Should The State Do Paternity Testing Upon Birth?

A friend of mine just found out his wife cheated on him and their baby girl isn't his. He told me that the thing that hurts the most is this confused feeling he has where he poured so much love into this baby girl only to find out she's not his girl. He told me it's something he can't explain but it's killing him.

So, it got me thinking: we live in a country with socialized healthcare. If it were up to me, I would make it mandatory to make test for paternity upon birth. Aside from the paternity fraud, this just makes sense from a right-to-know and medical history point of view.

Why the fuck is paternity testing not done upon birth?

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It should absolutely be done. France has actually banned paternity tests as they are incredibly gynocentric.

The state should fuck off and not get involved in people's private lives. If a man wants a paternity test, he can pay for it himself. I shouldn't have to pay taxes in order to fund some cuck's revelation.

> Why the fuck is paternity testing not done upon birth?
Every now and then you get a man who doesn't want to know the truth. He'd rather just be ignorant and not sure either way. Or he knows the kid is not his but wants to claim the kid and make sure the kid grows up believing he's the father.

Also, there is a tiny but nonzero chance of a mistake and if you tested every single birth, then there would be occasional mistakes that would destroy marriages and relationships beyond repair.

I think the way they do it in France by banning the tests is all kinds of fucked up. Men should be able to paternity test if they want no matter what the mother wishes. But I don't believe men should be able to do it secretly behind the mother's back like you can in the US. If you suspect your partner of cheating on you and tricking you into raising a kid that's not yours, then you should be able to find out, but she should know that you suspect this about her. Some women will leave you over that lack of trust.

They should do it, but it would destroy a large portion of stable marriages
Estimates are 30-40% of children are not the father's

this is not a real post

they are still astroturf the same shit they have been for almost a year now

sage report and hide

>Estimates are 30-40% of children are not the father's

Jesus, source!

That's a little high more like 10-15%

Stupid fucking question

> 30-40%
No fucking way. What you always see quoted is 10%, but most studies say that is overblown. It's like 1 to 2%, somewhat higher for blacks and hispanics and people of lower socioeconomic status.

Archived that

What do they show on Jérri Springér then?

The source is paternity testing clinics. It doesn't mean that 30-40% of men aren't the real father, but that when paternity is in question and tested(because shaniqua is a ho), 30-40% of women lied outright or didn't know who the father was. If a man is sure his child is his, this percentage drops to 2%.

Genetics studies show 10% cuckold rate accross all cultures on avg according to some psych class i took a few years back. In the usa thats probably higher.

It's more like 1-2% historically. In western Europe at least.

My buddy has set up a business in leaf land selling these things. I think they are only $199 ($ca). I will get his website for you. He didn't take my suggestion of

I think you are missing several points here. Ever tried asking your gf/wife for a paternity test? Good fucking luck. And if you think it´s legal to do everywhere you´re a cucked bluepilled fucker, this is a huge problem as it´s literally genetic murder of your bloodline. I would propose death penalty right away for this type of crime, an equivalent would be if a man forcibly sterilized a woman (removed uterus, no frozen eggs possible etc) and stole whatever amount a man would have invested for 18+ years into a child from her, which is a ton.

This is the thing that gets me, well it got me more before I read up on women, that they will get defensive, say no and be angry etc. Their mind is too self-centered, as they ALWAYS know they are the mother, they cannot sympathize whatsoever with the man.

I heard 4% and I also heard you´re a lying fearmongerer. Still 4% is too much when we have easy access to the technology needed to know 100% (in civilized countries at least).