How can americans defend this retard?

How can americans defend this retard?
Just watch him explain what uranium is:

Other urls found in this thread:


"You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons and other things, like lots of, things are done with uranium including some BAD THINGS"

Literally retarded. Are you happy, burgerland? This is what you wanted.

Die in a sea of sandnigger anus rape.

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
only he had read his answer off a teleprompter he could fool you like obama did

sealed records of his failure.

Navalny voter detected

>muh Obama
Is that the only argument drumplets have?

Trump is vary smart
he is so smart he knows how to appeal to idiots

most americans are retards ivan

then move to another country :^)

its not my fault people here are stupid and you are probably a kike

trump is a genius.
he uses a tiny amount of words to communicate vast amounts of information through his speeches.

the effect this has is predictability. when he chooses to stray outside of his normal selection of words, their impact becomes greater. the things of importance are more easy to highlight.

it's my conviction that trump is actually a genius beyond my current comprehension.

If you think that is stupid, you should see how Hillary "cleans" a server

>with a cloth

where is he wrong?


>russian psyops reverse psychology
i can see what you're trying to do here and it wont work. we are going to take you russian scum down and drumpf along with him! who else /shareblue/ here?


'Retard' worth billions who flies around in a private jet and is the president of the most powerful country in world history. lel. you faggots are so delusional.

Nigga, you explain what Uranium is without using google.

> Because he doesn't talk like an elitist faggot he is retarded.

"You know what muslim rape gangs is, right? This thing called Islam and other things of peace, like lots of, things are done with muslims including PEACE THINGS"

Damn, who knew Merkel was so good at speeches, literally Hitler.

kek, stupid bitch blamed pic related for a dusty server

>no actual pic
i regret getting up today

America doesn't defend this retard. He's a punchline and is mocked daily.

His dumbfuck, poorfag sycophant followers "defend" him. They sound like screeching autists though and are even dumber.

Nobody even argues with them. They start spitting and spewing "hurr durr libtards, butthurt, MAGA" and people legit roll their eyes and talk shit about them behind their backs.

Trump's always been dumb as shit.