Are there any fresh news about Anita and Sargon shit at VidCon?

Are there any fresh news about Anita and Sargon shit at VidCon?

No fetish shit sorry.

Nt sure I'd ask Reddit, it's more their territory

Yean shes is speaking at harvad and getting a 6 gorillion speaking fee.

Yean shes is speaking at harvard and getting a 6 gorillion speaking fee.

no one cares. they probably orchestrated this whole thing so they could get more views or something.

Got btfo by Anita.
Laci Green gave him a pity fuck.
That's pretty much it.

there is no bigger waste of time in this world than watching youtube channels

>Sup Forums likes Anita now

Yean shes is speaking at harvard and getting a 6 gorillion speaking fee.

Anything that comes out of either of their mouths is fresh shit.

Stop giving that scum publicity.

No, I like seeing the left tearing each other apart.

That's all any of this ever is. Absolutely nothing happens but they throw shit around like they're actually important or something and the plebs eat it up.


i want to finger her arse hole while she tells me im a good boy

No he pretty much just made a video complaining about how Anita said mean things to him and no one cared so that was it.

>get bullied in public
>don't speak up
>whine about it later
What a cuck....

Anita took out the trash XD

I believe that she will soon speak at Yale and garner a speaking fee in excess of 5 gorillian USD

Sargon dominated her nasty hairy pussy, her career is finished

She almost gave Boogie a heart attack when she confronted him so she has +1 from me for that. As much as I hate her feminist troll character, I cannot stand that fat piece of shit Boogie. Drop dead already.

I seriously wonder if it's all one person who starts these threads, shit is so tiring

Alex Jones just said he wants to get this Sarkod of Akod on his show

Sargon held Laci and her pussy got wet.
What a babe.

>sargon goes up to anita
>calls her a goblin
>plays death grips on his phone
>charles from sam hyde poops in her mouth

Laci is a slut, as long as you are a dude and you don't smell bad, she'll start humping your leg.

pol is what happens when boys get made fun of by girls.

prove me wrong


I'm really torn about this latest incident.

On one hand, it's great to see Anita hoist by her own petard regarding harassment. There's video evidence now of her doing what she accuses others of doing. It's inevitable that this will plant seeds of doubt in some of her fans minds of whether they've been duped by a charlatan. This is good. She exacerbated this further by writing a dishonest screed afterwards that misrepresents events. Events that are documented thoroughly and contradict her manipulative account.

On the other hand this is her favorite tactic to get attention and even though she was a hypocritical bully that guilted vidcon into taking her side, she basically got what she wanted - another shot of relevance to perpetuate her fame. This is frustrating that Sargon and crew fed her this. She has been starved of oxygen lately, her Tropes video series was over, it had proved to be useless at impacting the game industry outside of places like Naughty Dog and she had not been talked about lately.

In a perfect world, what Sargon did would have gravely injured Anita to the point of completely discrediting her BUT the problem is she has a massive support structure in places like Polygon and other media outlets that will parrot her version of events or push it down the memory hole entirely. So until that structure that shields her from reality is gone, these type of episodes will only feed her.

Or reading comments from fags too much of a bitch to reveal their flag.

Sargon knew this full well. All e-celebs thrive off of drama, even if it appears "bad" for them. It just results in more views, more subscribers.

Everyone on youtube should be thrown on a fire, except for golden one he should just have his computer confiscated.

you know they banged right ?
just saying.

>hi my name is Sargo and I make ironic jokes about the left while sharing the entirety of their basis like the blank slate
>i'm a hero
>now look at me make fun of this absolute weirdo that everyone hates
>i'm so brave

You're wrong

>bullied sargon
>made boogie shit his pants

Why shouldn't we like her?

>alt lite "FEMINISTS BTFO" clicker faggots detected





Apparently Sargon is now a tool of the Jews.

Almost doesn't count. Fucking women, always half-assing everything.

why is this here why do you care about internet drama and e-celebs?

God I'm getting sick of Sargon. Get back to me when he finally comes out of the closet, OP.


>except for golden one he should just have his computer confiscated.

I'm curious will the bitch will be punished or normies at VidCon will be fucking afraid of leftists and will keep quite. It is more than internet drama, there are political aspects.

well spoiler warning she wont when are leftists are ever punished?

How old is Anita? How old was she when she gained notoriety?

what the fuck even happened tho, can someone give me the basic gestalt

The vidcon founders publicly apologized to her.

>giving them the attention they seek
Gas yourself faggot

Sargot criticized her in a couple of his videos. Went to the event she was speaking at during vidcon. She picks him out of the crowd and calls him human garbage.

What if she gets political knowledge through dickings and that's why she's been taking the redpill?

I hope

This. They're completely cucked and on her side, which means that this is political. It's saying that you're welcome at VidCon so long as you hold certain political views, but if you don't then you will be regarded as a troll and harasser.

not a surprise there