This is what blacks really believe

>This is what blacks really believe.

ur a racist

Yep. You are too!



OP I promise I will take up minimal space at anti racism protests lol



You realize niggers are too stupid to come up with this shit and it was probably some stupid fucking liberal white professor whispering this garbage into the ear of an affirmative blacktion nigger associate professor




>(((white))) professor

Concur user. This isn't for blacks. This is to shame whites.

>(((liberal """white""" professor)))

Why can't they just do their fucking job instead of obsessing over their coworkers microaggressions?

>gentrification is anti-black

So they admit they're all poor

Thanks do you mind if i save this?

>hey white boy, bend over backwards for us or youre racist
>lol jk ur still racist :^)

I wonder why Trump won

If black people really hate the country that is ruled by whites, why don't they go back to Africa so they can be surrounded by their brethen?
Do they want to be "free" or claim "dominance"?

>you're still racist no matter what

If there is no penance for being white no matter what you do then why do I need to fear being called a racist?

It's easier to just call you a nigger and do nothing. So I will. You stupid niggers.

>Recognize that you're still racist, no matter what.
If the whole point of this garbage is supposedly cleanse someone of their racism, then that last statement makes it all completely pointless. These people who spread this toxic shit are a waste of air.

Go for it!

Their solution is literally just telling whites to shut the fuck up, believe whatever bitching they make up without them being able to defend themselves and then have whites solve their problems afterwards. That's a good joke.

They're niggers.