Why do people deny the holocaust

how does anyone here possibly deny the holocaust despite mounds of evidence and personal accounts from both survivors, liberators, and the genocidal nazis you worship, as well as the countless documentaries and photos with mass graves, ashes and crematoriums. you should be jailed for denying it you're obviously mentally unstable if you do

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Because math doesn't lie.

You wouldn't need to codify in law and in the popular culture the proof of a math equation.

what math, the math that proves it's true, the fact that over 6 million jews were kidnapped and killed

>mounds of evidence
There isn't any


ok neo-nazi what is this then?


the jew is a lier

It never happened fucking nigger loving jew.

not an argument, besides your people are still asking for reparations from an event that ended over a century ago

I feel your pain user,
lost my mother to a lampshade.

>muh jew lies
that argument is literal autism you have no evidence that the holocaust isn't real face that it happened

Yawn. Never happened jew, but you keep on sucking that kike juice.

>mocking the death of an innocent teenage girl to an evil regime from the comfort of a country that fought against that evil regime
you truly are a faggot real scum i can't believe i hail from the same nation as you

>he has no evidence whatsoever to counter my claim that the holocaust was real
i'm not even jewish either faggot


Your future.

There is tons of evidence that it never happened, but your jewish mossad thread is up every hour so I'm not going to waste my time getting it for you.

You are an ugly low tier jew that has to do some peon work on Sup Forums before you get to kill and eat goy babies.

I can't wait to see your race pushed into the sea via the mudniggers.

Hitler should have killed you all.

lol ok faggot, i remember my grandpa telling stories about shooting real nazis back in normandy, you're just some internet neo nazi your ideology is homicidal and got completely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT in 1945, just like your fuhrer's brains

shoah shoah shoah shoah

>how do you deny the holocaust
>how do you deny the Jews run hollywood


Why don't you get off your high horse and dig into the material yourself. Do some research instead of baiting a bunch of cynical (however, justifiably so) people on the internet to do it for you.

How do people like you even survive?

You're twelve.

how do holocaust deniers even survive, this is a board for political discussion leaf

your grandpa wasn't even in the USA in the 40s, but some tax collector in Russian shitting in the same pot he ate from.

if i was twelve my my grandpa and parents would have to be old as hell, that's a real shitty arguement faggot

Because it's conferable bullshit.

Stop forcing this thread literally everyday


your grandfather was a kike servant and so are you

Kek. Never change schlomo. It's all (((you))).

t. Cletus

ok fag i'm not jewish just a christian who isn't a rabid anti semite

Lets see:
1) Stupidity
2) Misinformation
3) Revisionism
4) Profit motivated?
5) Was involved

>believing jewish lies
why do people do this?


ok hanz, you deserve those rapefugees, how is jamal treating your wife right now


Yes goy, totally real. Didn't you see that Spielberg movie?

ya? show us your dick jew with a time stamp

I don't think anyone can truly deny the holocaust; however, jews need to get the fuck over it. Like polish, etc. weren't murdered in mass either.

It's like blacks still holding a chip on their shoulder over slavery. Blacks have been enslaving blacks like... forever. Get the fuck over it

>why do people deny the holocaust
Some feel that the proof is so thin and political motivated that what really happened during WWII and the "Holocaust" are now no longer the same.
>Did Jews die?
>Did non-Jews die?
>Were Jews targeted?
The Nazi were clear on why they targeted just as were others such as Henry Ford of the Ford Motor Company in the book The International Jew and the news articles the book was based on.
>Were Jews victims?
Some, yes.
>Were all Jews victims?
No. Just as today there are many highly politically active Jews who push Jewish agenda and anytime they receive push back they cry anti-Antisemitism and the Holocaust.
>Should people deny the Holocaust?
No. The real war time events and the fantasy that is the "Holocaust" are both effective in asking the real questions.

Why do the Jews always end up in trouble?
Why is it that Jews are found in the heart of the trouble as we see with leftist politics today?
Why is it that Jews get to claim victim hood while they hold a Jewish ethno-state of Israel?
Why is it when Jews are killed anyone should care more than when any other group is killed?
Why are Jews involved in any real world issues if they are so sensitive and feel so threatened by the possibility that their agenda might lead to their demise?

Partisans being executed for planning attacks on German troops.

it's circumsized because i am a clean individual and it was done at birth like a good american

Why were the SS so diabolically, cartoonishly evil?

Why bother with antisemitism when countersemitism is so much more effective?

yes, there's a reason that they are still portrayed as bad guys in the movies even today

All the survivor testimonies totally check out. No holes in any of these stories

Lol yeah not possible
Love when normies whole world view collapses because they start to find out the holocost didn't happen like they say

Does anyone think that these events actually happened?

it was a hard and horrendous time, do you expect their accounts to be perfect?, i know it's hard for you to comprehend but jews are people too

Remember when a lot of people used to believe these Jewish lies and now they don't anymore?

The Holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did, and it will.

I guess the poor gassed joos didn't enjoy very much the swimming pool, cinema, hospital, tennis yard, library, school, gardens, canteen, café, post office and factories at Auschwitz

>I can't wait to see your race pushed into the sea via the mudniggers.

They prefer tolerant Europe over apartheid Israel.
Also they get free money.
You wait for your own demise, you won't be there to see ours. nor will your children.
who won't care anyway.

nazis were absolutely diabolical, cartoonish hollywood movie villains

people aren't bread being cooked though bogan, besides don't you have some birds to lose to?

It's all true, because why would a jew lie about something?

Because they are right maybe???

Math, logic, and simple reasoning help too.

This is now a proof the holohoax never happened but needs to happen soon thread

yaaaa ok jew


>I bet you typed that from your cuckshed

Because the personal accounts are laughably fake and the numbers dont lie no matter how much postwar propagandists tried to make them

This story seems to have.....a few flaws


>personal accounts from both survivors, liberators
I knew a Soviet soldier who was present at Buchenwald during the liberation and he said there were no Jews there.


no, it's a you can't prove that it didn't happen thread, because it happened there are accounts from liberators

Because math doesn't lie.

Kek. Israel's future is multicultural and diverse.

Not a gas chamber, that's for certain.

> the fact that over 6 million jews were kidnapped and killed
There is no fact that proves this number conclusively.
Here are facts
>Jews were interned
>Jews were sent to labor camps
>Some died

Here's a fun fact, more non-Jews died in massacres than Jews.

because they had been moved or already killed

There are accounts from liberators that say it's all a lie, too.

3 million actually. The other 3 mil weren't Jews

just like germany's

Good one.

plus, the few pics we do see show jews skinny...anorexic almost...think about this for a second...if your country were under attack on all sides and you only had so much fuel, food, etc...who would you have given those resources to???pows???or your own suffering citizens...nationalism baby!!!

lol that's really reaching. Check Wikipedia for a list of Buchenwald prisoners and start checking their biographies at random. Almost none of them are Jews.

i already posted a gas chamber in the original post, they existed as well as ditches for executions

Germany is long dead. Now it is time for Israel to perish.

You have no evidence the people in those photographs are even Jewish. A huge number of those photographs depict Soviet prisoners of war.

they weren't pows they were innocent civilians being forced to work and being systematically killed


Only one of the people in this thread is a faggot, and the odds are not in your favor


i don't really care either, it sucks to lose an ally but i'm not jewish and have no connection to israel

It's actually your job to provide the evidence

The kids jew master came over for some pointers.

Did the big mean goy make the little one cry?

the room in this picture is a former air raid shelter and was never used as a gas chamber. it was chosen by museum staff to be the chamber because it looks kinda creepy and that is it.

>what is propaganda

The death tolls at the camps have been repeatedly lowered over time, after the ridiculous numbers didn't mathematically make sense.

The change in the numbers at Majdanek are extremely striking. They have literally been cut by 98%, thanks to the work of holocaust revisionists pointing out ludicrious holes in the logic of the official storyline.

Majdanek for example was originally claimed to have 7 gas chambers. Many of these chambers didn't even make sense, and were located in the middle of random buildings. They had no way to ventilate gas out of the room, many of them had windows that would have been easily broken. The Museum has retreated from these quite ridiculous claims, and now only maintains the existence of 2 gassing rooms and drastically cut down the official death toll to something that makes a little more sense

What's interesting is that these "gas chambers" are located in a building in the entrance of the camp. Where most other concentration camps have a building for washing, showering, shaving, and sterilizing the clothes of inmates. Holocaust revisionists maintain that this building served a similar purpose, and was not used as a gas chamber at all.

Here is a documentary that goes through it:

Where is the illustration to go with this?


(((you))) say that like that's a bad thing.

ok glad to do it here ya go

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

You can't seriously be this stupid here you go dumb ass

who hurt you?, i'm serious in what warped mindset is it ok to kidnap torture and kill innocent men women and children? you and your people were monsters and deserve what happened to them nazi

To think these are accepted by 'historians' as being accurate. I guess if you make it illegal or ruin your career otherwise.

I prefer the holocoaster though.


How did they gas people with that huge hole in the all, and a wooden door?

o vey how will the white man hate himself if you show them fat and happy jews under Hitler!!

The paranoid frenetic, nonsensical stories of holocaust liars are often easy to point out, because there is an over emphasis on emotion. If someone goes into great detail on the pain, the horror, the poor women and children.....etc, chances are they are lying.

Here's some testimony from actual survivors that contradicts the characterizations of most of these over-promoted stories of diabolical evil


there were mass graves as well as execution pits, you have no grounds to call someone a dumbass since you are the holocaust denier

Sorta how the Japanese were put in camps?

Gee I wonder what would have happened if America was losing that war...

If they started running out of food because of supply bombings...

They surely would have cut rations to soldiers instead so that they could feed the japanese, right?