Anti-immigration hardliner most popular choice for PM in Finland among the youth

>25% support (most popular choice) in people aged 25-34
>20% support (most popular choice) in people aged less than 50
>Support collapses among the elderly

Magazine cover (leftist panic mode on display) literally says: "WHAT IS HAPPENING IN FINLAND?"

kiitos mestari

>most popular

Jesus you're fucking stupid

People are going to still vote traditionally in the next elections particularly after the split the Finns party is dead.If we look at gallops their party has collapsed and the Greens along social democrats are on the raise. Parties rule, not the chairs of the parties.

everyone will vote someone else just to make you butthurt.

prolly bating but
>1st canditate gets 25% of votes
>2nd 20%
>3rd 10%
and that is how the 25% is most popular.
yeah I bet in the next election people will be voting leftists/centrists just because they fall for the media meme that all rightwingers are nazis

2nd part was meant for


They will be voting left because current government parties are right-wing and centrist. Parties in government rarely maintain their popularity.

What are the temperatures like nowadays in Finland? Is it also 30+ hell there?

The fuck out nekkeri

14+ here in south-finland

Jesus, that sounds like paradise. My ideal temperature is 0 deg. Truly Finland is a white mans' paradise.

Not being born in Finland should be a crime.

Good thing Perussuomalaiset ain't in government anymore, right?
its only been ~20 in central finland last few days


>"What's happening in Finland?"
Corrupt leaders reaping what they sow. What the hell did they expect after they forced Halla-Aho out of their kikery club?

Yup, sounds like paradise to me. Socialization is for faggots and normies. So is summer.

Trump is the boy who pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes regarding unchecked immigration. He got elected US president so people are more emboldened to say "fuck this shit".

I don`t think people are going to see it that way, just look at this month`s gallops .

Thank you Master!

in my opinion PS will bounce back up, PS wasn't very attractive party with soini in the lead, but with Halla-Aho in lead I bet alot of young voters will start voting them, atleast that is what I think after I saw the reaction in ylilauta after halla-aho was made the party leader. Sure people might just be joking around, but I still think that Halla-Aho has alot of pull towards the new voters.

>1000 interviewed
>Most likely from Helsinki
Dont believe all what you've shown

They correlate with election results regardless.

Also TNS takes its sample form regionally proportional sections.


Don't vote for the left. Look what happened to Sweden.

I'd vote him as a Furer of Finland if I could.

Fuck, I'd vote for actual Hitler.
I want this current bs to fucking end, all shitskins deported, and all traitors executed.


He would end up like the Dutch guy and Le Pen.

What is happening to ps :'(

As if. Luckily we've seen though what's happening so we do know shitskin integration to a proper non-theocracy culture is impossible. Once a kebab, always a kebab.

Their parliamentary group split after Halla-Aho aka Hitler II was was elected to lead the party. That's why there's the light blue "Sin" on the chart, which represents the cucks who couldn't stomach a leader with actual principles.

Greater Finland now will be established a few months behind the original schedule.

what is his opinion on Putin/Russia?

I'd vote for him if he wasn't so opposed to fenno-swedes. He's just one of the retards who think fenno-swedes aren't nationalistic and think we all suck swedens cock even though we hate them.

Sadly, he wants NATO

Don't trust that poll, it's taken right after the post-leadership election chaotic mess. The YLE poll is much more accurate, and it has PS growing to 10% with New Alternative at 3%.

fucking kek, you retards just don't get it

wtf are you on about? it was literally the "Moderaterna", as in, your "centre-right" American butthole-lickers that let in the flood of mud because their ""financiers"" told them that it's great for the economy.

He doesn't like Russia. No real Finn should like Russia.

2019 2nd rainbow government coming in :3! Even that HA would get 40% of all votes others won't side with PS(again)

inb4 väyrynen 2019