Why do kuffar still put cunts on a pedestal?

Why do kuffar still put cunts on a pedestal?

After decades of failed "gender equality" one might think the kuffar should of realized that women simply are not equal. Why is there no gender realism movement? Why is there no demand for reducing women's rights? Are western men too weak? Do you wait for us muslims to do it?

well Burak Abdul Kareem al-suckingdicksatthemosque bin Laden you see , germany will rise and destroy the degeneracy.

Du entarteter Hurensohn.Geh mal weiter den Schwanz deines Imams saugen.
Du bist nur ein weiterer Untermenschen auf der Liste.

Hals maul du opfer. Typisch alman, große worte schwingen aber draußen wirst du geklatscht von mir und meinen brudis


Feminisation created by an onholy allience of filthy capitalism and social marxism (social egalitarianism & gynocentrism).

Muslim men in the west get effected by this feminasation and whiteknighting just as much, but you don't see it as they're a ''minority'' here.

In fgact, last 2 muslim males I saw were feminine as fuck and looked like that paki faggot from one direction.


Nur undeutsches Pack nimmt solche Worte in den Mund

>"Hals Maul"

Soll das 'ne aufzählung von Körperteilen sein?
Hals, "Maul", Bauchspeicheldrüse?

noob at german what is entarteter?

deranged off from the path of normality.

Sorry, forgot to add that this applies not only to the situation, but is also descriptive of the person exercising these actions.

Simply put: Degenerate.

>unnötiges, gescheitertes Geplänkel auf einem Anime-Forum gegenüber einem anonymen Türken, der unser Handhaben mit Frauen kritisiert.

He's probably not even Turk, just a LARPer seeking for replies on this issue with his wording.

This isn't a national problem, but a global one. Western civilizations have allowed women too many rights. Taking them away by law is never going to happen.
We need to enforce our culture to put them back into the right place.

Remember though, that the ((housing market)) and its inflation has caused both partners of a family to work, to sustain a middle-class income.
So the key to a man-dominated family is to secure yourself a financial haven, so the woman can actually take care of the children and raise them to not become socially apathetic retards.

entarteter = degenerate

>Nur undeutsches Pack nimmt solche Worte in den Mund
Besser als die dinge die deine mudder in den mund nimmt.

Weist du Kanacken wie du haben immer ein großes Maul und machen auf Proll und kommen dann mit ihren 69 Cousins,die alle aus einer Inzest-Ehe entstanden sind, und schwingen ihre Butterflys und machst auf Boss mit deinem Fliegenschwanz.
Locker du Kek glaubst auch ,dass wenn du den Jihad machst,also zum Märtyrer wirst ,dass du 72 Jungfrauen bekommst.
Geh mal weiter den Schwanz deines pädophilen "Propheten" saugen.
PS hier ist ein Bild deines achso heiligen Gesandten.

>all this obvious shitposting

I hate germans so god damn much.

It is ironic that the less right women have in a civilization, the more stable it becomes

Oh Peter gesell dich doch zu uns.

You're not alone.

I didn't shitpost, also
>Not German

True that, the americans often point and shout, whilst their country has never been so divided, the media shit-talks their president all the time, act like victims once they get called out on their bullshit.

BLM, Feminism, Marxism, Religious Differences have never been so apparent as they are now and how it affects most of us.

Why do faggots always post this particular pepe?


Reaction Images, it shows that he's tired of your shit, Blackboi.

Using your Logic: Faggots are tired of your Shit.

>Why is there no demand for reducing women's rights?

Once you give dumb roasties rights, you cant take them away, especially voting rights. And youre forgetting all the breeders/betas who will valiantly defend them too

No idea Abdul being born and raised in Brussels redpilled me on woman thanks to you guys

>And youre forgetting all the breeders/betas who will valiantly defend them too

Is a combo of entitled cunts and white-knight enablers that destroyed the west.