Smashing Car Windows Is Now Legal In Florida To Save Pets

What does Sup Forums think og this?

>can't even leave your dog in your car for a minute without some whiteknight faggot destroying your property

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Animals > hot vehicle window

It's not hard to fucking crack the window open you prick

leave your window cracked and nothing will happen

Only nigger-tier people would leave their dog in their car on purpose.

Why would you bring a kid or a dog with you to the grocery store?

I bet the only people that bring their dog to a Wal-Mart parking lot to stay in a hot car are Chinese, so who the fuck cares?

It's already legal where I am, fine with it, just don't be a cunt and leave pets in cars or even leave them at home. Commiefornia btw

maybe you're going to the beach and just want to stop and grab an ice cream real quick

I live in florida and for some reason its a big problem here.
Old people leave their dogs in the car all the time. I feel bad everytime i see it.
This law is going to create problems though.

Im going to buy a cheap poodle from a puppy mill and smash all the windows i want and carry this bitch around with me and its legal i love the usa

you can fry a small dogs brain in less than 5 minutes when you trap it in a car in 90 degree heat in a parking lot

Someone should abandon a car outside some ghetto with a bunch of aggressive pitbulls inside.
Also don't forget to set up a bomb that goes off when they get the car started.

The results will be glorious

>smash window
>toss in dead goldfish

hilariously iv seen people leave there kids in the car and go do a weeks worth of shopping. not just at one super market either people are retard, if the window is cracked the dogs should be fine

>Denying a dog rights also invalidates your rights
I see no problem with this.

I can't wait until these faggots try smashing someone's window and he shoots them

Ok try this.
Go to a parking lot when its 100° out.
Turn off the car and crack the window.
Now sit there for an hour.
Let me know how it goes.

extremely amusing ; boisterously merry.

Then you'll only get your window broken real quick. And probably your skull if you mouth off to me about it.

I'm fine with it... You don't leave animals trapped inside cars without even leaving the window opened a bit..

fucking leave you dogs at home or drop them off at home before doing you errands you faggot

Post a copy of the NAP on your windows then. Make the consequences clear.


Why bring a dog in a car to the store? What is this dumb shit?

Just leave them at home. Its not like its a toddler and requires human supervision if you have had it trained.

>smash window
>dog bites person
>dog is killed
>owner now has a smashed window, a legal bill for the persons bite and a dead dog

I'd rather people leave their kids at home. I'd legitimately rather be in a place with barking dogs than screaming children.

Can we make that happen?

Not good enough.

>99% of these probably happen at walmart
>not just bringing your pet into walmart

that store is so shitty and the employees so demoralized, nobody will ever say anything to you about it

>i used to work there when i was 18

Oregon did it first.

Seems funny. I don't care about animals but if I can fuck other, It's worth

Eat shit and die you internet tough guy faggot.

That's some good eatin

would smash every window, slit tires, then cut brake lines for good measure. then steal the dogs, ill treat them better

Dogs don't perspire. A dog will die in 5 minutes in heat a child can take for an hour.

Flag check out

Was that the state where to boomer retard killed his dog and himself by sitting in a Corvette with a dead battery and he couldn't unlock the door and hadn't bothered to read the owner's manual for the manual emergency unlock?

But what about for kids?

Come meet me somewhere, you 600 pound slob.

I see the purpose of the law but I also see white knights and roasties doing something like smashing a car window to "save a dog" when it's unnecessary so they can post it on kikebook

The stupidest part of all of this is rather then make it illegal to leave a animal in A hot car they make it legal to destroy the property of an other man.

how many dogs have you legally sucked off

not as good as a canadian though

I've beaten a person to the ground and taken their dog....then broke in a week later and took his birds. He kept both in his shed where he was running an illegal car painting business.

Roll down the window 1 fucking inch?

I have unironically done this. The difference with the window cracked vs not cracked is amazing. Cracked, your sweating keeps up easily, and you stay cool for hours. Uncracked, it gets like a sauna pretty damn quick, and you basically can't cool down.

>giving rights to animals

This kind of stupid shit is how civilization collapses.

Good but there should be a penalty for leaving the dogs in the car to begin with.

if you really love your doggo you arnt going to leave it in there are you.

Or spend the day at wallmart and smash the Windows out of every one you can find

Dogs don't sweat community college.

Based Florida as always

Good, I live in Florida and it's hot as fuck here in the summer. Only niggers and spics do this shit anyways. Niggers don't have any empathy and spics always bring their little shit chihuahuas with them everywhere and then leave them in their car because they can't bring them inside grocery stores.

I never understood the reason people bring their dogs with them everywhere. When I got my puppy I'd take her for rides and public places to get her exposed but if I was alone and wanting to make another stop with her id drive home and drop her off

Also I remember one time this nigger brought her kid to work and left it out in the parking lot with the windows cracked during summer. Cops and fire department came and broke open the window and arrested her. Kid also had cuts and bruises from being hit with a switch by the nigger mom.

>Then you'll only get your window broken real quick. And probably your skull if you mouth off to me about it.

I leave my windows rolled down for my puppet in the hopes some sjw faggot will get bit.

yeah so it'd be much worse for a dog

Bring someone with you and leave cooling on.

>t. Chinaman

Hitler supported animal rights

>anarcuck calling anyone else edgy

How is xir gonna git xi's hormone medicine in the gulag?

>1. Put an almost perfect replica of a dog in your car.
>2. Get the window smashed.
>3. Sue the hippie's ass.

>pretends to be a Nazi
>doesn't love dogs

take a look at this faggot

I don't get it. Libs flip out about a dog in a car but then cheer as babies get killed in an abortion

Hitler was the second coming of the hand of divine providence and the world blew it.

>Cracked, your sweating keeps up easily, and you stay cool for hours
Not in Florida you yankee nigger.

Do you realize how hot it is here? When I valeted in south florida the interior of cars would hit over 105 degrees.
It's justified. GTFO with your no step on snek bullshit. There are some dumb fucking people out there.

Why are dogs so based?
No other animal even comes close to their loyalty and love for us.


>smash every window, cut tires, and beat car with baseball bat
>Throw a dead rat into car


But why bring the pet in the first place if they have to wait in the car for long increments of time? It makes no sense at all.

Alright faggot meet me at the Hungry Jack's on Hindley Street in Adelaide on Tuesday at 3:00 PM
Can't wait to beat the shit out of you and smash your face into the fucking pavement
>inb4 I'm not driving all the way there to fight someone


This should apply to people too. What if someone is locked inside a car?

Not sure how I feel about this. I ride with my dogs quite a bit, and if I ever leave them it's only in the evening or night, and only for a couple minutes. But I see some dumbass jumping the gun and smashing windows to "rescue" dogs. We just had some stranger try to "rescue" my neighbor's dog from their front yard by leading it down the road by the collar.

Pretty sure it already constitutes animal cruelty, this just clarifies what the public is allowed to do.

I have feral barn cats at my Amerikan place that are like dogs and puff up and get between me and any strange people. They are also the world's best alarm system.

But they got to go for a car ride user. Don't you know dogs love car rides? Mine does and he's a really good boy. I roll my windows all the way down because he doesn't like strangers smashing up dad's car and would probably make them wish they never did.

Remember to pet and hug your pupper and say a silent prayer of thanks, that you don't live in china.

Already does iirc.

Florida is the smash-first, shoot-first state. We even legalized warning shots.

That's because they think one is alive and the other is only imaginary since they can't see it. Literally child's logic, and the reason they protest the idea of showing ultrasounds to women going in for abortion.

They were adapted to be man's companion animal.
We both survive better with eachother than apart.

That dog looks like a "Snuffy".

Fuck off nigger. Only shitskins lack empathy.

I can smell your filthy skin through my computer

>hates dogs
Literally fucking kill yourself Nazi LARPer

Outdoor cats are usually pretty chill, indoor cats are fucking prissy little bastards though.

can confirm, my dogs are better than any alarm.

That's called entrapment and would get the case dismissed. And you'd still be left with a smashed window to repair.

Nice one, faggot.


Not everywhere has the same climate. Ever been to Tucson or Phoenix? Cracking your window may keep it cooler but you're still going to die.

>letting your dog inside a car when it's 95° outside
you deserve to have more than your windows smashed you degenerate.

>fight me in a Hungry Jacks car park

You're not white, are you?

I've been trying to come up with names for a mini schnauzer lately as I might be getting one in a month or so, Snuffy sounds kind of cute.

>dog dad
Remove yourself from my board, you degenerate boomer faggot.

>Dogs in cars

I'm not thrilled about destroyed property, but leaving a dog in a car in Florida is a particular level of stupid.

Humans are INSANELY good at tolerating warm weather. Why do you think your dog is low energy as fuck in the summer and stays as close as possible to air vents?

Parallel evolution. Humans used wolves to hunt early on, and over hundreds of thousands of years both species adapted to rely on each other more. That's why both humans and dogs receive endorphin releases when they see each other.

>Only need 4 things
>Lines at walmart so long and cashiers so incompetent you spend an easy 30minutes trying to purchase 4 things

I dread having to go to walmart, but I don't know any other place where I can pick up milk, shotgun ammo and a few hats.

The bet trained dog 5 minutes after a problem is sitting there licking his nuts. I can look out the main house windows and by the cats postures tell whether anything is actually wrong. Feral cats will hide until a person they trusts comes to them so if I don't see them in their usual spots there is a problem.

>1 Put vicious guard dog in car
>2 park in Sun
>3 watch hippy be torn to shreds when it smashes window.


>And probably your skull if you mouth off to me about it.


They literally evolved to be servants. They decided tis better to serve in heaven than rule in hell.

They are mentally ill, that is the problem

Liberals are born psycho or sociopaths