Studies show that race mixing is actually an improvement of genes.

*sips tea*

Try again, hunny.

> archive.is/SG9WH

Other urls found in this thread:


>genetic diversity
>avoid inbreeding depression
Biology days species with these characteristics have better chance at long term survival and not succumbing to some event of genetic drift

Why did they have to use a photo of a white woman and a black man ?


>breeding with your own race is inbreeding
A person in your racial group is genetically at most your 120th(they have the same greatx120 grandparent as you) cousin meaning their DNA is so distant from you its safe to fuck them.

No it's not stop trying.

It's basically an (((Israeli))) geneticist insulting other races. Ask him if Arabs should be allowed in,intermarriage legalized,and Israel declared a post national state and told him it made Jewish genes "stronger" he would accuse you of another Shoah.

Sup Forums BTF-

>doesn't know what inbreeding depression is

Bait, but okay. Let's assume the wonderfully ambiguous "genetically diverse" means your pic related.

Enter the magic of conditional phrasing.

Than the black father. A herculean feat.
Than the black father, because the woman is taller than him in your pic.

It's lose-lose for her in all conceivable ways, and her genes would probably be better off with one generation of straight-up incest.

That's why I hate sharts.

>thinks you can get inbreeding depression from a French man fucking a Bulgarian woman.


>still doesnt know what it is

Whites in America are so spread out but so urbanized and yet from so many different ethnic backgrounds and 200,000,000 strong and still growing between 100,000-300,000 a year, 2,150,000 healthy whites babies born every year makes this literally seem like propoganda.

The physical fitness of an overall population after generation after generation of marrying relatives.

Biological fitness =/= physical fitness


Hiological fitness is essentially an organisms or population within a species nwtural ability of survival and procreation, good biological fitness = over time natural selection works it's course and the sp3cies becomes refined. Genetic diversity positively correlates with a species biological fitness

This is because there is less likelihood of a catastrophic bottleneck occurring due to more diverse resistance to disease, ability to deal with differing environments, rtcetc. I'm on my phone but would write a lot more if I wasnt.

obviously white genes in a black child would be an improvement

So what your doing is using science and anecdote to say white people are not biologically fit anymore and are all inbred? From what I have read that as of 2015 non whites have a rapidly declining fertility rate,a much higher rate of obesity,and a higher rate of crime. Whites have been slowly getting better but now there is a lot more old people but that is okay cause unlike white liberals and Europeans other whites in America have healthy kids and can compete with non whites.

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. You're not getting it

>thinks that a thing unless you're literally fucking your close family

The white population is a blend of many different ethnicities and is very vast especially in the US inbreeding even over time is unlikely stop spewing propoganda. And sorry schlomo whites will race mix at a rate of 5-10% and will continue to do so it's been the same number since 1980 stop pushing so hard.

that's why the jews keep getting smarter, because they breed with abbos. no wait lel they only breed with other jews

I'm notnpuwhing anything, I'm trying to teach you about evolution but it's pretty apparent nowthe info is going in one ear and out the other.

You don't understand what biological fitness and how they relate to speciation, extinction, and survivalor genetic drift is

*not pushing
*biological fitness and genetic drift is and how they relate

>taller and smaller
More like bigger and dumber with more doctor visits than ever before.

If my comments no matter how snarky tell you that I don't understand what your saying is when you should get off Sup Forums. Even with a large amount of people in old and middle age the white demographic is quite healthy in this country compared to other demographics and what I'm getting out of your comments is we should sacrifice that to help the human race as a whole instead of ourselves and that we should basically mix with lessers because their NON WHITE GENES WILL BE THE GENES BENEFITTING.

Okay so.

Yes, racebreeding is indeed good. Because usually a whole new set of diffrent genes are entered into the future genepool which prevents a monoculture of genes in a country.

However, good genes or good gene combinations however, are at risk in racemixing. For example. Whites usually have genes for high intelligence, while blacks have genes for physical strength or health. However, in our modern culture, intelligence is more important than strength and therefore it is better to keep racemixing at a minimum.

Everyone pretty knows this by now, but I have said it anyways.

America is not a Latin American country. Non whites are generally the obese ones.

Blacks have a higher crude death rate than whites do.

Bullshit it's just more race mixing propaganda you tea sipping arrogant self absorbed twat!

>Americans 'are sicker and die younger' than people in other wealthy nations
>Death rates from Alzheimer’s climbed 55 percent from 1999 to 2014, CDC found, and the number of Americans afflicted is likely to rise rapidly in the coming years. About 5.5 million people 65 years and older have the disease
>Overall, autoimmune diseases are common, affecting more than 23.5 million Americans. They are a leading cause of death and disability.
>The use of prescription drugs has been increasing since the 1960s. In the U.S., 88% of older adults (62–85 years) use at least 1 prescription drug, while 36% take at least 5 prescription medicines concurrently.

More pills than ever before, still die younger.
AMERICANS ARE IMPROVING HURRAY!! More like medication is improving, so people don't die so quickly.

Are they admitting that genetics influence intelligence?