All men are created equal

>All men are created equal.
Why were these guys such cucks?

Other urls found in this thread:

they meant all white men

Because they were Americans

Not all people were considered men.

It means that there can't be noble blood in the US and everyone is equal in regards to the law

You are free to be as inferior or superior to others as you want in all other aspects of life

They were British actually.

it means all men are equally men you fucking idiot. Do you think the founders did not realize that people are different in their abilities? They owned slaves for a reason.

They weren't. watch this faggot

>created the strongest nation in the free world
Pick one

> created equal != be equal.


>he thinks the definition of mankind remained absolutely the same throughout all hisory, especially european/white history
o u r just adoooorable


They wanted to abolish slavery but it wasn't possible at the time so they set the groundwork for it. It worked.

>Why were they cucks?
Probably b/c of (((enlightenment))) thinking

>they wanted to abolished slavery
Adams pls go

>he thinks whiteness is an observable concept prior to colonialism


Also, there is a difference between biologically equal, and equal under the law.

literally even people that owned slavery wanted to abolish slavery, not just adams and crew.

Jefferson is a good example.

I get the edgelord angle your going with here. But if we stuck to the principles they laid down, the US would be doing much better. Basically the twentieth century fucked everything up for everyone on the planet.

Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Obama are responsible for taking the country way off course. They used major conflicts as means to transform the nation from a classical liberal structure to a leader in 'progressive' principles, violating the founders' vision.

But now we have the world's best and brightest here to tell us that natsoc is the real solution and the establishment of the US is total shit.

Thomas "Jungle Fever" Jefferson supporting it is quite a case of historical irony

>he thinks i'm somehow implying founding fathers were white supremacists when they simply saw non-whites as unperson

They also wanted to deport the Africans to Liberia after said abolition, the job unfortunately for us modern whites was never finished.

Even the biggest pussy in that room is more of a man than you fag.

Literally true since many were slavenigger owners.

It only applied to actual humans in their view.

Yea no

I hate those useless fuckers so goddamn much.

>'waaaaah muh tea tax'
>create a sprawling monstrosity of a government that makes George III look like an anarcho-capitalist

Declaration of independence was justification of rebellion of Americans, it has nothing to do with races, they are telling Anglos that they are equal to them and can do whatever they want..

>>All men are created equal.
>Why were these guys such cucks?

You look at it the wron way,
To the average joe of 1700s those taxes are nothing, to the rich colonists (i.e. most of the founding fathers) those taxes are brutal and fuck their businesses, no wonder they revolted.

And your %30-40 tax on the nex image, yeah thats shit for the average joe of 21st century, but the rich and powerfull don't pay that at all, through lawyers-offshore banks and other tricks. If the rich fags had to pay those taxes they would cause another rebellion again

Thomas Jefferson said that when he wrote those words it was to tell King George III that this is man to man and we want you to leave us alone. He also says that the Declaration of Independence has no deeper meaning and that it is just a declaration of independence.

>>he thinks whiteness is an observable concept prior to colonialism

He's right. Unless you're blind.

Americans are such fucking morons they need foreigners to explain their own fucking country's history to them.

The peoples of the Thirteen Colonies had to pay marginal taxes to a government that did not rule in their name and saw them as a foreign cashcow that required marginal investment at best.

The country is based on the principle of governance of the people, by the peopel and for the people. Effectively, through representation, the people impose taxation upon themselves and are free to make it as high or as low as they want.

Slavery isn't any less slavery because the labor is lighter than paid labor.

Thanks for your kindergarten level understanding of our history. Now go back to being a dutch cuck and sucking abdullah's nutsack.

Quite an interesting rebuttal. Really made me rethink your facebook infographic.

You need a nationalist purging to achieve the ethnic-libertarian society they had and wanted.

I didn't post that. mohammed is looking for you. he wants to impale your anus while yer mom slurps his balls.

I like to engage in the "high level of discourse" Sup Forums is famous for (according to moot).

It's quite "befitting of the board."

equal in deserving of rights not equal in ability you fucking dunce.

Anyways, "all men are created equal" boiled down to "equality before the law." Equal representation irrespective of titles of nobility and distance from parliament.

This desu
stay mad, Eurocucks

>complain when people say founding fathers only meant muskets when they made the second amendment
>say they only meant white people when they say ALL MEN are created eqaul

you people are filth

Please don't remind me. What a pack of hypocrites, ingrates and traitors.

this is in regards to and in the context of the Law.

the point of saying this was that even Kings could be and would be held to the same standards as everyone else. They would be prosecuted just the same as some random lumber jack. There were no elite classes, at least in regards to the law. which is why anyone in America can become the President.


literally what the other poster said

Thanks for your kindergarten level understanding of our history.

Niggers were considered animals not men.


It's the same as when they go
>Well, the constitution doesn't explicitly say that marriage has to be between a man and a woman
in Germany.

Nigga, the people who wrote that constitution down also outlawed being a faggot. The only reason they did not write it in there was because to them that was like saying water is wet.

the same thing was written in medieval serbian king DuĊĦan's code + the polish/lithuanian modern constitution prredates american one + the cossacks have always lived democratically to this very day

americans thinking they are special when they are actually trying to larp an east european steppe wilderness government type
thats the reason why us is so fucked up, the type of government youre larping as works only in estern wilderness where weather is crazy, population is sparse and everyone is a militant xenophobic self reliant warriors, not in urban ubercivilization full of cucks


Equality of opportunity, not outcome.

Blacks and Mexicans are automatically considered subhuman and exempt from the language of the constitution in the eyes of the founding fathers.

Asians too.

They didn't consider non-whites men, that's why jews had to spend 200 years redefining non-whites as humans

let me additionally explain

ancestors of all of us - indoeuropeans - aryans - call them whatever you like, originated in eastern europe on steppe wilderness between modern romania and kazakhstan from where they spread far and wide
natural government suited for that type of terrain is egalitarian
it is egalitarian not because they were into the enlightenment and muh human rights 5k years ago, but because egalitarianism was best suited for such life conditions
so when they moved to europe where they destroyed pre-mgiration cuck peoples our ancestors adapted to more authoritarian government types that were suited for the newly settled and conquered areas which was a neccessity for social evolution,
however in their collective mindset they still kept their ancestral steppe freedom mentality (remember jungs collective mentality) and when the new monarchical system got corrupt and decadent, when it collapsed they reverted to what they knew in their collective mentality inherited from their ancestors, but they were fukt because where and how they lived now is nothing alike a sparsly populated steppe wilderness
to additionally explain that old indoeuropean/aryan egalitarianism i speak of isnt just because, like they say today, but it was EARNED and DESERVED because they all lived self sufficiently, they could defend themselves and had a shitton of land which they didnt need to fight over + could defend themselves, which is not teh case today (perhaps it was at teh time of first sttlers-pioneers, which is why the us has risen so far)

>Not holding liberty above all else
>Calling people cucks
Pick one.

>All the founding fathers thought one thing

We were all created equal. So were all animals. It does NOT mean we are all equal. None of those men were cucks. They were unashamed white nationalists, many who had traveled the world at a time when doing so was a nightmarish endeavor.

Admittedly, I wish they worded it more like
>all men are borne with equal rights
which again does not equate to universal equality

Excellent '1 post' bait, OP.

if you hate the concepts we were founded on (by these so-called cucks) please leave our country.

>All men are created equal.
Back then a nigger was 2/5ths of a man.

>"All men are created equal"
As an Anglo i would like to know, why must i spend fucking decades trying to get a green card if we're "equal"? The US immigration system is fucking shit and betrayer of the Anglo