EU decided to not punish countries refusing to take in refugees or with a "threatened democracy" with money cuts...

EU decided to not punish countries refusing to take in refugees or with a "threatened democracy" with money cuts. We win again! No rules allowing these kinds of actions got into the next EU finance bill.

Meanwhile Germany gives rights to fags.

Other urls found in this thread:

GOD bless kek

>Europe could have had a unified superstate but instead settled for the bureaucratic mess that is the U.N.
Sorry eurobros. You tried

Any sources in English? It seems they are censoring that info in the west.


Another one

Sactions were fake german news.

I kind of regret the fact that my Polish and Scottish great grandparents left for the US.

Would be based to be living in the two uncucked EU countries.

You can get polish Citizenship just like that if you can prove that anyone from your ancestors were a Pole.

kek we won. Eat shit EU.

No, you can't. Stop spreading misinformation.
You can get citizenship, if one of your parents has citizenship.
So if your great-grandparent was Polish, you would have to first get citizenship to your grandparent, then to your parent, and then you can get it.

won't surprise me the slightest, because the EU has decided to show an appearance of strength and unity (against the English).

Basically Germany and France are alone in this. The EU is not going to recover.

desu the best thing that could have happened was instituting punishments for not accepting migrants.

Accelerationism is key.


Salty fucking kraut in 3 2 1...

he can get "karta polaka" if his grandparents were Polish but it's not citizenship.

You what? No, you have to get some proof of citizenship from your dead grandparents and then take the test.

And now Italy is beginning to be dissatisfied with the quotas. That in turn means more pressure in pro-refugee countries (although most are normal immigrants). Good news again, since they can not impose a "common solidarity policy".

Now for the real questions:
Which organization is more limp-dicked: the EU or the UN?

He can't get karta polaka. It's only meant for Poles in the East, not descendants of immigrants to the West.

Based Yuros

Keep up the pressure. Threaten to leave if they don't give you more money. You can twist their arm and get whatever you want at the moment, they're so desperate to keep a "unified" front.

Yeah, nothing about that in the law. If he has any papers issued by polish gov after 1920 he will be fine.

>take the test

not suking dick and stabing snadniggers while eating kebeb.


Send letters to Korwin and tell him to fund HUWHITE families that want to have babbies in Poland

Are you really that retarded?
Zgodnie z art. 2. ust. 2 ustawy z dnia 7 września 2007 r. o Karcie Polaka Karta Polaka może być przyznana wyłącznie osobie posiadającej w dniu złożenia wniosku o wydanie Karty Polaka obywatelstwo Republiki Armenii, Republiki Azerbejdżańskiej, Republiki Białorusi, Republiki Estońskiej, Gruzji, Republiki Kazachstanu, Republiki Kirgiskiej, Republiki Litewskiej, Republiki Łotewskiej, Republiki Mołdawii, Federacji Rosyjskiej, Republiki Tadżykistanu, Turkmenistanu, Ukrainy albo Republiki Uzbekistanu.

Good job poland, were all very proud of you today. Dont give those bastards an inch

Most Poles think Korwin is fucking retarded coz of Kike Mevia like TVN. No one gona listen to him ....

Anyone placed Germany on suicide watch yet?


>We win again!

>only sources in fucking polish

>yeah you guys, poland says poland doesn't have to take refugees and poland says poland will totally not face any consequences

Do german poles get this I can prove my family was from Krakow and forcefully kicked by the soviets.


whats wrong with giving rights to fags


Good, now you can fund CDPR next game

get to it

i still crack up that there is a country called "Niger" in africa . i always pronounce it nigger

No? It's meant for Poles in the East. So unless you're leaving east to Poland, you can't get it.

I need english source to post it in the libtard nests. Google can't find anything. Anyone?

You can't reproduce for the white race.

>No sources in English
Fuck off polefagg

We are just too different. Would have to wash out a hell of a lot of history and culture to make us similar enough for a superstate to work.

How else you're supposed to pronounce it?


That's how they trick you with censorship.

Ale tam nie ma żadnego dży, jest gie :V

>poland posters hate the EU
>happy that they aren't leaving because muh gibs me muhney


Brits literally just had to unilaterally adopt immigration quotas and whatever else they had issue with and EU wouldn't have done shit.

ale oni to wymawiają - "dżi"

Maybe if instead you targeted your anger at Ahmed that raped your girlfriend, you'd be less salty.


doesn't change the fact that you are still money stealing white niggers and if there was no EU muhney you wouldn't be any better than a somali, even now you end up at some bongs flat cleaning their toilet.

And it doesn't change that our mere existence gives you severe case of butthurt either.

No one is censoring anything here in Latvia if i whant to watch nazi marches i can , i will try to find something in Latvian sources.
Gues your right.

and it doesn't change that our mere existence is the reason of your existence.

Black Conservatives for Poland!

Nice bit still no English.

Shut it down!


I'm pround of ye cunts
Arr gr8b8m8 now walk the walk!..... and then ya now... kill yourself or something

Does it work if the ancestor was on a USSR's side at 1920-1938, but commies killed him?

If I'm pro-polish of course.

But I'm not sure that it's mine ancestor, maybe just the same surname and typage.

Also Dad is telling that grandgrandfather had another name.

t. Saszka

Just donate sperm and you cool brah. You're still gonna get it on the day of the plank though

Nothing happens.

EU has no legal base to punish member countries for this. This is the truth. They tried to bully and failed. V4 called their bluff.



Tы лyчшe paccкaжи кaкoгo хpeнa вы тaкиe ёбнyтыe нa тeмe pyccкoгo языкa

Я, к пpимepy, cлyшaю пecни нa эcтoнcкoм и финнo-yгpoв yвaжaю.

Ho вaшa pycoфoбия этo пиздeц дaжe для мeня.

Haoбopoт нaдo гopдитьcя чтo вы влaдeeтe cтoль cлoжным языкoм.

Implying there is free speech in west
Implying eu would admit defeat

>with money cuts
Given that the budget has to be unanimous, it kind of was a bad bluff.

Africa is a meme continent.

>the country that got fucked over the most in european history ends up saving europe

pure poetry lads, stay strong

Don't be sorry. It isn't over. What do you think the fucking immigrants are for?
They don't give a shit about the countries they move to, they are putty (poo) in the hands of globalists.


based Poland.. stay stronk Tadeus!

Eastern Europe can barely save itself from poverty. Good luck getting them to drive out the ~25-50 million Muslims in Europe.

Kys asshole

Russki yazik...
Gosudarstvennyi yasik Estonii is estonski.
Russifikatsiya ne proidet, konec razgovorov. Govori ruskii yasik esli hotches so svoimi drusyami. I isuchai Estonskii esli hoches horosho zhit i rabotat v Estonii.
A esli tõ takoi tupo chto ne mozhesh isuchat estonskii togda ... chto s tebya polzy? Ti ne luche negra ili tupova Acmeda togda.


*takoi tupoi


>drive out
Wrong! When the day of the rope comes there will be no mercy nor escape for towelhead heathens

If you can prove it...

>proves his/hers relationship with Polishness by at least a basic knowledge of the Polish language, which is considered their native language, along with knowledge and cultivating Polish traditions and habits;

>in the presence of the consul of the Republic of Poland or an authorized employee of a Polish organisation submits a written declaration of belonging to "the Polish Nation";

>proves that at least one of his/her parents or grandparents or two great grandparents were of Polish nationality or had Polish citizenship, or present an attestation from a Polish or Polish diaspora organization acting on the territory of one of the above mentioned states, confirming that he or she has been actively involved in Polish linguistic and cultural activities within Polish community of their region for a period of at least the past three years.


CCCP vozil sjuda 300k ruskoyazicnyh sovetskih lydei. Mnogie iz nih ponimali, chto CCCP koncilsya i mogli poiti vpered so svoimi zhisnyami. Isuchali estonskii, uvazhayut estonskoye gosudarstvo - koroche, ljydi. No mnogie ostalis tupimi sovestskimi chelovekami i tolko oni imeyut problemu s estonsklim yasykom b Estonii. Chto podelat, takiye dela. Sovetskii chelovek eto rak s proshlovo i ne mi vinovati v etom, chto takoi chelovek rastili v CCCP.

Is it possible to immigrate even if you're not Polish? Obviously I'm red pilled, totally willing to assimilate, and fully white (pic related)
t. American doctor


>Is it possible to immigrate even if you're not Polish
kek, ofc it is. read this



the slipery slope screeshot ,fags then beastiality ,pedhophiles and so on the jew steps go

army first

Я пpo тo чтo вы мoжeтe иcпoльзoвaть eгo для кyльтypнoгo кoнтaктa c финнo-yгpaми живyщими в Poccии.

idi nahuj vasja razgavarivaj po Angljiski suka ti ebanij.A i esjo vazmi nozat svoih kilonistof ot pribaltiki aebali ani menja po polnomu.

Pawel, they're just gonna come back again even more full of wrath. Just take them in now and get it over with.

No mi yzhe delayem eto. Davno.
A to chto finno-ugri zhivushie v Rossii vo mnogom isporcheni russifikatsii grustit menya...