Daily reminder that trump has done nothing to legalize

this will cost him dearly next election

He looks literally sick.

I cant imagine what being high on lab tier weed all day long would be like.

That fat loser makes me very uncomfortable

I hate his vids, though my friends love to watch his shit

t. "stoner"

>didn't legalize degeneracy


No it won't, you fucking bum. The only people that give a shit about muh legalization is degenerate fuckasses like CustomGrow and you.

You live a very sad life.

Are you anti freedom?

why are so many weed smokers high literally all day every day?
when someone gets drunk during the day and/or alone they get (rightfully) called out, but not potheads. same goes for DUI actually. nobody cares as long as its the epic weed dude

He will do the Trudeau thing and use it as a carrot to get re-elected.

Didn't one of his dudes say states can do what they want?

I get depressed less than 3 hours after I smoke and I want to be high or die every second of my life, it feels really uncomfortable. It might not be the weed tho and taking big hits is the only thing keeping me normal. Plus the world sucks so might as well smoke and be depressed than to just be depressed

Pic rel, i spend 500$ a month on dem fire chemicals

I seriously hope this dude gets murdered soon, a quick rundown for those who don't know:
>degenerate, that much should be obvious
>methhead juggalo who assaulted someone in a public park
>frequently chooses his shitty videos over his wife and kid(s?)
>at one point his wife deleted all his videos because he abandoned her and the kid to go to a weed convention
And I haven't followed him in years, it can only have gotten worse

This. Liberty comes after the future dictatorship, not before.

when I smoke pot all day I don't beat my wife. Also, it's not physically addictive, with 3ish day withdrawal period that's not as bad as caffeine withdrawl

You sound pathetic. I think weed should be legal, but I hate when fucking loser degenerates act like it's a big issue. There are way more important things that need to be sorted out first.

Potheads are some of the most annoying people on this planet. I understand why someone would get baked after work or on a weekend, but that isn't usually how these people are. They usually are jobless and get baked all day everyday, and then have the audacity to demand gov't support. People like Customgrow just hurt the cause of legalizing weed.... At least he is making his own money though and not relying on the gov't, albeit a pretty degenerate job. You can be pro-legalization without being a loser, but most loser potheads just make libertarians like myself want to turn fascist.

Its worse, he ditched the kid AT the festival

pot heads are always the most degenerate fucks, the only people who smoke weed are highschoolers and losers

Guys like that is the reason I stopped smoking weed.

>Also, it's not physically addictive

Precisely this. They have no fucking nuance in their degenerate heads. They think "muh freedoms" means freedom to have no job and just get high all day. They abuse libertarianism and make it impractical. Fuck em

because michael phelps could still kick your ass after 21 bong rips but not after 21 shots

Does CPS not exist in California? At least I think he lives there, it just seems obvious.

Is this the guy who nearly coughs himself to death in every video?

are you me? I was depressed before weed, but I need to stay high to be not depressed

As a pothead I do not care if its legal or not. I can still buy it. Its all locally grown and nothing goes to filthy fucking spics.
t. user in a state with not legal medical or recreation smoke.

I can't believe I used to watch this guy a few years ago. How did you find out about all that? I always knew he was a degenerate so I'm not at all surprised, but I never had any hard proof that he did that shit.

What up What up What up What up What up What up YouTube??

Why don't he take off his hoodie if he's sweating that much?

Yeah but the kind of people that are high all day usually have no ambition, no job, no family.... Whether it's a correlation or a causation is not something I can say, but they are connected.

Good god, user, I hated him well enough just seeing his fucking face but then you had to tell me all this...

Dont you hate living in a perpetual haze?

A lot from comments on his video and when his wife deleted all his videos she filled us in on a lot

>I get depressed less than 3 hours after I smoke and I want to be high or die every second of my life
You should just kill yourself. People like you are why I can't have my legal weed.

Well i go to college and im really fucking nauseous all day, and its so much better when im high to deal with having to throw up and i dont have to be constantly asking if im okay. One of my work friends smokes more that I do and he has 2 houses, wife and 3 kids. The kids are young and he hides everything perfectly.

High iq, creative add people such as myself can function almost better when there is something to entertain us in our heads, thats not meth(ritalin or adderall, hate the stuff)

He shouldnt do anything with weed

Leave it up to the states.

Not once did I say anything about you being incapable of functioning. I think you should kill yourself because of what I quoted, you fucking retard.
Also, from a pothead to another, drop the MUH I HAZ A HIGH IQ!!!11!! faggotry. Intelligent people don't have to tell others they are intelligent.

How much do you earn per year? Just trying to get a sense of how much of an investment $500/month really is for you.

You vastly overestimate the political power of "Dude Weed LMAO"

>implying stoners weren't voting Hillary anyway.


Ashwagandha and microdose is a better natural alternative if you wanna cut back

I make 14k part time a year, live at my gfs house, no other major expenses besides driving

>appoints Jeff Sessions as AG
>reverses policy to not use private for profit prisons for federal prisoners

His "leave it to the states" campaign stance was just a meme, he wants to go full on Nixon/Reagan war on drugs

Jeff Sessions is chomping at the bit for congress to undo its protections for state legal medical cannabis that's part of the budget every year, because he wants to go after medical patients and dispensaries.

cause you know, it's of vital importance to our country to throw cancer patients in prison for using "the pot" to alleviate some of their symptoms from chemo.

Dont worry about the next election familiaar

Were already interferiong

*gf's mom's house


He's done nothing to stand in the way of legalizing, which is the smarter move.

This. Guy looks like he has fucking cancer or some shit. Disgusting weed addict.

>injecting yourself with some black shit you got from some stranger claiming it will cure cancer

It'll go great with my colloidal silver and black salve

>actually falling for the injects marijuana meme

Its not a meme. My older brother OD'd after injecting three joints of marijuana

yeah i caved and went to the psych jew. she put me on something really really light. but it helps. i no longer feel as if my mind is working turbo on another plane from the world.

>My older brother OD'd after injecting three joints of marijuana
I mean, that actually would kill you.

CPS in California stands for "Child Pornography Services," desu

Why would I want to be somone that im not, somone that other people want me to be? No thanks fuck stimulants, fuck antidepressants and fuck annoying people that have their mood on the ceiling all damn day because of it

>implying marijuana also doesn't do similar things to an extent
>implying marijuana doesn't create a dependency after extended use just like medication
>living at gf's mom's house
I think you have more problems than just "being yourself," desu

you already are forcing yourself to be something youre not by being stoned 24/7

sometimes but not always
I used to buy weed with bitcoin a few years ago and decided to invest in them for real
I'm pretty wealthy now
I've made more from my bitcoin investment then I could in 5-10 years at my sales job
but I don't smoke anymore because I got arrested for possession of cannabis and the state has me on probation

>weed has no side effec-

we're only an 1/8th of the way into his first term dude, chill.

My problems are as simple as i hate college and society with a burning passion since birth and in order to be sucsessful I have to go to college on my grades because of poor family. The first to go but i fucking hate that place and each and every cunt and dick there.
I really like it

I use to think weed was this great escape, this method to break the conditioning and programming of the world. It is a false God of intellectual freedom. Besides the ability to slow down my thoughts in moments of stress it kept me conditioned and under their control. Nothing and I mean nothing is more powerful then your mind free from any type of chemical found in drugs. From weed to LSD. It does nothing but hold you back, undermines your full potential. Once you kick it, everything becomes clear. You begin to really see the redpill in society and the world. It is hard, troubling, and at times destructive to see the world in a clear picture. But running away from the truth of reality through drugs is weak. You're not better than the junkies of dope you measure yourself against. Clean mind, body, and soul. Stop being afraid to be yourself. Society will try to mold you into a shape that pleases them. But you are the both the sculptor and the clay in your own life.

>says the dutchman

haha you're country is the weed and prostitution mecca to everyone besides the dutch!

same with me man that 1st smoke of the day with a coffee is the best
it allows me to think clearly and faster, I have so much anxiety and stress I can barely get stuff done now that I don't use it
doctors give me benzos and think it's a better solution treat anxiety and they always mess me up

if you smoke pot and you cant even go a few days without you have self control issues it isnt hard at all.

Ive mastered the thoughtloops of most cases of anxiety, so it just registers as pain now

thanks user, but cut out that fashwave shit.

That degenerate single handedly turned me from a live and let live stance on weed to a Duterte-tier prohibitionist.

Come on, a lot of it is good

Stop being a faggot and giving the rest of us a bad rap. I've smoked almost every day for years, at least two to three times a day. Do you know what happens when I run out and can't get anymore? NOT A FUCKING THING. I go on with my life, I go hang out with best friend of 15 years, drink, go play pool, shoot weapons.

Your life should not revolve around Weed. Stop being a bitch and control yourself.

I hate college too, filled with hypocrites and hyper liberal bullshit, which is funny that it is since it's in Southern Georgia. I've had smoked and had edibles but I never smoked more than two or three times a month and I stopped because smoking, regardless of what, is bad for your lungs because you are inhaling hot ashes.

I go on a ADD skeev-fest

>thinking ADD is real

I dont but its a vibe you can relate to

>Doesn't have to smoke grass to feel happy
>sad lif bruhhhhhh

Wow the delusion in this post. You never tried to quit weed basically ever, you just had a 3 day lull to change weed dealers, you still went out and bought weed ASAP.

What would happen if they said weed was dead forever? Would you shrug and move on or kill yourself? I don't believe you unless you answered the latter.

True enough. I just exercise when I feel restless.


Who gives a shit faggot. Smoking weed is a sign of mental illness.


He's also done nothing to stop states from legalizing it...so whats your question?

Wrong. I've actually by dry for most of 2017, DEA busted someone high up in the food chain around here and I haven't bothered to go out and find a new guy. To answer your scenario, though? I wouldn't give a fuck. There are plenty of other methods I can use to drown my sorrows, like coming to this Croatian knitting forum.

I don't expect a manchild like you to matter in an election.

Weed is for losers cocaine is where its at. Coke makes you a better person and gets you laid.

>weed is bad for you
>listen to gubamint
>no you can't legalize
>no stop (((they))) said you can't

Smoke weed every day.

I would dedicate my life to resurrecting it.

do you have any idea how much you would make if you did?

To your original point though:
I have an allergy to alcohol. If I drink anymore then a sip I will vomit all night, and any more then that I risk my throat closing up. I also can not stand uppers. That cant sit still/cant eat/cant sleep feeling is absolutely abhorrent to me. I also am not comfortable around people and hate myself.

My life would be really boring and shitty if I didn't at least have the option of pot

you can smoke weed your whole life with very little side effects, but you can't really do coke past 35 without risking a heart attack
plus coke drains your system and it starts showing on your skin

I don't have to smoke to feel happy either.
The difference is friends make you happy and I can tell you have no friends whilst I do because I'm not a judgemental cunt.
This is how I assume the brunt of most of your social interactions go. Just replace weed with anything else you think is "degenerate." Kek.

>"Hey user, yeah me and sasha were out by the bar on third. Just having a joint with the barman when- "
>"W-weed is illegal a-and b-bad for you."
>"Okay user."
>Walks away and never talks to you again.

I smoke weed but I hate "Weed Culture". Legalization won't happen (at least in the south) as long as the current face of weed culture is maintained. Compare tobacco culture and beer/alcohol culture to weed culture. It's having a beer with friends compared to getting so blazed you cant even function. Getting drunk as a skunk is bad but getting so blazed that it might boarder on LSD is good?

Walk into your local head shop, and the atmosphere will be "be trashy and a public nuisance". There is gangsta rap playing, bumper stickers that talk about killing cops, assassinating the president, and hypersexualizing every aspect of life are on display. Why wouldn't anyone think that weed makes you degenerate if this is the culture you support? Also it doesn't help the fact that these shops also literally sell pipes made for crack and/or meth. (The pipes with the ping-pong-ball-sized glass chamber with a stem.)

Fucking this.
I am the master of my body. What enters my temple does so on my terms. I only smoke once or twice a week and even then I will take month long breaks from smoking just because I can. Same thing with tobacco and alcohol. I only smoke cigars on special occasions (such as New Years) and I only drink at most 2 beers a day unless I go out with friends but even then I limit myself.

>drinks everyday
>tells others to control themselves

That's not actually how it works. The most common response to to degeneracy is a light cringe and force yourself to ignore it. You have to get used to it in this fucking world.

Look at all these sad little degenerate shitheads you just triggered

>Say if I drink I only have at most 2 beers a day
>Implying I drink beer every day.
>Implying I've had a beer in the past 2-3 weeks.

Alright ill bite, what is your existential trigger that keeps you from getting fucked up all the time

they should just ban caffeine alcohol and tobacco while mormons call all of you degenerates
I would support that, it's either legalize all or nothing because those against legalization are invading free people's space doing what they want while harming no one

If Trump came out for legalization, everyone would suddenly be against it just because it's Trump.

the sweat around his eyes is making me heave

Dude if you legalize it and let the government tax/regulate it pot will start to suck majorly. At that point it really will be a tool to pacify the drooling masses.



t. pot smoker

He smokes so much weed that he forgets how warm out it is and wears a sweatshirt and sweatpants all the time.

video games does it for me. literally the only reason. its my passion, develop yours!

He also hasn't cracked down on any legal iterations of that business. Hell, it's about to get rolling in "cannabis social clubs" here in Denver.

Just don't be a fucking junkie and wake and bake every single day. People who drink at night are fine, it's when they're always drunk that it's a problem. And even then overdoing it gives them a hangover the next day. Treat it like any drug and don't let it control your life