Why is the right so fear mongering?

Why is the right so fear mongering?

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t. authors opinion

It's actually the opposite funnily enough. The right is filled with love and hope, the left fear and hate. You can see that by how it's fun to be on the right, and the left are just mad 24/7. This also contributes to why our memes are so much better, because we have fun making them.

Left wing populism is scary as fuck they want me to be as healthy and rich as the average world citizen.

Right wing populism is about helping the in-group. A tried-and-tested method for success.


The hysteria from the left that has been going on on all fronts for decades about how all the evil white anti-science redneck christian republican boogeymen are going to get you if not enough people support them perhaps outdoes any fear mongering from the right.

Does it really? or is it just what people are programmed to say?
Can we plug in and detect peoples emotions yet?
If I said "I wish for peace love and unity" while twisting a knife in your back, would you believe me?

>Left wing populism is scary as fuck they want me to be as healthy and rich as the average world citizen.
This is why I won't stand for single payer socialized healthcare, getting the same care as the hordes of inner city niggers are getting? It's not going to be good.

Like, "i hope you dont support that nazi bigot racist literal hitler who wants to nuke the planet" kind of hope?

I'm sure he's got the definition of right wrong.

Define fear
Define hope
Both subjective words that alone don't have any meaning

>false hope
>fear for a problem that needs solving

Alternative headline:
>Right wing populism exposes reality, left wing populism peddles fairy tales

Ever been to an emergency ward on a Saturday night? I think there should be breath-testing for in-patients, and only sober patients be allowed to consent to treatment. It would save everyone a lot of time.

antifa certainly doesnt inspire hope

Living on $10k a year and having minimal healthcare is scary as fuck indeed. But that's not what they want at all - they trend to the lowest common denominator. If they had their way, we'd all be living in Venezuela conditions - eating shit pasta and each other in prisons.

>left wing populism
Yea if your a raging faggot. For us on the right the parallels of leftist policy making to communism are so apparent we aren't even willing to debate leftists anymore, they are too far gone.

>gross oversimplification that obviously will favor the author's viewpoint
into the trash it goes

>objective ground based facts such as the fact that he will start a nuclear war and open concentration camps for the gays and blacks

facts are scary. the world we live in is scary. the right doesn't sugar coat it. people get scared when they have to face reality.

The right isn't fear mongering, the right is realistic. To sit here and pretend all the shit you dumbass leftists pull isn't ruining the western world is head in the sand ignorance.

left wing populism evokes jealousy

Left wing(liberals) are the "blue pill", they are the zombies that give anti-thought and anti-health. They relish in the corruption of the flesh and desire to promote the ruination of the body through the creation of surgically made abominations.

Liberals are the opposite of the good guys, they demand that the creation of the death of body and mind be legalized and standardized.

You call them the left-wing, but they're actually ghouls.

>>Right wing populism exposes reality, left wing populism peddles fairy tales

My goodness, well said good chap.



Left wing populism evokes visions of endless slums.

And by hope, we mean Trump is literally Hitler

I don't have hope because it conflicts with reality

ten thousand!? If one person pays themself a trillion buck and the rest get paid -100, the average wage is still millions.

media wage is 2900 and even then, the real wages are much much lower. You can pretend everyone in australia makes minimal wage or gets welfare but in reality none of this happens. most people "fall out of the system"

>right wing is based on what is happening and real, left wing is based on fantasy and theoretical constructs

Conservatism is based on how people and the world are, Liberalism is based on how the world and people should be.

Liberalism is the party of projection

The National SOCIALISTS were left-wing populists.

>fear mongering
As soon as someone says this, I know they are retarded.

Hope for who?

Right wing: get to work.
Left wing: get your handouts here.


Yes, right wingers are all just a bunch of big soulless meanies. That is the reason they do what they do. As you've been telling us on your tv shows for years.


Bernie bro feels hopeful for bernie
Trumpet feels hopeful for Trump

The centre didnt like bernie because he doesn't listen to economists and the right saw him as a full on commie

All populism is retarded. Popular opinion is no basis for government policy.

The will of the nation is best represented by the institutions that fools have taken to calling "the establishment" and "the deep state".

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Libertarians should embrace populism.

>left-wing populism evokes hope


> Climate change is real and it will kill you, if you don't accept it we will kill you
> Accept other races or we will kill you
> Pay more taxes or we will kill you
> Use proper pronouns or we will kill you
> Hire more women or we will kill you

So much hope.

So russia, impending fascism and global warming apocalypse is hope?

hope for a utopia is scarier than anything a conservative could think of.

>left wing populism


Hyperbole much?

>muh global warming is going to end the world
>muh GMO's are giving everyone cancer
>muh rape culture

Even on pol you see more posts about wanting to redpill people or wake them up, while the left pushes a very hard narrative of killing "bigots"

The right has never been wrong about its worries. The left lies 24/7 and is far more hysterical.

> Speaking against liberal ideals

Thats a killing.

Having any negative feelings for Islam after numerous terror attacks, one of which ended the life of ebba akerlund
Bring in anyone from anywhere with no checks at all because there's a picture of the back of a group of "migrants" that shows some barefoot women and their children

> spain podemos
> worst fear.mongerers ever
> only promises are to get rid of the right wing that "is going to destroy public schools, healthcare, welfare state"
healthy hope


If they aren't physically able to do it, they will instead murder their right to speak their mind.

The fundamental difference is the right populists still desire a hierarchical system, only one that doesn't tilt too favorably on the side of the elites (e.g. "I don't care about rich bankers as long as they aren't shipping my manufacturing job oversees") because it sees class-distinction as necessary and good, whereas the left populists want to flatten or outright eliminate hierarchy via elevating the masses at the expense of the elite.



right wing populism isn't actually populism

universal healthcare is populism
robust EPA is populism
social safetynets are populism
campaign finance reform is populism

the democrats are half populist half corporatist.

the republicans are all corporatist. I'd say at least the right wing can claim limiting immigration as populist but even there the GOP isn't far from democrats.

trump ran as a populist on everything except EPA and basically reneged on every economic populist position he had.


Rational fear and false hope.

and why they have to pay people to shill on this shitty website lmao

most folks on the left don't want communism, they want a mixed economy.
most trump supporters do too according to most polls.; for my conversations the strongest points of contention between liberals and trump supporters tend to be social and cultural issues, less economic organization of the country.

as a liberal i don't see capitalism as an end in itself but an essential foundation to the economy upon which sensible government regulation is superimposed with the goals of giving the working class peace of mind, ensure equal opportunity for all children to succeed to the same level, and to protect the future ecological and economic interests of the country.

I don't ascribe ethical values to capitalism or socialism, I just see them as a tool; a means to an end.

only in this country is fear of vaccines, contraceptives, chinese/liberal climate change conspiracies, and not teaching alternatives to evolution in science courses seen as rational

as the essential disclaimer, I know that's not all the right, and plenty of folks in the left wing have their own irrational fears (GMO, calling literally everything bigotry)

Uh, no sweetie. Right wing populism evokes responsibility, left wing populism inspires selfishness.

>he saved the thumbnail

what an omega sissy cuck lmao

>Only in this country
Are you retarded or have you really not looked at the rest of the world?(basically retarded)

>rural and suburban retards

Choose one

Hope like "that doge isn't rabid he is cute xD" that all women do

Then when they get bit they scream "Help, men, help! Where is a man when you need him?" and they learn nothing

>lol what are you afraid of goy :^)

Tell all the goy peasants Trotsky killed that they were wrong to fear him.

Most managers and leaders are right wing. People who tend to be successful financially are on average conservative in behavior. You can take kikes like Zuckerberg and say they espouse left wing principles to the plebs, which is true, but in the way they live their lives is quite the opposite. Conservatives aren't just the people in the boons(which are actually much better places to live than in degenerate shitscapes that are modern cities like a very Liberal Detroit or Portland)

Left wingers have dysfunctional amygdalas. They aren't capable of sensing threats the same way right wingers are.

>lol hes just holding a knife to my neck why fearmonger? he hasnt done anything, i'm perfectly ok. why make such hateful assumptions? bigot


They both evoke fear. Except right-wing populism evokes fear of real and ongoing dangers while the fear of the left is largely imaginary, hypothetical, or outright dishonest.

>Most managers and leaders are right wing.

Those are the people who have been pushing the neoliberal indoctrination for decades now, resulting in the globalization, mass migration and outsourcing you all keep complaining about nonstop.

Yet you are pretty proud to have them on your team. Good going.

well yeah, the US is centuries ahead of some parts of the world, but I meant to imply a comparison between developed countries, not going comparing us to batshit insane or backward cultures

Not entirely. You're generalizing essentially millions of people by the actions of a handful of kikes. Not every person that owns a house has control over globalism, you dumb cuck.


Both fear and hope are stupid and fundamentally useless

Backward cultures are a left-wing utopia, that's why their favorite import is Islam.

Bernie Swindlers did nothing but fear monger about everything from richies to global warming to how doom and destruction were going to follow a Trump presidency. If that's not fear mongering, you have a very peculiar definition of it.

>Be lefty
>Wow, the world sure is a mess! Only expanding the size of government at the expense of our liberties can fix this! #strongertogether

>Be conservative
>Wow, the world sure is a mess! We'll fix it ourselves so having a big government that limits our personal liberties is a huge detriment! Let's get that stuff outta there!

The Left constantly accuses the Right of drumming up racism,fear and hatred.

Meanwhile on the Left:
>All whites are inherently racist and benefit from privilege, never earning anything without it being some benefit of a non-existing privilege.

>The Right wants to take away your healthcare and wants you to starve to death on the streets while your family dies around you.

>The only reason the rich have money is because the poor have no money. All of the money the rich have was stolen from the poor and they're trying to avoid paying them their fair share.

It's actually pretty funny how hard the Left projects. All the bullshit they accuse the Right of doing, they do themselves politically.

End of the day, one side talks about working to earn money and be able to afford these things. The other talks about how you outright deserve these things and other people should have to put forth more of their earned money so people who don't contribute shit can have things too.

Same reason I quit playing WoW after 2011. The idea that you should never have to earn anything to have it and being entitled to everything is incredibly destructive to people. Nor does it help them in the long run. Yeah free shit's cool until the people paying for it either leave or are unable to fund it. What then? Look at Venezuela. They put in social systems expecting their elite to pay for it and their elite basically said "Fuck you" and left the country to avoid being forcibly taxed to pay for other people.

Uhm, no, the right-wing base doesn't consist of "millions of" managers and leaders, it consists of rural and suburban retards led by a handful of managers and leaders, you big blubbering vagina.

Enjoy being their slave while wallowing in delusions of freedom.

>left : fear mongering
>right : hope for happening

>only in this country is fear of vaccines
there are a lot of hippies who fear vaccines too, as do anti-government right wingers. both are on the fringe, and both are actually correct to some extent.
Strawman. Almost no one is afraid of contraceptives, the argument is why should we have to pay for something like that, especially considering the fact that it enables degenerate behavior. But that aside, the burden for people sleeping around shouldn't fall on the taxpayer. Actually, taxes shouldn't exist in the first place, but that's a whole other issue.
>Chinese/liberal climate change conspiracies
There are a lot of dogmas in the climate change community, and reasons to be skeptical of the extent of man made climate change. In any case, most people who take a position aren't informed enough to have an opinion on it and just jump onto their side for shallow identity politics reasons.
>and not teaching alternatives to evolution in science courses
You know, there are a lot of scientific concepts that never get covered in school, this one just became a meme issue but in terms of affecting everyday life, a knowledge of evolution is pretty insignificant.
It's not like the left will really embrace some of the logical conclusions of evolution anyway, such as sexual dimorphism or race and iq. Nor can most of the leftists who actually were taught evolution in school tell you much about it. Like most things, public school does a shit job covering the material, so does it really make a difference what they teach?
Really public schools as a whole should be abolished. I encourage you to read the School Revolution by Ron Paul.

if that was true jeb bush would be president.


Portland is a great city to live.

first of all. every complaint the left has is fear of some nazi appocolypse where we gas the gays and the spics.

second of all, left wing populism in charge of the democrat party is the best thing trump could ever have accomplished. Left wing globalism is only have the problem, but it is part of the problem.


Jeb failed to use a sufficiently dumbed down language and hollow talking points to secure the coveted rural and suburban retard vote.

>left wing populism evokes hope, not fear

>it consists of rural and suburban retards led by a handful of managers and leaders

Yeah and the Left consists of a bunch of NEETs and worthless people who are only looking for free shit because they don't want to work.

Even using the ugliest extremes of the parties bases, which would you rather have?

A society of people who believe it's more beneficial to work and get paid for things and the free market will regulate itself based on competitive wages and the increasing need for housing as inflation inevitably happens over time?

Or people who would rather just have everything given to them by everyone else and when a collapse of the government giving them shit happens, they'll be unable to do anything. They can't even help themselves now, you think when the government finally runs absolutely out of money and can't promise free shit to the Left that it will go well? They already knew it wouldn't go well and drained other systems of their funding so they could give people free shit to secure having votes.

>Enjoy being their slave while wallowing in delusions of freedom.

Right, because we aren't headed that way with the Democrats trying to force economic collapse by driving wages down with massive immigration and their ever increasing efforts to give more free shit to people that ultimately is funded by extra taxation on the people who actually make money. Then when we can't afford these systems but have this massive government that we forfeited rights like speech over to, what do you think we'll become?

Name me ONE Leftist policy in recent years that isn't entirely funded by "increase the taxes on the rich!" Show me a policy that actually has a plan about how it will be funded and not entirely based on the assumed compliance of someone else.

The Left hates freedom so much they don't even give people the freedom to choose if they'll fund pointless shit like Welfare. It's "pay the new taxes or go to prison."

>Right wing populism: let's make America great again
>Left wing populism: Rioting and shooting congressmen #resist
Hmm it seems like the opposite but if kike journalists say it, then it must be true

>I luv muh Mexican immigrants they are cheap labor :^)

wow so complex

Hope is the greatest of all evils, OP.


when you are giving your voters instructions on when to clap youve hit rock bottom of dumbed down.

>leftism is about hope

because you have to be delusional to believe their goals are possible?

oh look, it's another author's opinion thread