Accepting Global Warming/Climate Change gives the government the green light to increase your cost of living

Accepting Global Warming/Climate Change gives the government the green light to increase your cost of living.

Websites are pushing this really hard lately, but keep resisting.

>protecting the envirroment is bad

What about the proposals that neither increase the cost of living for the vast majority of the population, nor increase the size of the government?

We need "Healthy at any temperature" movement, supporting the acceptance of clmate change as a good thing and cutting down those power and gas prices.

Crippling economies is bad when your rivals simply don't give a fuck.
China burns almost as much coal as the rest of the world combined, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has reported. China’s coal use is poised to continue rising.
India is a a few steps behind.

this would doom all of humanity as well as large parts of the biosphere

Something I've never understood about liberal faggots.
Carbon footprints and emissions and the human impact, etc and they tell us we need to increase our populations and that it's good.
Why flood white countries with millions of third worlders who breed exponentially under the comfort of first world welfare?
Why do we need more population when the planet has finite resources and global warming and shit?
Anyone would think it's some giant Jewish ponzi scheme

What about having the moral high ground? Chinks are soulless does that mean that everyone has be soulless because someone is already soulless and it's not fair?

If it really becames a problem we just blow up somethong useless really hard and cause nuclear winter, or disperse sulphur in upper atmosphere, or put something shiny reflective in the lagrange point.

>blow up somethong useless really hard

You ever been to your average american city? There's not much left to protect. People drink from plastic bottles because the water from the tap isn't safe. Garbage everywhere all over the streets. And it smells like shit.

They forgot that place in the middle.

take just one effect that all of this would have:
the global ozone would be absolutely devasted by the combined effects of convective injection of water vapor, stratospheric warming, odd-nitrogen production, oxidation of methane and increased dichloromethane

and that's not even to speak of other effects on the water cycle or ocean acidification

so yeah, going down that path would be absolute folly that would doom humanity

>Implying that they won't do it anyway.
Prime example here that our LNP government said that our electricity prices would reduce once we scrapped the carbon tax. They didn't....

Ironically, communist china is competing strongly in a sort of "globalist capitalism". In any case, if we want to "go green", we have to coerce them into following us or the problem just transfers to them. You have to fix the problem to solve it.

>Jewish Christianity is losing its hold when it comes to tricking goyim races with Fear Porn aimed at uncertain future events (apocalyptic bible stuff, disaster prophecies etc)
>needs new tool
>invents """"""""Climate Change"""""" despite that we can't control the weather 100% and biological life has already survived that Flood Event described in all religions of antiquity

So fucking punchable.

You can have the moral high ground all you want while China dominates the globe with cheap and low quality goods that everyone buys and India continues to develop. Then expect some African nations to industrialize under the Chinese.

People are going to burn the cheap energy until it's all gone and there is nothing you can do about it.
The chinks must be rubbing hands watching us all flood our countries with more nation destroying consumers.

China hasn't been communist since the late 70's.
It's far more class divided than the US and means of production are not collectivized.
The wealth gap in China is astounding with 128 of the worlds billionaires and a mass of millions of people who make poor Americans look rich.
You have to pay for school...elementary school. Lots of people don't have health insurance. State owned enterprises do not distribute profits amongst the people. People work for wages. Private property exists (although it does become property of the state after 70 years, however, again this is not really communist but rather authoritarian because that property isn't collectivized).

>IPCC policies won't skyrocket costs of living
>IPCC policies won't cripple your country
>IPCC policies won't give a foreign political body power over all your economy

the IPCC doesn't have any "policies", it doesn't even do any primary research
it just compiles and evaluates the current body of research

>increase your cost of living.
Hmmm. I moved into a new house recently where the previous owner did a lot of work to make it "energy efficient". My bills have been super low and I have more disposable income each month. Explain?

>it doesn't make reports
>it doesn't make recommendations
>it doesn't omit any data that challenges their findings

You mean like the Energiewende, which will cost as much as one scoop of icecream per family and month?

Anyone who support mass immigration for the West does not believe in climate change or in preserving the environment in any way. When a typical leftie bangs on about climate change they are talking out of their arses, they are bandwagon jumpers and brainwashed imbeciles the lot of them.

Climates always change... it's called the weather.

and why would increasing the cost of living be a bad thing if it will only affect immigrants/foreigners more than me

any pain I feel will be felt by those less fortunate ever more so. The pain must happen. We need to crash the economy so Hitler 2.0 can emerge.

>government controls the cost of living
thank you, professor