Anyone tired of humanity?

I mean... I'm just tired of "race", of "politics", of who's "left wing or right wing", who is a "SJW" who is Muslim who is a Jew or who is a Catholic.

Before Sup Forums I used to consider that humanity was made of good people and bad people simply, now when I'm outside I don't see humans in general, I only see blacks, arabs, whites, people who look like cucks, people who look like nationalists, etc... It's like my brain now just puts people into boxes such as "Muslim" "Black" "Jew" etc... and fill them with stereotypes.

I mean at the end of the day we're all going to die, and that doesn't make me sad because when
I see this world, I see that death is the only thing that unite humanity. I'm tired of thinking about "borders, refugees, multiculturalism" and always think about it, I'm jealous of my normie friends who don't see the world through redpills, if someone does a bad thing whether he is black or white, my normie friends will just see this person as "bad" instead of "black" or "white".

Plus, let's face it... None of us will actually have its ideal society whether it is multicultural or homogeneous... You know it, I know it, not gonna happen, it'll just end up in an endless cycle of hate, and this is what makes me tired, SO TIRED.

I hope a big ass meteor will crush into our planet.

A child can see these differences, I think you might have downs syndrome Froggy.

what can be done to make things better?

get off the computer and do something then.

There wouldn't be such problems if all the social, religious, racial, etc groups could just start killing each other until only one is left and then humanity would be united and there would be everlasting love and peace, duh.

Cynic stoic skeptic saint.
Lord the path is not so faint.

>good humans bad humans
>white people black people
>we're all going to die in the end
Baby's first nihilism crisis. You had that mindset before, the terms just changed.

Judging people based on who they are rather than what they are is sadly too radical of an idea for humanity. It easier for people to just write off entire groups as good or bad.

I'm not even depressed but humanity is lost. Instead of minding its own business humans always have to stick their noses in other peoples' businesses.
Humanity will still arguing on who's right who's wrong until everybody dies and absolutely nothing changes.

Don't worry. Soon, this world will become one. Race, tribal affiliations, national borders, even our faces will be irrelevant. The world that soros envisiones will finally become a reality. And it will make mankind whole again...

You know, the greatest symbiotic parasite the worlds ever known isn't microbial - it's linguistic. Words are what keep civilization, our world - alive. Free the world, Not by taking men's lives. But by taking their tongues.

With this we will rid the world of infestation. Sans Lingua Franca - The world will be torn asunder, And then it shall be free.

I just want a hug :(
A little moment of sweetness in this world of sadness

>I hope a big ass meteor will crush into our planet.
Fuck you! Just kill yourself, you fucking coward: Don't wish death on the rest of us just because you're too fucked up to live.

Tbh, I have followed soros quite a bit. I doesn't seem that he actually cares about any of that. He's a gambler whos able to rig the system. If you can get rich by basically fucking up countries then you fuck up countries. He's evil but if those countries let that happen they are either stupid or on soros paycheck.

There is no escape user. Either choose left or right, the cycle will never end. You are doomed to choose a side forever. Duality is a prison.

>I see that death is the only thing that unite humanity.
You sound like a surrendering piece of shit
>Checks flag

Somewhere deep inside his mind, a flame like object burned continually. It was rage. It was hatred. A mysterious and terrifying urge to decimate anything filled with the despicable force known as life.
Ah, so this is what the Beasts carry. He now understood why they destroyed the world.
There were still people not yet slaughtered, things not yet smashed to smithereens. That very fact occupied the forefront of his mind as an unforgivable sin. They were nothing more than specks of filth on the great ashen mother earth. They could not be allowed to exist.
They needed to be cleansed.

You are going to love this novel.

The final red pill is to realize that life really isn't worth living.

>There is no escape user
Don't tell me that... Please.

Transhumanism and genetic engineering.

Blacks will all genetically engineer themselves to be white (those who can afford it)

Whites will be blue and other wacky colors that are the same that they die their hair, including glow in the dark.

Then AI singularity, and we will all be fucking each other Second Life style with a penis growing out of every digit and limb in a post human orgy.

There don't you feel better now? Blackpill averted.

Take the Digidong pill user.

ennui defined

The reason you feel like that is because you are an uninspired sheep.

>I mean at the end of the day we're all going to die
Yes, we are all going to die, but everything everybody does transcends their own life anyway. We do this instinctively, but you lack the perception and intellect to notice. We are living to build the future world for future generations. Look around you, we stand on the shoulder of giants. We live with incredible technology and incredible wealth, all because of the generations before us.

And this is just the beginning. When you zoom out, what lies in 1000, 10k, 100k years or more will be completely insane.

>Plus, let's face it... None of us will actually have its ideal society
That's where you are wrong kiddo. You, and all of Sup Forums are just living in the past and not looking forward. The current times hold great potential for big, fast change. We could all create new nations and systems right now. Who says we need geopgraphy? Just make it virtual. We have internet and globalization for fucks sake. I actually feel this sort of stuff is right around the corner.

Frankly, I am disappointed with Sup Forums as well. It's population got its heart at the right place, but is not very smart. If Sup Forums was bleeding edge and avantgarde, we would look at how the future looks like, and consider our jewish blacked nation states a done deal. What are the entities and systems that come after that?

Instead, we have a bunch of losers whose intellect is only allows them to envision some shitty ass 50s suburban utupia as the best thing ever, and is concerned with completely irrelevant shit like how women dress, and if anime is degenerate.