Why Must America Carry All The Weight?

Why the fuck can't Euro-cucks help out? America is pulling all the weight right now- against internationalism, Islam, and mass immigration. Can you fucking Euro-cucks start helping out? I feel like we do something right, and you guys start electing Green Party candidates and Communists.

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""""""""""""""""""islam"""""""""""""" (mohammedanism) is fucked to its core
it's your own fault your countries are shit.

>Islam created in 7th century
>US declares independence 1776
Yeah, it's all our fault.

Instrumentalizing islamic terrorism for geopolitical goals is your fault, dummy.

>blames it on Islam while most of our problems are coming corrupt government and Western intervention

How about you look at the situation from all prospective

Oi there boyo, I think I just heard you talk smack about Eastern Europe..?

to be honest, we just make Muslims deadlier than they already are; they've been bloodthirsty since their inception

read the Quran, it's basically "How to Conquer 4 dummies"

We have BLM and Antifa because of you.

>The burger still thinks electing people will change anything



kek thats not so much "lean on me brother" as it is "I am going to use this carcass as a shield"

>most of our problems are coming corrupt government
Your governments are barely able to contain the fanaticism of your people

We must pay for their defense so they can import as many third world animals as possible

You fucking faggot back then it was conquer or be conquered

Nah fuck off sandkike, your inbred iq is too stupid to look at the history longer than 100 but if you did youd realize youve had this shit coming for a long time. I hope you live to see your people erradicated and all that you worship destroyed.

Yeah because you're the one who funds these fanatics

This wouldn't be a problem if you'd kept these people under control to begin with.


Muslims clearly din't know and still don't know when to quit

Heavy is the head that wears the crown

Well, let's not make enemies of friends. It's not their people or their land, it's their government. Europe has been corrupted and they believe what they're told. I've spoken to many Europeans who are genuinely afraid to discuss (((topics))) on which I know we both agree but they simply cannot say the words. They are controlled in a way we aren't in America, and many more aren't on the internet. Yet they're afraid because of the rl fear.

America is a crazy place sliding down the global peace index while Europe/uk only gets more peaceful.

Yeah same

Our religion told us that Islam will not exist in the future

So don't worry it's going to happen

That image has a lot of missing battles for the Crusader part

And it only counted the crusades and not the Christianity as a whole

If only we had global government as reliable as your peace index.

>You fucking faggot back then it was conquer or be conquered
It still is, Jordanfam.

my point still stands
the US makes Muslims deadlier, but they are, at their core, a violent group of people bent on conquest. Christians were violent but have since settled down a bit (by comparison).

Moreover, the average US citizen is not idealogically invested in conquest, whereas a good chunk of Muslims are

I consider 9/11 to be an inside job, but the fact that taking out a few hardliners in the Middle East was more than enough to uncork the bottle says tons about the people already there

We would sattle if you stopped funding terrorists and overthrow governments

We will never be secular if you keep on the shit you're doing

Assuming you've actually read both the qu'ran and the bible would you agree that the qu'ran is more of a "hard sell"? By "hard sell" I mean, a more aggressive posture.

Europe is the most peaceful place on earth. They more trucks of peace than anywhere else.

you do well to make the distinction between what our ((((government)))) does and what our people think

personally, I don't give a fuck what the Middle East does to itself and I think the US should take an isolationist/defensive stance, but there's only so much a shitposter like me can do

I sympathize with you in the sense that we do fund terrorists and fuel the flame, but a division exists within islam that you cannot deny.

Yeah true the division is from the sunni-shia conflict

It will end when we come more secular I hope

Why can't arabic countries go back to zoroastrianism they still have those golden cauldrons somewhere or whatever

>Islam, and mass immigration.
Your zionist controlled government is responsible for mass migration and growing world wide terrorism.

That was the Persians not us

Just go back to whatever you guys were doing before abrahamic religions.

What kind of dumb fuck are you.... Its your country that is directly responsible for the mass migration.


The division is between the "muslims" who want to westernize and modernize (one of us) versus the hardcore religious ones who support sharia and these things. Obviously you're one of us.

No because Arab before Islam used to worship stones as gods so no


Antifa came from either you or Cuckmany. Our apologies for BoweL Movement though.

>Why Must America Carry All The Weight?

What was WW2
What was the Cold War.

Learn some fucking history.

Isn't Jordan former Canaanite clay though? Their pantheon was kinda cool.

The bedouin tribes were polytheistic and honored gods that gave them victory, just like us. So it only makes sense that one god is better than many fighting gods, especially with a product such as the qu'ran is. Surely it is superior to blood feud and killing your friend 10kilmeters away.

That mass migration was NOT a problem until globalist MERKEL invited them to come.

Fucking yabbo cunt.

>Why Must America Carry All The Weight?

You're experts at weight.

If it was not for us you'd be speaking German.

You were the greatest power in the world until you fucked it up with GREED!

>Why must America carry all the weight
>Singlehandedly caused the downfall of the west
United States is the worst thing to have happened to Europeans throughout history

Its just us bro, other white countries are fucking pathetic and lost. Fuck them, we will do this alone and drag their asses back to former glory.

>If it was not for us you'd be speaking German.

If it wasn't for you the jews wouldn't control the fucking world, so you better shut the fuck up good goy.

And Churchill was even more of a faggot.

Hey Hans

Dickste Kind der Welt

They got wonky guns in that pic

She's beautiful and angular, and if she were a gas she'd be inert.

The Rothschilds are German

Stupid nigger.

That's Ronald Raegans fault. I didn't vote for him.

Merkel is a US puppet

If she was blind she'd be your traumfrau.

I don't know what this means and I will not respond to it.

More like Putin's, she's from EAST Germany.


You know EXACTLY what it means.

sadly you might be right. At least keep electing local people though

I do not. It's like we don't even speak the same language.

Should have requisitioned their oil then, eh?

We've got a long way to go.

Fucking murdering potato's


No lets be honest that would be the Germans

Agreed with this user . Plus the place has always been a mess of war through history.

Yea we've done some bad interventions, but fuck listen to yourself whine like a little puss. You know most of it is your fault.

its funny cause its true

Wrong, it's Russia's fault for collapsing and flooding the world with weapons, Islam wouldn't be FUCKING ARMED if not for that.

The fact that you genuinely buy into american exceptionalism speaks tons yo how blind you are



You just had to keep the Suez Canal, eh? Good old Churchill made sure of that, and your colonies could all trade, happy day.

yeah she plays her part but who the fuck destabilized all of these places causing them to move in the first place?
Please get the fucking jews out of your government so you can do the great things your country used to be known for.

>Bombed the shit out of it twice last century
>Invited all the sand niggers to come and invade it this century.

Who's going to have to liberate Europe this time?

Not us, fucking stupid Eurotrash is on their own.

Truman was the cause for the Cold War. This wouldn't have happened if FDR didn't die, and the Democratic Convention blocking his VP to put Truman in office.

Talking about Fluoride again? How you shower in Fluoride? Should I ask Goebbels??

Killing sand niggers IS a great thing.

We did not tell you to invite them into your house.

Again, stupid yabbo cunts.

>Should I ask Goebbels??

Ma'am, you can't ask Goebbels. He's dead.

Mix it with Zyclon B


Russia wouldn't have collapsed if Truman wasn't such a baby back bitch on stupid propagandist backed Foreign relations


bottom tweet.

Maybe you'd know then. I hear, all Germans know how to give showers to people.

>Germans know how to give showers to people

This is filthy propaganda. Germans are a peaceful, enlightened people.

They aren't mutually exclusive.

You're mutually exclusive.

you want to get mutually exclusive?

Depends, are you cute?

Mandatory Pacification required by allied troops after WWII might make you think this way

I have an idea. Could we focus on a common enemy for once? Like Israel? They are obviously the problem.

Also - as for those blaming burgers for Israel's bullshit, it was the bongs who cucked out and gave them the land in the first place.

Like a younger skater boy hitler/ bin laden. ive told ia was cute

>Like a younger skater boy hitler/ bin laden

Marry me

Too bad the great hordes of Chinggis Khaan didn't rape you worthless goat fuckers into the annuls of forgotten history.