Pol/'s silent majority has issue

with the lack of self-knowledge of 'muh Jews' posters.
Jews are to Whites as Whites are to Blacks.
Just because Jews are at the top is because they are the most intelligent, and thus best able to be in charge.
Don't be like Blacks and hate the fact that you're inferior to another race.
Instead, direct that energy into your job.

Your Jew fears are anti-civilization.

Jews are anti-civilization.

Jews are anti-human.

My nation may be filled with perverts, but at least we're not Canuck faggots like you.
With Jews, you lose!

At the top of what?

That's the problem with rethorical assumptions.

Jews run civilization

They are the highest evolved human. Think about how Jewish conquest works. They attack culture, control the laws, the news, and the money. That is far more sophisticated, effective, and advanced than crude miliatries.

With Jews you lose!

>Just because Jews are at the top is because they are the most intelligent, and thus best able to be in charge.

Then how come Asians aren't over represented in American government despite being more intelligent than whites and having a higher population than Jews? Even IF they are in those positions of power due to intelligence they still use those powers for the interests of their own group

>Just because Jews are at the top is because they are the most intelligent, and thus best able to be in charge.

The only thing that matters is whether they are good for White countries or bad, and Jewish intellectualism have done an immense amount of damage to White countries.

>Jews bested Whites in conquering them.
Agreed. At this point, Whites who chant ''muh Jews!'' are being as insolent and insufferable as Blacks.

Look. I don't know if you can get this with your stupid Goy brain. Let me explain by analogy.

Let's say you have a dog and the dog does something bad. So you will do an "immense amount of damage" to the dog. If you Goys would just behave we wouldn't need to do this stuff.

There's a lot of problems we Jews have to take care of. Resources on this planet are dwindling and our space program is decades behind the schedule we layed out. This is because Cultural Marxism is very expensive but it's the only way to get you Goys to be more docile.

If you would just be good cattle life would be much better. We were schedualed to have VR that would also simulate smells and texture this year and it was going to be CHEAPER than the Occulist Rift. But since you Goys didn't behave you don't get that!

Jews didn't conquer anyone. They can't even take back their holy land from a bunch of inbred Arabs with decades old guns. They are simply sabotaging West civilization, bringing about its end. This will also bring about the end of the Jews, so they aren't conquering, but instead shooting for a mutual death, taking us down with them. That is not the mark of a higher being, but a lower one.

It's not the power and intelligence of the Jews that's the problem, it's what they do with their power and intelligence. Actually, I wouldn't say they're more intelligent than us, they are only superior in their ethnic cohesiveness.

>thinks goys is the plural of goy
Hello jewaboo redditbrowser

With Jews you lose!

Roads are the enemy.

Then how do you explain IQ stormfag

>Jews are to Whites as Whites are to Blacks
In your dreams, Chaim.

The whole thing in is Israel is very delicate. We could easily start a war there and get the US to nuke Mecca.

The thing is the middle east is an importaint part of the economy. As long their oil reserves hold out (about 20-30 years) they get to keep the land. Once they run dry they be just another 3rd world country and taking their land will trivial.

You Goyim have no long term planning. We Chosen have waited more than 2,000 years to get our land back. We can wait a couple of decades longer. The lack of long term planning is why you need us. If you don't get results in 6 months (at best) you give up and move on.

The real battle is in China. It's an economic war, something Goy are very bad at understanding the significance of. If you want to help out buy US and Europian products. A trade war is already happening and it's in your best interest that we win it.


>Whites are like dogs who could be doing better if only they behaved better.
Exactly. Same as the White/Black relationship.

>A 5 iq point difference on average is the same as a full standard deviation and a half

whites are to blacks as blacks are to spider monkeys is more accurate

When considering the superiority of a race one must consider a variety of things. IQ and average intelligence is important, but that should not be the only factor. I believe an issue within the Alt Right and/or Sup Forums is that our arguments are based almost entirely around the scientific concept of the IQ, and certainly if we were to exclude superiority to this level than of course the Jew would be superior to the Aryan. However, other things such as the: strength, the will to survive, creativity, and discipline of a race must also be taken into account. In discipline -and possibly the will to survive- he Oriental and Jew are certainly still superior to the Aryan, but when it concerns strength and creativity the Jew and Oriental are inferior. Now certainly with the former mentioned the Negro is superior to the Aryan, but generally -in comparison to the other races- the Aryan ranks very high. When it concerns creativity the Aryan prevails as the best. High culture and most the technological advances are all products of the Aryan of which -with the exception of a few Oriental and Arab advances in their golden ages, and Jewish advances in the 20th century- reigns utterly supreme. The Aryan is not the best in all areas, -many but not all- but he is very good in the overwhelming majority of criteria. That cannot be said about the Jew.

The Jew is the smartest, best organized, cleverest race. However, he has an incredible inferiority when it concerns strength and mental well being. They also have a superiority complex and a misanthropic attitude towards anyone outside of the tribe causing them to wish to destroy the other groups of the world, currently the Aryan.

However, I do not blame the Jews to wish to decimate the Aryan or any other group, every group must fight to survive and while the Jews tactic is cowardly it is still a method. I believe the Aryan and the Jew are great enemies and within the millennium one will be exterminated.


The average IQ of an Israelite is 92; where as the average IQ of a Pole is 98. Jews are merely good at collaborating as a group to destroy others.

...I however, being an Aryan, wish for the success of the Aryan in this struggle.

I do not blame the Jew for everything occurring in the Occident. The Jew does not create weaknesses, but rather exploits them. It was not a Jew who created Egalitarianism -though they were great promoters of it- nor was it a Jew that developed the flawed economic system of Capitalism or even Globalist Socialism. No, the Jew only expanded upon these ideas and peddled them to the Aryan masses.

So no, the Jews are not the source of our problem, the weak and foolish who produce the disastrous ideas in our society are, and the Jews only exploit that.

Whoever prevails in the struggle for power within nature is superior, thus I believe it shall be the Aryan, but I may be wrong.

Jews do not create culture. They destroy it. They take successful civilizations, bleed it dry, turn it into degeneracy. Replace the strong initial culture with a watered-down version of their own culture.

If the jews were benevolent rulers, I would welcome them, but they are corrupt and selfish and create a system that is unsustainable and unwantable.

Jews seem rather dumb to me. Jews have a low IQ. Jews are merely good at staying with its jewroach pack.

>Whoever prevails in the struggle for power within nature is superior, thus I believe it shall be the Aryan, but I may be wrong.
The world we live in now, is entirely an invention of the aryan race. The aryans (English, Germans, French, Dutch, North Italians, etc.) created all the systems of government, philosophy, sciences of every field, technologies, etc. that make our present way of living possible. Every other culture of merit (Turks, Chinese, Japanese) that came into close contact with Europeans, inevitably re sculpted their own society, from the top down, modelled after the Aryan model. Other countries may have superficial trappings of their original culture, food, clothing, etc. but every important structure and institution and science is Aryan.

In essence, the Aryans have created the most advanced and global culture the world has ever seen.

The jews on the other hand, are only capable of attacking this culture, never adding to it. The aryan is strong, intelligent, a builder, a conquerer. The jew is timid and whiny. He enjoys pure rhetoric over empiricism, and sophistry over philosophy. In time, he will only destroy everything that has been created. The world will sink into an eternal morass of filth and degeneracy.

For this reason, the jew CANNOT prevail. They will never be the master race, even if they wipe out every other race on the planet, because they do not have the character of a master, but that of an ill-natured guest.

I agree, but they have no ability to prevail as master race, but they could defeat the Aryan. They have destroyed other races in the past, but I will agree with you it would be very difficult to destroy the Aryan race, and is thus unlikely that they will prevail.

>Israel is 100% Jew
American education

You just provided an excellent reason for why it should be occupied and ruled by Jews, didn't you?

Have you ever considerd that there are degenerate Jews just like degenerate Goyim?

The only difference is a degenerate Goy will just masterbate to cuck porn. The Jew having more power will be the one pushing the cuck porn.

It's like how niggers would see that some of their white slave owners were degenerate drunkards and than conclude all white people are like that.

Have you ever noticed the Zionists and Marxists hate each other's guts?

You're right, except for one thing.
Every race but whites is able to organize on a tribal level. It is considered evil for whites to do so. If we ignore this social pressure, we will face ostracism, civil lawsuits, and in many cases outright legal censure.
This is what we aim to change. If after we have been permitted to work for our own interests as a group we still lose, then I would confidently say that we deserved to die.

what are you sliding nigger?

>the top
>through nepotism and usury

End that shit, as well as the leadership of cucked movements and we'll speak of honest competition again.

>They are the highest evolved human. Think about how Jewish conquest works.
every other, or many other races, thought we were all playing fair and working together now moving into the brilliant future: are you suggesting Hitler was right?

>jew larping
lowest of all tiers

>Jews are at the top is because
They lack honor. White culture is honor based. White culture is based on a common understanding of justice. Jew culture is based on using semantics to fuck people over. Jews have zero sense of honor. They honestly do not know what the word means.

What does "playing fair" even mean? Life isn't a game with a rule book. All plays are legal.

Now about that glorious future. We certainly are going there. It's just being led by the Jews.

I don't know why you mean asking if Hitler was "right". He had a lot of good ideas but ultimately ran into something more powerful. That doesn't mean he was wrong about EVERYTHING.

>Now about that glorious future. We certainly are going there. It's just being led by the Jews.

The future the Jews are bringing to your doorstep is everything but glorious. It will be painful, unjust and twisted.

Usually sleeping around this time. Why are American hours such cancer? Board is far more tolerable at other times of the day. Seriously only Americans push this pro-kike shit aside from some Anglos.

Agree, there is no reason we should continue to allow burgers on this board.

Jews are the masters of the world today.

Look at it. Does it make you think they are superior? Why should I keep my head down and focus on money when my people, and culture are being steadily eroded?

Fuck off.

It's west coast cancer

Its not a question of intellegence, its a question of willingness to be deceptive.

>is very intelligent
>gets booted out of everywhere