Nordic blood is divine. I'm not LARPing here. Hyperborea, North/South pole entrance, Thule, Pytheas' explorations...

Nordic blood is divine. I'm not LARPing here. Hyperborea, North/South pole entrance, Thule, Pytheas' explorations, nazi occultism, tall pale/white aliens, and more. Look it all up, think beyond what you've been told, and the picture forms. Be awoken.

Do you mean Aryan blood?

Anonymous5 thread?

Ok cletus

crazy mofo

>im special.

>Look it all up, think beyond what you've been told, and the picture forms. Be awoken.

I'd rather be sane

I would rather be insane, the modern world is not a place for sane men.

Honestly, after being on here for only about 4 days, I'm questioning my own reality. Are we really all controlled by Jews and the Rothschild? Have the conspiracy theorists been right this while time? Has the media always been blatant propaganda? Will white people ever survive? Will we ever break free? Is there anything to break free from? I don't know, and these xanax are no longer working

Welcome to Sup Forums :)

>Will white people ever survive?
No, I can tell you that much already.

I knew about this place for a while but never went here because you all seem like insane assholes. Now I'm one of them.

If Natives and Jews are still around, white people will be too

everything's fine

Except there never was such a coordinated effort to actually get rid of either of those groups as there is now against us. We lack the ethnocentric backbone needed to survive this shit, eventually we'll be grated down to some brown mess where we stop being white and that's that.

>never was such a coordinated effort to actually get rid of either of those groups
Holocaust and trail of tears come to mind

That's only because you're a newfag.

That means literally nothing, thanks

Of course it does, and looking at >being on here for only about 4 days
it's true too.

different ethnic groups are divine

black people are mysterious for being physically for being well endowed

native americans are mysterious for being so well connected with nature

nordics are mysterious for being extremely beautiful

asian people like tibetans are mysterious for being deeply spiritual

it's when you mix them together, you lose aspects of what makes your race unique

Controlled? Yes it seems to be the most likely. And yeah conspiracy theorist are right most of the time. I forgot the name but it might be Operation Mockingbird which concerns manipulated media. I'm sure whites will survive, and I'm not sure we will ever break free. At least not how things are going. Its only natural for the strong to rule the weak. Drugs are bad m'kay.
Sorry to intrude but whats the redpill on the trail of tears I usually only hear the holohoax pill on here?

Ode to you.
You will never be able to undo the damage, but it will somehow make you more. That, or you kys

>tfw im only a mixed white
i wish i were scandinavian though

>That, or you kys

Relocation isn't extermination. This shit doesn't apply to us because a) it's not the goal to have us relocate somehwere and b) there's nowhere left for us to relocate to in the first place.

Aryan blood doesn't belong to nordic people, it's late XIX century British propaganda made by historians. Real aryans belongo to southern Europe, such as Greeks and Romans: Leonidas, Great Aexander, Augusto or Julius Caesar. True Aryan.


The only way I can think of to truly "free" ourselves, as in no Jewish manipulation, Rothchild, propaganda, white genocide, etc. is nuclear holocaust

Native americans and asians people actually share the much of the same dna apparently

He meant that the holocaust indeed happen, we sacrifice 6 millions to the Saturn pseudo-god to gain control over the goyim with +10 IQ points and some other details, but the treaty failed in the future, and the nigger cube tried to turn everything to normal reverting the most of the effects of the holocaust, sadly most of the jews still remember the event as a reality.

Don't confuse the blackpill for the redpill. Sort yourself out.

I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more specific

>when you realize that all races are like a class in a RPG
>whites have bonus for swimming
>blacks have bonus for running

what are the other perks?

Men are not divine, though we were created in the image of God. Have pride in your Nordic heritage, nothing wrong with that. I think all white heritage is great.

it is also divine when you poo without a toilet, this is why Asia is divine, poo in nature by squatting which releases the negative energies (poo) back into the earth (negatively charged energies)

Ancient Rome and Greece never existed. It's all fake ruins and history. Everything they tell us is a lie. They have been faking stuff for hundreds of years.

So if i breed with a swede my kids will be divine?

>jews have bonus for scheming
>asians have bonus for sociopathy
>indians have bonus for bathrooms anywhere