Stargate SG1 Soft Disclosure

Someone confirm that Stargate SG1 was a soft disclosure

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Not confirmed


Watch any of the Wormhole Xtreme episodes. They pretty much admit it meta. There were Air Force advisors for each episode.

Stargate SG1 is a military project to allow the public to IMAGINE how far ahead the military technology is, only 10k and a direction to show the military in good light.

They have ideas about FTL that are plausible, they don't have FTL. They have fusion, but not the power to invest in it. They have AI that can do all the crazy things you imagine, but it absolutely doesn't have a personality.

Aliens? Discovered after stargate and surprisingly recently. Extra dimensions? Purely theoretical. Space colonisation and pre historic atomic age civilisation? Looking into it, but seems unlikely.

Yes, to advertise officer placements. It's a good example of how officers should act.

Is that what the hubbub was about in the Antarctic? Ayyys?

> how officers should act when covering up a huge national security secret.


>ywn be a body snatching goa'uld possessing the bodies of the rich and famous and ruining theur lives

Praise system lord kek

Gou'alds are an allegory for spirit possession by reptilians. The Stargate movie was actually closer to the way real reptilians work. Near the end Ra starts showing his true form by phasing in.

wormhole extreme

Fact: Texan's are the most powerful race on Earth.

Howard The Duck confirmed soft disclosure


The quantum mirror experiments are, PBS space time had a few videos on thi. We communicate with aliens by finding the em frequency they're beeming at us and modulating a response wave. Somehow, beating these waves together on each end allows for some rudimentary communication since light can actually be modified at great distances instantaneously.

I'm not an officer and believe full disclosure isn't a bad idea, although I'll respect the real state and won't make a big deal. I don't expect people to believe me that the real state has at least greeted an extra terrestrial civilisation.

>pledging my allegiance to the deep state

They're allies in his situation, it's only when they're contemplating new wars and subverting democracy do they shit me.

Also, new agies, absolutely no biological organism on earth has any foreign DNA at all besides some remnants left over from the seeding comet. Stop thinking wrongfully diagnosed autistic people are aliens. Stupid cunts.

Actually it's a pre historic atomic age civilisation theory.

They were terrestrial dinosaurs that evolved into humanoid form from raptors, supposedly early raptors seemed to begin evolving opposable fingers, but then disappeared. It was then changed to unas, then "evil knowledge" which effected the unas, then simply mind controlling aliens. Stargate was also funded by new agies to present the mind/body idea of identity, where you can become an entirely different person with "evil knowledge." This is actually a corruption of Catholicism, itself a corruption if monotheistic Celtic beliefs.

There is absolutely no evidence at all of this theory but is plausible enough for you to accept it as a possibility.

digi confirm disclosure


> dinosaurs evolved and killed off more primitive cousins, then started colonizing space
This is how I go with "reptilians". Other theories for their extinction have holes a mile wide. (like how did other species survive the meteors)

> /confirm

Was the WOW signal of extraterrestrial origin? And you're saying the Deep State isn't bad?

In one of the episodes USAF/DOD allowed a real alien to have a cameo appearance as an "alien".

Shits too funny, Apparently SG1 has a diverse variety of fans.

comet fart.


It's still a bad theory, atomic age civilisations leave evidence for tens of thousands of years. We'd notice things like unusually high radioactivity levels in odd spots.

The deep state is fine for international matters, the second it's about your own nation and its security, the deep state is deliberately uncaring because they're cosmopolitan. I do not trust them with Australia and you shouldn't trust them with America.

If aliens invaded (they won't, that's expensive) then the deep state are the ones with the plan.

The FTL communication was an accident, otherwise it takes too long for light to hit the earth.

I don't actually know what caused the wow signal but it's fairly unlikely to be alien in origin, again the technology they use is fairly recent for humans although for this to work the aliens must already have an EM beam pointed at earth and have had it for tens of thousands of years. They've been waiting.

Again, it's so ridiculously unlikely any biological organism on earth has any extra terrestrial DNA. There is not a chance in hell we knew of aliens before quantum experiments.

Thank you for answering. Is it possible for a country to tell the Deep State to back off domestically? I know the Central Banks are here to stay more or less but can we refuse to fight their wars? Is Trump Deep State?

When the greys beam me up into their ship, am I being broken apart and transmitted or are they bending space around me? Any tricks to break free of the paralysis and smuggle my Glock on board and smoke all 5 of 'em and take their shit? They been messing with me for decades

your anus is so probe-able.
you'd be 'em you would probe it too.

Not really.

We've all agreed to this to the point militaristic ethnicities, like Germans, are told to be kept down. I don't like war and I don't believe the deep state will benefit Australia, but it at least means fewer wars than otherwise. Before the deep state, nations would declare war over verbal insults.

The reality is it's a sort of begrudging alliance that doesn't really suit anyone but keeps wars to shitty regions of the world. Sorry Syrians/Afghanis, but better you than me. You can fufufu about Libya or Yemen or whatever state my beloved real state has collapsed, but again the real state doesn't care about anything besides the whole. I dunno, maybe gaddafi had his own quantum mirror? Maybe Assad was preparing disclosure about the weapons hiding in his backyard, maybe who fucking knows.

I don't like the deep state, but I can't imagine it just disappearing. They have too much power and the technology they're leaking frustratingly slow would simply be lost.

Greys won't abduct you but the deep state might answer your phone for you really late at night and ask you some questions whilst you're asleep. Sleep is a hypnotic state.

>hurr the paranoid genius is on Sup Forums again talking about plausible fantastic things
Deal with it. No one believes me.

Which one are abducting then? Arnt the greys just little androids?

How can I smouggle a weapon onto their ship and jack the motherfucker?

What would deep state do if someone like me swiped a ship? I think i can operate it.



Any more hints on the quantum mirrors? Why don't you believe the ayyys have been here for longer, either the 1950s from our nukes or much longer?
>there are high radiation zones in India from the ancient nuclear war.

Are white people fucked? Is the NWO gonna happen?

They aint bullet proof I can tell you that...


First bikes, then spaceships. Niggas can jack anything.

When the annunakinephilimes return, they gonna be surprised, last time they was here, we dint have .308 battle rifles. Their big asses aint bullet proof neither..


I talked to a grey before. He told me a story of some guy he met in a field that had a Katana and tried to stab him.

He was scared because around him was his entire town asleep in a field but for some reason he woke up.

Every advanced civilisation shrinks in size to the microscopic once they shed any biological requirements. The ayyyyans are pretty much everywhere, they are just too small for us to detect most of the time, unless travelling in hives.

Who cares, the best episode is Emancipation, can't keep a strong woman down.

>you believe the ayyys have been here for longer, either the 1950s from our nukes or much longer
Also the poles have higher levels however most people put that down to the sun and different atmospheric conditions, however high impact debris have been found as those diamonds are only created by nuclear explosions so your theory might have some weight

Dont worry white bois, we niggers are a force multiplyer for destruction. We will kisk aylmao ass all day. They aint ready for niggers.



Came here to say this EP. 200 was the best show ever.

That's a weird perspective to have on ayyys. They can fly around space and land on other planets, but when they get down here they're vulnerable to regular old firearms. But hey, we drive around in soon to be automated cars yet if we trip and land on our head wrong it's lights out.



Noshit, they totally rely on the mind nummmers they use. (low freweuncy brain wave syncs). Sometimes that shit doesnt work though, specially on niggers and motherfuckers wake the fuck up. I smoked two of they asses back in LA a few years ago. Tryin to be all sneaky and take kids from our crib. You shoulda seen all the feds show charges either, they knew what was up... Damn I want they ride though, Ima take that shit if i catch em slippen..


Just to be clear, what kind of aliens are we talking about?

So what I did was I duct taped my gat to my belly, see them fuckers so reliant on they tech, they dint sweat it. But you shoulda seen their gay lil asses runing and squealling like baby birds felll out da nest. bullets bouc all over that ship inside.....

In stargate sg1 the ancients knew about earth and stored all sorts of secret shit under the ice. They would've had time to send your beam for tens of thousands of years in advance. We're talking backup stargates and shit.

>waiting to watch SGA finale movie
>this guy stands in your way
wat do?

>Noshit, they totally rely on the mind nummmers they use. (low freweuncy brain wave syncs). Sometimes that shit doesnt work though, specially on niggers and motherfuckers wake the fuck up.

Hahaha, too funny to be fake. I believe it.

They fittin to kick something off big though, I know that... I think we're dealin wit a bunch of different sets, OG is understatement of course, but these fuckers been around ALONG time. But funny thing is, politics is politics no matter if you crip killin blood on Crenshaw or you an aylmao in beta sargusi, they have a turf war and they got territorys, and they dont like anybody mesin they shit up. I do believe they gonna scrap in a big way

Thx for having wrote it so poetically

crash the show

underrated shitpost

you wont believe it
Yes, the Furling appearance was a nice touch.

I'm open to it. I read some Roswell docs.


Window of opportunity > all

So did Eisenhower make first contact or what?

I ran into Don Davis at James Printing in Maillardville just before he died. Absolutely random, never thought I'd run into the Colonel like that.

d-wave systems

>watching all 10 seasons
>gate operator is a chief master sergeant

I remember at one point it was that one black guy that had a First Sergeant stripes.

Gyeah nigga, Das rite!

Sliders was better.

>it's another sub 100 IQ thread

insider user here. the goa'uld, these fucking wormniggers just wont leave us in peace. just because they ruled some thousand years about some sandniggers they think they can do the same now again. also i dont trust those grey asses of the asgard either, they are playing us. i bet they are the jews of the universe.

I wish.
>tfw you'll never depart on an adventure to a different galaxy to uncover history of humanity by solving riddles made by a long gone advanced civilization

give me their phone number so I can call them in my sleep and answer question they don't want to ask

False gods need not apply.

It's just a TV show you LARPing dorks

>full disclosure
Carter made it diamonds

It wasn't. Stop being a faggot, sometimes shows are just shows.

Chevron 2. Locked.

There's one in the Gulf of Aden.

That's how Socotra got the way it did.

Also, there's one in a basement 3 or 4 floors below the surface in Pittsburgh.

At least I think it was Pittsburgh, memory is a finnicky thing.

They're beings of resonance.

It's what they understand. They don't use language like you or I, they're beyond it. It's too limiting.

>EU flag
post discarded

Ra did nothing wrong.

>the check'em image
How on earth are you doing that?
This is legit starting to freak me out.

As a paleo nerd I do have trouble buying the humanoid raptor theory. I feel like there would be some fossil evidence. Going from turkey-sized dinosaurs to humanoid forms is going to take several million years. You might not find the humanoids, if they live in the mountains or highlands, as critters from anything other than low lying environments are extraordinarily rare in the fossil record. But you should see their ancestors- their footprints, their resting traces, their bones, the evidence of tool use in the fossil record.

From over 20 million years ago?

fuck off to /x/

no. stargate atlantis though...

Shape Shifting Dragons!

>pyramid space ship
>egyptian gods from space


Sure, their activities would have spanned over 55 million years. Even if they only started using tools and building shit a million years ago, there would be evidence all over the place.

err My mistake, I meant to say over 70 million years ago. The raptor ancestor would have been dead by 55, so they would have had to branch off before that. But still, that's an immense amount of time- far longer than the record of primate homonid-like forms on the earth, by a factor of 10.


SYSTEM LORD KEK! Why isn't this a thing already???

It was "plausible deniability", as explained in the worm hole extreme episodes.

>protip: it was sponsored by the airforce


yes faggot, it was.

The water in the wormhole was symbolic of the astral plane and the female vagina which symbolizes the subconscious. The writers of the show were in the know and probably laughing that a lot of people don't catch on.

You realize if you push this shit they will just turn any stargate reboot into an sjw shitfest in retaliation right

No, THIS was plausible deniability

>since light can actually be modified at great distances instantaneously.
[citation needed]

wtf is this thread i thought the final red pill is that the planet ia flat
