists.





have a (you).

It's funny because most Black Americans do have a degree of white admixture, extreme in this case. And even with that "help" they still score in the 80s range on IQ testing.

Imagine how fucking braindead the jigaboos in Africa must be, with average IQs in the high-50s, 60s and 70s. I weep for countries like Rhodesia and South Africa, destroyed by stupid white liberals boycotting them from their comfortable homes here in the West, without ever interacting with these niggers.

So you are telling me it was cheaper to hire black women to do lots of basic math. hmmmmmmm. and then they lost their jobs do to computerization.

The film was actually not that bad, liked it more than a lot of shit coming out these days.

The interesting thing is that it's a winner primarily because it promotes the idea of black females being somehow oppressed and overcoming prejudice to prove their value. In reality it's evidence of female privilege - not only were women given these desirable jobs working for the government on relatively good pay, doing something interesting while black men were entirely excluded (there were no black men at NASA), but then this relatively privileged class (note that even white men would have had to compete rigorously for those jobs had they been available to them) then gets this film devoted to promoting them as a class.

One part of the film focused on breaking down the barriers between segregated toilets. If it's morally unacceptable to segregated based on race, why is it alright to segregate based on gender?

>movie about niggers helping NASA which is probably a lie
>no movie about the SS officer the Americans stole who built modified V2s which got us to the moon

well they do seem to love the gibsmedat philosophy

Unbias black here who talked to people who worked on the Apollo program.
They were just other cogs in the wheel. Its nice to know that they were their as well. Nothing else about it. Its probably just the families cashing in on white guilt.

So basically they found some black women that had a small role in getting us to the moon and they are making it seem like we would never have gotten there if it weren't for them?

Isn't this the definition of racism? The movie is made about them purely because they were black, not because they were amazing or extraordinary. It's literally "See, black people helped too." And I just don't understand why, I've never seen anyone claim that there were no women or black people working on the space program so what the fuck is the point of the movie?

Are we supposed to celebrate and praise black people every time they are useful to society? Is that the message of the movie? Because that's what I got from the trailer.

Better be burger working overseas or a demented nazi physicist.

*Blocks your scientific progress*

Iunno dipshit why don't you go back in time and ask the mostly male government why they discriminated against males for the positions?

Look at you defend this shit like a white-knight cuck.

The government which made these laws was made up of a tiny minority of the total male population. One tiny group of men legislating in the interests of women (more women vote, and women certainly had AT LEAST the major say in electing these governments, and they set cultural norms) doesn't mean that "men are to blame", if anything it suggests social misandry - in other words that males are an oppressed class, not women. It doesn't matter which gender is doing the oppressing. Part of the reason women were given these jobs was that the government felt that mens could be better used in heavy industry, as workers, and in war. Who set these values and standards? In large part women.

The fact remains that MEN IN GENERAL and especially BLACK MEN were excluded from these opportunities that were just handed over to women. It's no different to today where feminists have ensured that women have all sorts of easy, comfy jobs while I'm expected to compete against other males for what's left, or create my own.

Note that I'm not promoting a victim mentality or anything like that, I'm pointing out the unfairness and inequality in representation of the issue.

But if we didn't really land on the moon and Stanley Kubrick faked it for the US government, then that means these blackies were a bunch of actual dindunuffins...

How many nigger hate threads do we need every day?

>jewish tricks

Without men those women wouldn't have been born... what's your point?

I'm not defending it, they should've been integrated. I'm just saying how fucking retarded it is to think that women had that much social sway in the 60s.

Which of these two narratives makes the most sense to you?

1. Women, in the peak era of the nuclear family climate, had enough social sway to carve out their own sector of the job market and basically create social welfare for themselves through politicians.
2. Men though women had greater attention to detail because that's their natures. Secretaries, Nurses, Computers, all fitting into the pattern of doing the menial, boring, tedious but detailed and algorithmic work. Men didn't trust low skilled men to do those jobs, but they thought high skilled men had the capacity to think outside the box.

yeah man, give that hungry fat woman more food!

>1. Women, in the peak era of the nuclear family climate, had enough social sway to carve out their own sector of the job market and basically create social welfare for themselves through politicians.

The 60's was the era in which young men were having their lives lotteried away to fight in Vietnam while women were running around sleeping with anyone, demanding government subsidised abortion, burning their bras, etc. Life in the 60's was NOT as depicted in 1960's stock or advertisement art. You think women didn't have social sway in the 1960's when the peak of feminist insanity made Prohibition a thing in the 1920's????

>2. Men though women had greater attention to detail because that's their natures. Secretaries, Nurses, Computers, all fitting into the pattern of doing the menial, boring, tedious but detailed and algorithmic work. Men didn't trust low skilled men to do those jobs, but they thought high skilled men had the capacity to think outside the box.

Digging ditches or dying in wars or working on factory lines is significantly more 'menial, boring, tedious' than working out how to get rockets into space and keep them there. Some of these women were math geniuses, they got to work in very good conditions for good pay, work with world renouned scientists, and contribute to an amazing achieved. You're so desperate to believe in patriarchal authority that you ignore the reality... most men would LOVE this kind of world. In fact the movie unintentionally shows this when it has these single women and single mothers' basically looking down on black men with boring careers. One of the women's husband had died in war. Gee I wonder which most men would prefer - dying in war or playing with state of the art machinery at NASA?

History is not what you learnt in your social science class. If you want to learn about US spaceflight, start with ABMA and the Redstone development.

it was basically the equivalent of retyping code (written by a genius white guy) into a compiler to make sure it compiles correctly.

whoopty fuckin do.

those white guys where actually nazi scientists.
Oh the irony of this movie.



Why is there a Mercury Redstone in the background if they did the math for Saturn V missions?

But the moon landing was bullshit. Go back to plebbit.
