Why arent girls/female comedians funny?

Is it because of the culture in america that tells girls all they have to be is pretty, and that they dont have to grow a brain?
Or is it genetic?

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Yeah fuck i'm sure you misogynists are fucking hilarious stammering jew and n***** jokes under your breath. FUCK this website is disgusting


>"A person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10, OK?" - Donald Trump, September 2005 Howard Stern.)

>“They said, ‘How are you going to change the pageant?’ I said ‘I’m going to get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher’.” Donald Trump ,1997

There are literally dozens of these quotes. Trump raised the bar to high for the faggots who voted for him.

Good comedians speak from experience. What experiences in the modern world can a woman have besides corralling by other women?

how could a woman possibly be funny?

Why are you swearing? Penis Envy?

Evolution. Men had to bring the lulz to get pussy. Women had to bring nothing.


god i wish it weren't so.

that's bullshit but i believe it

Men don't find funny women attractive. Unattractive traits get bred out of populations through genes and memes.

Result: The kid who cracks jokes in class and is a boy gets rewarded by his peers, the girl version doesn't, so by the time they're teenagers girls have stopped trying.

>you need intelligence to be funny and it helps to be ugly.

There are probably a ton of funny female comedians out there but the only ones who will ever be featured are either the ones who pander to men by talking about how they like sucking dick or the ones who pander to women who talk about how they hate sucking dick.

Being a comedian is 85% writing and 15% stage presence. You have to be able to write material that is actually funny, what a lot of amateur comedians tend to do is tell a very boring story for 3 minutes just to set up a punchline that audiences can usually see coming halfway through the bit. Male and female comedians both often resort to shock humor because it's cheap and easy, but it takes a lot of skill to pull off creating an act that doesn't just fall back on talking about boobs or the word "fuck" a lot.

Males aren't funny either to begin with.

Do u rub feces into ur vagina when you masturbate to tucker carlson? My femilib friend?

I've seen a good theory on this
Men needs to be funny to attract girls which is why men evolved to be funny
Women however never had that need so they evolved without becoming funny

There are funny female comedians, just not mainstream...


Whats wrong with that?

Megin Kellie is not a comedian or a woman, you stupid fag.

>n***** jokes
I was on my way home yesterday and seen a nigger walking across the street with a flat screen TV, at first I thought it was mine but then I remembered mine was home polishing my shoes

Women are funny. Not to you, but to each other. You know this because comedy is subjective and women make each other cackle like fucking mad. The reason woman comedians aren't funny is primarily because they're emulating male humor. The notion that males and females socialize, interpret or express themselves the same way is the root problem in all this. It's nonsense we should've put an end to a long time ago. The women outside your closest circle aren't even supposed to be funny to you.

Girl humor involves socializing, familiarity and silliness. Women don't actually like Amy Schumer. Lady comedians are the types of women who aren't even liked by other women. The real question is why are we expected to abide by women acting like malfunctioning men?

People love to laugh user, it evokes happiness. Women just don't have that gift.

Kathleen Madigan is funny but that's all I got

The heart of comedy, the truest form, is the ability to take something grim/negative/taboo, make it relatable to everyone and highlight the hypocrisy/banality/vanity of that issue being 'bad' in the first place.

The basic formula to the best kind of comedy is get something bad, draw a similarity to something completely normal in everyones life (even if its a stretch) and laugh chuck a ridiculous situation on top to link it all together.

Women can't do this anywhere near as effectively as men because they are really bad at admiting the hypocrisy/banality/vanity etc of their own actions. They are so insecure about appearing anything less than perfect and will never draw negative attention to themselves or their actions. They can't appreciate irony because they can't stand criticism without thinking they are being attacked, even when it comes from them!

As a result, women comedians skip the second important step altogether and just go "Hey imagine this completely unrealistic bad/gross scenario, yeah that happened to me!". By making things so unbelievable and un-relatable to the audience, they shield themselves from having to admit their own flaws which is a key part of comedy.

Hitchens answered this years ago

I believe it's genetics.

An important part of comedy is the ability to self-deprecate, which is something women can't do for the life of them because they think too highly of themselves and have fragile feelings. I have not seen a woman who has the ability to poke fun at themselves or take a friendly jab without taking some kind of offense.

They just resort to how their vagina smells.

Consistent with the foregoing analysis, but the exception, Joan Rivers was damn funny in her heyday.


Every good comedian has lead a rough life. Strife, solitude, suffering make good art.

Even if there are women who have lead the correct lifestyle to write good jokes, in our society it is highly unlikely that they will have BOTH the lifestyle/writing ability AND the necessary self esteem/self image to perform those jokes and make them relateable.

The very few female comedians that even approach this (at least to me) aren't people that would be famous today.

Look at a Betty White, Rosanne Barr, or Joan Rivers; the odds of someone like that starting out now is very slim. You have to be hot and young to get famous if you're a woman and being an attractive female gives you a level of privilege that would eliminate the lifestyle necessary for you to generate material.

to women laughing is just a social ritual of acceptance, they don't actually understand humor, they recognise humor when a male does it and if they want acceptance from him then they laugh if they don't then they don't
sometimes they replicate the ritual amongst themselves, especially career women who want to act like males but still they don't understand what's funny or isn't funny because it requires a solid view about the world in the first place and women will always just adapt to what the peer pressure or their selected male says, so there's nothing unusual and therefore funny for them

Some good analysis in this thread.
Saves me the trouble of posting, thanks.

>Implying if a female was actually objectively funny by males and females she wouldn't be a cash cow and the media wouldn't give her free publicity all day everyday

>There are probably a ton of funny female comedians out there

There aren't though you stupid white knight. The industry is clamoring for them. Especially in LA where they take their diversity quotas very seriously.

If a female comedian is even passably funny in the most bottom of the barrel type of way they get offers thrown at them. Especially in this particular social climate.

it's like people still don't understand what laughing is, even though it's a very simple concept
through the knowledge you acquired through your life you create a view about the world and when experience something that contradicts that view you laugh, that's pretty much it, crying is just a strained form of laughing where it doesn't actually go against your view of the world but you still don't want to accept it
and with women like I've said the issue is that they never have an actual view of the world, they just adapt to peer pressure/their mate and are always ready to change what they show outwards if the circumstances require it so there'll be anything that's actually funny for them
funny things are important for males because they open new perspectives and show sign of a male's ingenuity which is the number one quality a male requires from an evolutional point of view, women just see that males find it important and treat it as important, even though they don't understand why or how to do it

*there'll never be anything

this was extremely hard to watch

didn't even crack a smile

Hey, it worked for Mel Brooks.

Men evolve to be funny because the funny man gets laid. Womon only need to exist to get laid.

not an argument
counter, or fuck off

I made it 3 minutes waiting for a joke but there wasn't one

There are few genuinely funny females but in general girls always look like they try too hard when trying to be funny. While men are more immature when it comes to that kind of stuff.

can confirm, if my friends tell an inside joke or something that would go over anyone elses head and i laugh, my wife tends to laugh too even when she couldnt possibly have a clue to the context of it. ill even ask her if she has any idea whats so funny and she will just flat out say no but im laughing so it must be funny.

>Women can't do this anywhere near as effectively as men because they are really bad at admiting the hypocrisy/banality/vanity etc of their own actions.
They used to be, but the whole "u go girl!! :)" thing that was supposed to make girls more confident turned too many of them into aggressive narcissists, and even made it something of a taboo for a woman to rag on herself or cast herself in a negative light. As pointed out (and where was Lucille Ball on your list damn you), there have been a lot of great female comedians, and I'd argue that out of active ones, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and until very recently Tina Fey are fucking hilarious.

Just because Amy Schumer sucks and can't think of anything that doesn't involve her vagina doesn't mean women aren't funny. Carol Burnett and Joan Rivers are good examples of funny and talented comediennes.

Women naturally have more shame. They live for social praise. Comedy is about what is wrong, so of course only men can really achieve comedy kino.

The funniest female comedians devolve into dingbat progressive feminists its inevitable.

I like this thread.

They take things too personally. They can't laugh at themselves.

All the funny women are ancient or dead by now.

He's absolutely right in that men try to make women laugh in order to get laid.

If you can't get a girl to laugh or smile you're fucking done.

Why'd the nigger move to Detroit?
He heard there was no work!

Most of them aren't funny, but one of the only exceptions is Christian Wiig, she's genuinely funny without even trying