What is going on guys?


I thought she was with the jews
Is she now pushing towards the sharia law?

She's not with the jews. She just is a highly confused individual.

Damn, is that CIA-man behind her?


She's a populist. The right is on the rise in Europe and there's elections coming.

You dumb fags she's signalling so that conservacucks will side with her

You have to put this in the context that marriage isn't important to her. She would both straight and gay have civil unions with marriage being outlawed.

That's literally exactly what I said

Perhaps you can't read cause just said that you fucking imbecile

Yes she is, indirectly at least.
She's with the murricans, and the murrican foreign policy is run by (((you know who))).

However, she seems to slowly come off the brainwashing. If Germany learns to resist the kikes, life will be better soon.

Based. Pee pee in poo poo is just wrong.

its election year OP
shes just pandering to the masses since the faggots alone wont get her reelected

She'll get Germany's equivalent of boomers votes next elections with this.

Just give us the word mutti, the camps are ready

>loves refugees
>scared of dogs
>against gay marriage

ive seen one photo shoot of her holding a beer but it never gets any lower in any of the photos.
is she a sleep agent?

After all she's done to promote the kike progressive agenda, I think that vote was just a little joke to fuck with us

That position of her's was known for a long time and doesn't come as some sort of suprise or change of mind. Don't let anyone fool you to see this as a sign of change in her policies or the madness she brought up on Germany.

She doesn't want to be culturally enriched by her new muslim pets.

Can't offend the million new muslims.

Yeah but he's european so it's Baelish

>be angela merkel
>have zero children
>have no values or positions at all
>do weird "choices" like atomausstieg, grenzöffnung and whatnot from time to time at the worst possible moment

nuke us please, we are too fucked up

Imagine how much more chimping out would happen in the Muslim community if gays were allowed to marry.

As if someones giving a shit around here what Muslims think of gay marriage. Every other party but hers is pushing for faggots to get married. She's the only one we have between full blown degeneracy.

Germany is not jew controlled it's under complete merkel controll
Merkel is not this bad compared to what jews do in sweden or america

Bullshit she's an eu superstate fanatic and for that the usa has to fuck off i think she loves that trump got president so he can go forward with the plan
Eu army is already happening right now

She's trying to improve her image. Gay marriage was a sealed deal, and now she looks tough to boot.

>bans gay marriage
>makes it illegal to criticise Islam
>censors internet

It doesn't take a genius to see sharia law.

Unlike your faggot islam loving PM merkel doesn't like muslims at all because there's no point in it there are very very few muslims who vote for her all the slimes vote spd
And it's not like you need muslim vote to win an election they're not relevant right now

You mean a sleeper agent not of (((them))) but of [[[{{{(((them)))}}}]]]?

Wtf I love CDU now!
Based MUTTI !!!!
MUTTI macht Deutschland wieder großartig!!!!
AfD? lesbian canditate? in the trash it goes!!! hahahhahahhaha


She's an opportunist and that's all she is, although intelligent (which is worse).

She absolutely cannot afford to offend the Muslims atm. Remember that Turkish politicians come to Germany to campaign. They have been colonized.