Why do people like antisjw youtubers? They Have no original opinions and just regurgitate whatever Sargon says

why do people like antisjw youtubers? They Have no original opinions and just regurgitate whatever Sargon says.

Most of them are fundamentally the same as the SJWs themselves, they're all atheist, fag/tranny enablers, anti race realist, and have a libertarian morality towards everything. (As long it doesn't hurt anyone it's a-ok)

The only real difference between the sjw and anti sjw is that the SJW wants rapid radical government sponsored change and antisjws want it to happen slowly and """naturally""""

its not like shouting J0000000 at everybody is appealing to anybody either

>Fell in love with a girl 1/4 Jewish
>If we were still together to the end my kids would be 1/8 Jewish
Holy fuck since when could you identify as a person who makes up 1/8 of your genetic make-up.
Fuck....did I dodge a bullet???


1/8th Jewish isn't even Jewish by the Nuremberg Laws.

YesHitler was a cuck

Actually genetics and ethnicity are not split 50/50. Two siblings can have differing ethnicity with one taking more after the father and the other taking on more of the mother's genes. My friend's father is more Portuguese than his aunt (the father's sister).

I hate SJWs. He isn't Jewish in any meaning of the word: religiously, culturally, or racially. Yet, he virtue signals his "jewishness" because it gives some small SJW status points. What a piece of shit. I mean, most Jews must think he is a piece of shit too.
>1/8th Jewish isn't even Jewish by the Nuremberg Laws.

am i white goy- uhh i mean guys?

You're a mutt that's for sure. Then again I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums is too.

You have to go back to the pale

i always assume i was 25% european jewish and 70 british but im not even fucking close to that

however, it was speculated in my family that some of my ancestors on my dads side were aboriginal because some of them were dark however i the DNA test shows i have no abo blood in me but that i actually have a bit of italian/greek so im pretty happy because even being 3% abo is a death sentence

Plus every video has to be about 20 minutes long with basically one point repeated over and over

Better to be a Jew than an abo

Better he lean twards the right by pissing off the SJW and doing out work for us by publicly dismatling their arguments.
Than to be another internet SJW commie. Pick your poison, i would rather have the "skeptics" lean more to our side than to theirs.

Plus it's golden when some purple haird commie thinks he has got a "gotcha" argument for them over twitter. Only for them to be slapped.

No, you're not, kike.

I'd rather have them not giving a heck about what SJWs says, separate the sides completely. SJW's won't handle not having white men there at the end of the day.

That being said, who the hell does have time or interest listening to some fatass like Sargon mumble obvious shit for like 2 hours?

>I'd rather have them not giving a heck about what SJWs says
You are not looking at the big picture.
While they are busy "can't even" with the Skeptics, they are not talking to normal people. Hence not spreading their shit commie talk.
>That being said, who the hell does have time or interest listening to some fatass like Sargon mumble obvious shit for like 2 hours?
It's entertainment man. Watching a man bootie blast half the internet with 1 video is funny. It's not about what the man says it's about how many blue hairs he gets rageing at him for it.

Step your game up goy

I don't think being jewish is a bad thing. We need to distance ourselves from this type of rhetoric or else people might lump us together with nazis and thats not what we want. We are the alt right, we are better than that. We can only move forward together. In my honest opinion civic nationalism is the blue print to success because it follows the old Roman formula. You are a patriotic AMERICAN of every race color and creed, thats good enough for me.



literally kill yourself

The way these cucks responded when RageAfterStorm made a race realism video was so pathetic. Really opened my eyes to how useless they are.


now that there's a purebred American boys.

They're good as stepping stones. However, it would be unwise to stick with them longer than necessary. They should be coming here to explore and hone their conservativism.

Though, I do feel there a needs to be an "intermediate journalistic community" on social media to act as a link between the conventional politics of the "skeptic community" and us. That Rageafterstorm girl's video, Nakedape, and the resurgence of Edgysphinx is doing well to shake things up. Tl;dr's criticism on the quality of skeptic community content helos too. Perhaps in the near future this missing link will be formed.

I have immunity cat and doggo

I liked that Kraut actually admitted he was wrong and apologized to Edgy.

tfw I'm 3% abo

Are you retarded or something ?

Fuck you faggot.