Project Veritas new video

It's here niggers! Check it out. Please dont hooktube this, give okeefe the views.

Other urls found in this thread:


CNN is toast. Warm buttery toast.

There's so many slide threads that popped up when I posted this. Fuck.

Voters are stupid; more people (assuming this is even true) voted for Hillary if that is any indication of how stupid they are.
Democracy is a bad system.

Trump needs to establish a dictatorship.

With the military we have, even how much they like Trump, I doubt very much that would happen

The military would be the first to support him if he decided to seize power.
Senators, judges and congressmen would be the biggest institutional obstacle.

Just remember
The MSM, The Hollywood elites, The DC insiders don't hate Trump
They hate YOU
They told you who to vote for and You didn't
They told you how to think and you ignored them
They told you to hate Trump and you defied them
They hate YOU because you broke the conditioning
They hate YOU because you don't vote how they tell you
They hate YOU because you publicly disagree with them
When Colbert is bashing Trump his contempt is for YOU the people who voted for him
Remember now and always The MSM, Hollywood, and the DC elites since the 60's have been calling YOU racists, sexist, theocrats, hatemongers etc
They encouraged the BLM riots and cheered as people were attacked and neighborhoods burned
They encourage and PAID thugs to attack Trump supporters at rallies
Bernie celebrated shutting the Chicago Trump rally down
They celebrated paid goons and Antifa shutting down free speech
It isn't Trump they hate and fear it is YOU because you do not follow their instructions

>Voters are stupid as shit
They're not wrong

You really think so? What would Trumps endgame be as dictator? And why wouldn't he just imprison all senators, judges, and congressmen as acting dictator?

That shit was lame.

Eh, #stupidasshit might trend at least

Bumping for posterity.

>give him views
Fuck off kike


>omg slide threads xD
>this is big guys not all the times before!
Fucking go back to redd*t newshit

They would raise a ruckus before he does and get their supporters agitated in hopes of starting a civil war so that he will not be successful.
Even if he does move swiftly, the media would see it as an affront to our "great experiment of democracy", and try to convince people that his actions are therefore inherently wrong and as an attempt to delegitimatize the Trump regime and spark a sentiment to restore democracy through any means, even civil war.

>What would Trumps endgame be as dictator?
Improvement of the nation and implementation of his ideas and programs without impediment.

Eat shit kike

This video wasnt very revealing. O'keefe hyped it as the biggest one yet and it really isnt.

A potential president who was literally going to start a nuclear war with Russia won the popular vote. That's a scary thought. We narrowly avoided a nuclear apocalypse thanks to Trump's 156 IQ. Niggers/spics are so fucking stupid they'll vote for nuclear war just for their free gibs. We literally may need a fascist government. We can't risk somebody like Clinton getting control of enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world.

Yeah, it didn't reveal shit. We already knew CNN had a liberal bias.

>post o'cuck video
>it's nothing like last time
>nobody responds because they aren't newshits who fall for o'cuck bait
>omg slide threads xD
>give him views guys!
Newfag and a kike, literally straight from the_donald

I was hoping more like removing the 14th amendment and mass deportation, restoring demographics to pre 1960's

There is absolutely nothing substantive in this release. As a lifelong Republican I know well enough to not trust lying Jimmy o'Queef. He lied about ACORN and he;s lying about this with these heavily edited videos as well.

Literally straight from liveleak. Never knew about fucking the_donald until Sup Forums because they live rent free in your head. Get fucked nigger

Hi McCain!

Fuck CNN and fuck news people.

>The MSM, The Hollywood elites, The DC insiders
why are you so scared of naming the jew?

I can confirm this is a big nothing burger, go back to sleep now


Republicans are going down too. I should know, I'm registered as one. For now.

Even if nuclear holocaust was not a possibility, democracy is such an inefficient system.

Did you know the combined totals of US State legislators adds up to 7383 people?
Such a wasteful structure. And there is no unified vision. Just bickering back and forth. Someone has a good idea, 8 years later, it goes to shit because the other party gets voted in. Rinse and repeat.

This one is the best one, he ties together all of the footage, and the finale with the omitting good audio really kills it.

Imagine how the rest of the world sees us. The will of a democracy is often the same result as if we had a schizophrenic as dictator.

Now, I don't really care what they think, but we're trying to build on quicksand right now.

(((THEY))) Hate you.

So, not much different from the way things are now?

Starship Troopers society when only military and vets can vote when?

Calling all American voters stupid as shit pretty much is all anyone is going to get out of this one.

Make this a copypasta if it isn't already pls

Why not just back to what it was? White male landowners. Not everyone can join the military.

And shovel

Kek, that did make me chuckle a bit. I'd still bang her.

>CNN calling voters stupid as shit
>CNN omitting facts that contradict their narrative

We all knew this but to see these fucks exposed makes me feel warm inside

All the faggots calling James video nothing, or weak... his videos are redpills for normies. We already knew all this shit and had weaponized autism prove just about everything hes ever put out before he did it.

He has evidence from the source, not money trails, website connections and shit like we find. Actual audio proof for normies to see and swallow. This is how you get the word out and change minds. He is doing Gods work.

i liked the selective edit scene as well. it won't be a persuasive to the masses but it was a nice chess response to CNN's defense from part 2

It was funny.. Just shows when people show their true colors they are just like Trump

yawn, this is nothing. I'm going back to sleep, time to go to sleep it's nothing.

It's mostly nothing here.

Like CNN staff talking about how they think Trump is unqualified and crazy? Holy shit, what a scoop, can't wait for tomorrows clip proving that water is indeed wet!

As for selective editing, that's some PV is guilty of in itself, so it's an irony that they'd cite this as something you should never do.

All in all, low energy update.

I can't stop looking at their noses. It's like bright colors on a poisonous creature, nature has actually devised visual warning signs and built them into the Jewish anatomy.


Another nothing burger. O'Queef really is good at making people excited for nothing.

But these are his (likely) ideas.


Nice try.

>alphabetically "e" comes after "d"
E for effort, friend, but you can't go faking your ID like that.

This was expected. PV usually releases it's best material first to generate anticipation for the rest of the releases...but the other releases end up being meh tier....

This meme is getting old
We are a constitutional republic

>alphabetically "y" comes after "x"
Wow. It's almost like...

Upvote this to the top!

i kekd pretty well at this

Can I get cliff notes of the new video? Can't watch right now

This guys videos are always a big nothing burger.

Yeah these expendable producers are nothing

We need zucker or wolf on tape


Bump, and everyone go watch. Death blow for CNN if Trump picks up on this


Correction: More Californians and carless urban renters voted for Hillary.

All true and absolutely genius observations. Nice work, user.

Alex don't you have a show to run? You right tho

Correction: More illegals, dead people, and "people" who voted multiple times, voted for Hillary.

My god, the shills are out in full force today. Just look at the replies to the OP and the comparison of the video.

1000 year Trump Reich

It's conservatives that are going down. The Republican party is already well on it's way to transforming itself into a nationalist bloc thanks to the Tea Party and Trump.

The Dems need to pivot to full Socialism to have any future at the polls. Even then, they'll still be the party of out of touch coastal elites.

Also, that portion of the lie of omission is pretty damning.

The Jews right?

Okeefe is a bullshit artist ffs lol. Everyone knows he manipulates and selectively edits to get the bullshit results he wants. Any intelligent person knows that CNN is extremely impartial in their reporting and is more factually accurate and unbiased than almost any other news outlet worldwide.

CNN has more credibility than Fox News, CBS and MSNBC combined... COMBINED!!! Oh but I guess because Trump called CNN fake and because Veritas deceptions say CNN is fake it must be fake right!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Outside of the republican Fox News idiot bubble, CNN dominates and people who aren't complete morons know how great of a network CNN really is. Unbiased and factual, plain and simple. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a brainwashed idiot who would probably drink Trump's cum if given the chance.



u mad

This is obvious bait, because nobody is really this bluepilled. In case I'm wrong, or if someone reading this is actually as fucking stupid as you are pretending to be, I have included this video:

Awww... poor babies!!! How butthurt can you even get?

>I have included this video

Hurr durrr selectively choosing isolated nonsense to make it seem like CNN is constantly fake... yea you sure showed me! 99% of their reporting is factually accurate an unbiased but to idiots like you that doesn't matter. If you choose unusual situations and then use deception and blatant manipulation to make those situations seem far more sinister and fake than they actually are I guess you've proven your point right!? R-right!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please, never reproduce. The world doesn't need any more brainwashed right wing fantasy land bubble idiots.

The clarity in this post is second to non, thank you

>CNN employee confirmed
Butthurt. That's cute. This has been a great week. Are you tired of losing yet?
So, have you dusted off your resume?

>99% of their reporting is factually accurate an unbiased but to idiots like you that doesn't matter.
don't fall for this b8 lads

That 1% of story is getting 99% of your air either directly or in support. Y'all don't fake the news, you fabricate it.

It's much more efficient than bloody revolution every time you get a bad king.

this.. people need to wake up.

Butthurt? I'm smug as fuck right now girly! :)

Great post user.

Bump to fight the shills.
>Bump to uncover the truth.

What is needed is Civil War 2. The communist left must be removed and transplanted into the third world countries that they love so much.




Lots of shills out for a Friday morning. It must be painful going into a holiday weekend knowing your influence is shredded. The guy who runs Media Matters better have some savings because the money spigot is off.



You don't even have to fucking like Trump to see the problem here.

O'Keefe comes out with a piece every few months. CNN's propaganda is literally 24/7

Best part: Undercover guy:
“So CNN is still a balanced outlet, riight“
>CNN producer gets akwardly quiet
>and responds in cowardly >whispering voice:
“I- in theory yes“