YouTube is the biggest influence on kids and teens in America, and all the top youtubers are liberals

YouTube is the biggest influence on kids and teens in America, and all the top youtubers are liberals.

You can't win.

there are centrist youtubers. theres always alex jones

>what is the Alt-Right
Most of the young people that I know watch "skeptics".

Pewdiepie is literally our guy though.

Things are changing pretty fast user

>YouTube is the biggest influence on kids and teens in America
List of Alt-Right/Republican YouTubers:
-Stefan Molyneux
-Steven Crowder
-JonTronShow (hasn't uploaded in months but besides the point)
-Lauren Southern

List of liberals/centrists/apoliticals who don't push NWO onto impressionable children:
-Laci Green (for now)

Philip Franco or something is pretty great, saw my little sister watching him so I watched a few of his videos.
Well known youtube news reporter and a moderate who looks at both sides, he obviously has a bias to one of the sides but he at least shows both of them.

I would speak out from a different logical and humanitarian perspective, but everyone would just dox me and ruin my life for not bending over and sucking every filthy muslims cock/accepting every anti-white racist opinion/legitimize every fucking made up gender snowflakes fake appropriating gender and fuck that

>our guy
Are you really that naive, user? Sweden could go up in flames tomorrow and he wouldn't give zero fucks.

you are confusing twitter with youtube

Sure, there are many big liberal channels. But people who frequent YouTube love videos that bashes feminists, SJWs, etc.

Any video with SJW propaganda gets way more dislikes than likes.

Sup Forums made me into a youtube addict, not sure what that means

there's a ton of shit out there for us


(((they))) have no power here

>all the top youtubers are liberals.
like who?
seems to me like most of the channels that traffic in ideas, opinions, and politics are centrist or right-wing or "anti-SJW"

says some cuck named achmed
go hump a camel you weird groin grabbin faggot

maybe the big let's players or whoever are liberal but are they really influencing people's views?

Really? I can't tell which side he's bias toward.
He's pretty even handed from what I've seen.

kek WTF are you talking about? Youtube is one of the few places left where the right still has a gigantic voice. Where the fuck do you think Okeefe is posting his videos? on facebook?

Like who? Several 10+ million sub youtubers are centrist or right wing. Most are apolitical.

as soon as casey neistat said he was voting for hillary, pretty much every youtuber mocked him and he lost tonnes of subs, i don't think your point is valid, user

All the worst, most politically-illiterate progressives imaginable.
And those two people make up most of popular Facebook content which is what kids actually get their opinions from

There's also youtubers who make jokes about niggers and trannies for edgy white teens that still vote Dem until they realize they're retarded which is very rare.

Varg needs to start gameplay reviews so he goes mainstream. THEN and ONLY THEN will we be saved.

My six year old cousin has developed a fucking bong accent because he watched cancer on YouTube
It's not about politics, it's just that kids are getting worse because instead of (somewhat) educational cartoons, they're watching closet pedophiles with shitty haircuts yell at Minecraft.

>You can't win.
That's what SHE said multiple times during the election.