Why are White people so proud of the Roman empire?

Why are White people so proud of the Roman empire?
They couldn't even conquer most of Africa, wanna know why? They feared the BLACK warriors. With their unrelenting strength and harsh unforgiving land, the Roman ""Army"" would easily have been destroyed by the Africans, from then they'll easliy become the new if not better Roman empire, had they attempted to invade

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name one african empire with the manpower to attack the roman empire
no the ottomans dont count

>bunch of jungle bunnies, and malaria.
>worth it in 125 AD.

I know this is bait, but I'll bite. There wasn't anything else in North Africa to conquer. I mean, there was a bunch of desert, which provides nothing and is a logistical nightmare to move across. That's it. Besides, North Africans of the ancient world weren't even black. Your fearsome "black warriors" were located in the jungles of the sub-Saharan region of Africa, probably trying to fucking figure out how fire works and what a wheel is.

yeah just march legions through a massive desert to capture some mudhuts and watermellon farms

uhh,the desert was,and is still,a thing

The turkroach returns sage

>marching across open desert for ????
Its a wonder they went anywhere without trees everywhere to use

Fuck off op. Youmake this thread daily. It's old.

as opposed to today,where they're trying to figure out how fire works and what a wheel does.

>The empire that destroyed the remains of the roman empire dont count
Racists resorting to stereotypes and generalizing everything to make them seem worse than they really are
>Persians and Africans were able to navigate the desert using camels and establish trade routes
So are Romans dumber than an African?

Oh, shit, I'm rolling on this floor laughing g! Roman soldiers afraid of Bush Niggers!

I can't wait until we are turned loose on Western Europe. Our hate for Germany and France will not be satiable. .

You know that Turks (anatolians) were Roman right?

persians and arabs.
africans only went as trade goods(eunuch slaves)
eunuch means dickless btw

Nigger do you know what a desert or harsh environment is?
4/10 bait because I replied.

No, Africans are dumber than Romans for choosing to live in Africa.

Roman vassal states were largely self-run and relied on the local populace becoming romanized, to function. Telegraphs weren't a thing and there were huge distances to travel, so self-reliance was important. Most of Africa proved to be very bad at taking care of themselves and being in anyway reliable as allies, so they just never bothered. Much of Germany was the same way.


Navigating the desert is quite different from crossing it with an entire legion.

funny how those germans later then caused the fall of rome

Yeah, its unfortunate.

ive figured out OP's true identity
i knew i saw this thread before
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/132088047#top

Maybe its because everything south of Eygpt was a fucking shithole. Funny thing is, it still is today! Another thouand years have gone by and the only buildings taller than a camel's ass were built by whites or under white supervision with white technology.
If the Roman empire were to re-unite today they still wouldnt invade Africa!
