Drumpftards officially BTFO!!! Proof that dump is senile!

Turns out drumpf doesn't even know what day the Fourth of July is. Guess he really is senile, impeachment imminent

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Do you guys think calling him Drumpf is actually funny? I can almost hear the forced leftist laugh.


>Not knowing that this what fourth July is about celebrating our independence from foreign governments when this country was first made.
Nice try schlomo, have a sage

>Turns out drumpf doesn't even know what day the Fourth of July is.

Try again poster.



Independence Day is everyday here, nigger.

July 2 was the real day of independence, Which means Mr Trump is more based and redpilled then your stupid ignorant ass.

>Kek approves

sweet, so the military is going to overthrow trump

Lmao he's a literally retard, I can't believe people actually elected this low-IQ dolt

That's because he's going to spend the next days drunk, eating burgers and shooting off illegal fireworks.

I hope that pepe doesn't walk home from a bar while on the phone with his gf


Oh happy day

>shooting off illegal fireworks

Sheit, if I was the President, I'd be nuking the moon for the 4th.

>couldn't get the stripes to look right on the bent leg
>fuck it I'll just go 3/4 stars

What a lazy meme.

>he's a literally retard
look in the mirror, user.

Your a moron. There were no stripes on the bent leg, only his shoes.

err and sock.

>men and women in uniform is

what a fucking retard

What's the story of FREEDOM about?
Is it about America, the uniform or men and women?