Sup Forums just got BURNED!!!!

Well? What do you "Christian" Dump-supporters have to say for yourselves?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake and gay

Not a Christian and not a Trump supporter. Kill yourself, communist dog.

Like the current "president"? Bingo!

But you probably aren't out there, opposing the dictator that was "elected", which is just as bad I'm afraid.

>atheist quoting the Bible

Cleanse yourself with fire.


I'm a Christian, which is why I voted against a perverted, misogynist, racist dictator.

Prove it.

Leviticus 19:33

>Mistaking a wolf for a sheep and letting it into your flock.

Not even once faggot.

>Taqiyya (taqiya, taqiyah, taqiyyah) is a form of Islamic deception. The Quran (16:106 and 3:28) allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community. In this video, David Wood explains the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya.

Donald Trump is the president of the Untied States.
He was elected by the United States election system.
He is not a dictator as that assumes that he has full control over what the country does.
He was elected by the people, deal with it or move, retard.

Nice try fag

>0.06 has been placed into your account.

Leviticus doesn't apply to Christians, and it's also the book that says to stone gays and not wear 2 different fabrics and tons of other shit no one pays attention to

Yes, by a rigged system - rigged by his supporters. He has full control over the government, with the army on his side. Republican'ts dominate in all three branches of government.

That is fucking terrifying and you are a pile of shit for not being worried about that.

>relevant ever

please stop

Fuck you too

you keep getting banned and you keep coming back. why don't you do us all and favor and give yourself some 9mm aspirin

literally perfect response coming through.

Like the rigged system that cheated comrade Bernie out of the nomination?

Meanwhile at OP's house.

leaf yourself

Wow I love christ cucks now!

but Christians are against foreign religions and faggots, and foreigners are usually muslim anyway

>having any effect
Oi laffing, but tbqh OP isna fag

*is a

God destroyed Sodom and gamorah for being faggots so half your point is shit already.


33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
>for you were foreigners in Egypt

Try again sweetie, hillaryf will be imprisoned.

Yep. Clinton contributed to Dumb-Old Dump's overthrowing of Obama.

Bernie, whether you agree with him or not, was the only one with solid, progressive principles.

Leviticus is the Jewish part of the Bible, retard.

Suck my cock.

you used an anime impact font text meme.What do you say for yourself

Not only that, but the verse isn't even referring to everyone. It indirectly specifies whom it was referring to at the end.

sick meme dude

"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them."

I dont understand why i have to treat animals with any semblance of respect.

i can't find the reaction pic debunking this so have this one instead

1 Corinthians 6:9-11


The same progressive principles that are destroying Europe, and the same ones which lead him to believe that white people don't experience poverty. Sounds very progressive, if the point of that moment is to progress to the destruction of western society. Also sweet ironic pic name, it really lets you spew bullshit unaffected like the true retard you want to be.

Destroying Europe? Yeah, free healthcare, free education, a weak peacetime military + police force and high quality of life suuuurrreeee sounds like destruction.

Oh wait, Dump idiots are racist. Is it the immigrants to Europe that you refer to? I wouldn't blame; young, muscular and friendly men coming to Europe. Now fat, sweaty, unshaven, smelly Dump supporters will have more competition when trying to score that cute girl. I see why they get you sooooo insecure.

>Not a Christian
>Basing argument in Old testament


>gay people
Leviticus 20:13
Literally next page over.

Those parts of the Bible are not compatible with modern day Christianity. Hell, I'd support a third Nicaean Council is there was one, to filter out the pro-Conservashit parts!


I guess terror attacks are just apart of life? Or does free healthcare that you have to wait months to years to get into, and education overrun with immigrants that children can't learn. Or how about a weak military and police force that can't defend it's people from "peaceful immigrants". We've all seen the videos, we've all seen the news from people who live there, you can't fool anyone here. And what type of high quality life is that you have to worry about terrorist attacks from jihadist? Also your second paragraph is completely removed from the point of the conversation and adds nothing. Much like everything you've posted.

>republicans controll government


tread yourself

>Those parts of the Bible are not compatible with modern day Christianity

I guess your argument is debunked then. Good night.

"Man becomes a debtor to other men in various ways, according to their various excellence and the various benefits received from them. on both counts God holds first place, for He is supremely excellent, and is for us the first principle of being and government. On the second place, the principles of our being and government are our parents and our country, that have given us birth and nourishment. Consequently man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one's parents and one's country." -St Thomas Aquinas, ST II q.101.

>When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.
>resides among you in your land
>in your land

"Syria" is not my land, so they can sod off and stay in theirs and out of mine.

> treat guests with respect

Bringing about Sept 23 mostly

So does this mean Leviticus is on the table? Im cool with it but I just want to be sure that its what you want first.

Can you explain the Gospel?

>He claims to be a christian
>He doesn't support RaHoWa
What do you have to say for yourself?

Antifa shill

That's different. I don't want a burglar in my house. However, the United States is home to 300+ million. You may be a sack of shit full of hate, but I'm not - if you don't want refugees in our home, then I'll still let them in. There are more pro-immigrant people here anyways. Good luck.

I want to see that bitch from Boku no hero jumping to and fro on my dick.

This is anons wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have contacted the cyber police

>quotes Old Testament
Really got the noggin joggin
Sage this bait thread

Out of curiosity, what do you think he's done to mistreat gays?

Trump rigged the system before who was elected?

Do you?

He's not forcing kids to become trans and is refusing to arrest straight people

Russia rigged the election. They overthrew the Democrats to install a Republican dictator.

Share blue file name stop responding faggots

i'm still surprised that when these threads pop up there isn't a massive dump of porn of the characters in op
yknow like, these threads are pure garbage, why not fix them with something good?

LGBT+ people live in fear, knowing that the most anti-LGBT force (Republicans) in the world is literally in charge of the United States

No strong opnion on way or another.

What the fuck does the US population have to do with letting in uncontrolled amounts of refugees in? And how do you know there is more pro-immigrant people there? Seeing as the travel ban just passed, I'd say we're already having good luck.

Oh no those republicans are going to accelerate my first world problems

It's hard to take you seriously as a Christian when you constantly using profanity.

I know there are more compassionate human beings here because Dump lost the popular election by a "YUUUUGE" margin.

That's the only thing he knows how to do. Lose.



The most anti-LGBT force in the world is Islam. I don't see republicans throwing gays off buildings.

Except the Republican Party is a bigger threat to freedom than the Islamic boogeyman they use.

Check it out, even qualified experts in the field agree:

"Has there ever been an organisation in human history that is dedicated, with such commitment, to the destruction of organised human life on Earth?"

Lost the popular vote because of California which should be stripped off its electoral votes after your hanging from a bannanna tree.


You will go to hell cuz the bible says so.

Gee, why wont you respond.
Especially when other anons called you out one the filenames. In other words stay mad.

Archive or screenshot please

>referencing Leviticus--the law of Moses
"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain" (Galatians 2:21).
Good thing I'm not a JEW, asshole.

No this is ridicoulous our founding fathers were right these puritans will always vie for power and allow theocracy to influence their decision.

>reliable source
Kill yourself kike

But yet the travel ban still passed, so I guess a bunch of hippies from California don't really count as people, more like padding for a candidate that still lost election. Also not everyone voted, so there are those people who you have no idea about, and could no support refugees, and also not support trump. I don't think the US is as politically bland as you're trying to paint it.


>Guy who thought Mao had the right idea
>Qualified expert

This thread only serves to show how scared Dump supporters get when confronted with an opposing opinion....sad! Covfefe!

You are quoting Leviticus?

The part that says to kill gays and treat women like dogs?

And you call the bible thumpers cherry pickers.

I'm not a Christian though
I'm an atheist
And as an atheist it seems really moronic to import millions of people from a culture where they kill atheists.

Someone who quotes the Old Testament should not be taken seriously on policy that can affect the future. And don't you have anything better to do? You know in 2016 white babies were the majority again? Maybe you should go weather underground on a hospital in the Midwest.

It serves to show how truly pathetic shareblue/trolls are at arguing. You obviously don't believe in a word you're saying, you haven't posted a thoughtful, articulate argument in your own words. Just quoting bias news, and posting the most basic talking points. Even your cringy buzz words are falling short. You're losing.

What the fuck is up with all these My Hero Academia liberal memes?

Worst girl and worst opinion

You treat them like garbage, then expect them not to defend themselves. Good job.

Fucking stop
Stop enslaving our waifus just so you can push your shit agenda


>the liberal butt-mad in this thread
Ps. God is great and so is Trump.