Muh AR 15 against modern warfare

>muh AR 15 against modern warfare
Not so though guy huh?

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What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you hear yourself right now?

Are you having a stroke?

rollins is a zionist kike

I'm pretty sure that's George Lincoln Rockwell, user

Learn your own language, you amerinigger.

This fucking loser recorded 6 decent Black Flag songs and then began lecturing the world for several decades because?

This jealous coward is trying to destroy

Fuck his politics I must admit I like his music though. I don't think someone's politics should interfere with your liking of their music. Unless every other song is a political one like RATM or Dead Kennedys

>Not so though guy huh?

He didnt used to be such a faggot. You should see his rants on women and fat people from the 90s

Black Flag is fucking awesome

He is tired of your abuse

>Not so though guy huh?

Well he's always distorting what I say

>if your friend had an ar he might still be alive

Try to stop him it's no use

Keep it classy, Henry

Did he died?

Drinkin Black Coffee