Is this "Skippy" Podesta?

Is this "Skippy" Podesta?

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Where have you been, OP?

under a rock, you?

nah, ive known about this vid for a long time, just want to discuss it

theres nothing to discuss, it has nothing to do with him you retard

fuck off IDF

You think you're hot shit don't ya?

Hey Njall, you ever find out what happened to Assange?

Sounds like some shitty art project

There did the video come from? Why would he film himself and then put it on the internet?

yes its him and that took place on the basement of pizza comet or w/e its called

yeah comet ping pong

Sauce for that

your mom xD

sounds exactly like him, plus we know he collects pedophile art

He's not very tech savvy, hence the phishing scams. He accidentally uploaded it.

My mom's dead

Cos she talked m8 she suicided with three rounds to the back of the skull

Comets pizza killed your mom, son

It's a shower in a bathroom, not a basement.

This could be disinfo. If mossadleaks really did want to throw democrats under the bus then they'd leak something more damning.

Remember, its a blackmail ring too. They need their faces

This could be disinfo. If shills really didn't care they would let it be.

Is it, or behind a screen?

Never anything conclusive. It's all conjecture but it all points to some form of control from outside forces.

It's him. Pedogate is real. Between human trafficking, selling weapons on the black market, and selling drugs, the people in charge have all the money they need to control every government in the world.

The drugs supply them with billions in black market cash, the weapons are used to incite conflict and play sides against one another, and the people are used to blackmail politicians and make money via slavery.

might just be the same lamps senpai

Don't see alot of real talk going on in this thread?
Saging just in case
Contributing just in case as well though