You dumb niggers. Trump is a civic nationalist. We need civic nationalists to make the world go round. Nothing good will come by pretending your movement is too pure for their support. Civic nationalists do not harm ethnic nationalists' goals at this stage of the game anyway, so just stop. We need to re-establish national sovereignty first.

Stop letting shills divide and conquer us. Same goes for the Richard Spencer photoshop threads. Stop bumping them. They are shill threads with the intention of discrediting our perceived leader. Just stop replying to shill threads, you fucking retards!

THIS! I am a kekistani civic nationalist MAGApede and I hate actual racists like Richard Spencer.
All the racists on Sup Forums are leftist shill, Sup Forums has never been racist. Plus I'm mixed race (black dad/white mom) so liberals can't accuse me of being racist XD.
Where my fellow pedes at? Let's show these racists how it's done!

Shut up.

We are never getting another Hitler

Learn to make the best of a shit situation instead of shitting your adult Pampers and LARPing about White nationalism on a Kyrgyzstanian woodworking forum

Agree wholeheartedly. The only real problem of the alt-right is the Duginist shilling, everything else is just autism.

However, this *will* be for naught if the civic nationalists don't ease up towards us, too. We're disorganised enough as is, we don't need to treat each other as persona non gratas.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.

But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

"Oath Keepers" isn't a political ideology and much of the divisiveness on Twitter is coming from liberals pretending to be alt lite. Cernovich says he's "not alt right" but that's only because his entire existence revolves around appealing to centrists. If he can't have mainstream appeal, then he might as well not do what he does, at least according to how he thinks. Alt right doesn't equate with ethnic nationalist, though.

I would never ally myself with a (((c*vic nationalist))).

>we are never getting another Hitler

That's where you're wrong kiddo, in time I'll rise up to be the next Hitler.

mimimimimimimim fuck off nigger

I will never give up my loo, Pajeet!

Are you referring to the skeptic(TM) community? I don't use twitter much.

Sure thing, Schlomo

Stop calling radical centrist that unite with SJWs as soon as they meet them IRL,
(((civic))) nationalists.

>civic nationalism

Kek, move out of the US already


Neck yourself you faggot.

Have a (You)

I'm an IQ-globalist
We raise everyone's IQ with genius sperm donors
Then when everybody has a 120+ IQ, we dissolve all national borders and become a utopia

I hate to use the no true Scotsman fallacy, but virtue signalling about being against racism has nothing to do with civic nationalism. There is nothing inherent to civic nationalism that says you can't want the status quo of racial demographics to stay the same. The kind of people who dominate on T_D are cuckservatives, if not liberal plants. To illustrate what I'm saying with greentext, so even idiots can understand:

>White nationalists: "We must have a homeland for whites from all nations to come together and live as one."
>Cuckservatives: "Open the borders, support Israel more vehemently, marry interracially, host more gay pride parades until liberals approve of us!"
>Nationalists/civic nationalists: "The sovereignty of our nation's laws and borders must be respected (to the exclusion of the interests of other nations)."
There's nothing about civic nationalism that says one way or another about race.

Demonizing civic nationalists by conflating them with cuckservatives is stupid (i.e., it's a strawman and wrong), but it's also severely misguided because without civic nationalists like Trump, the white nationalists won't get jack shit done.

Get the fuck out of my board you fucking plebbit trash.

fuck you kike donald isn't even a civic nationalist stop trying to paint him that way. he's a fucking pro america new yawk democrat. and he now has the most jewed admin in usa history, and you are here to make sure we like it that way. fuck you (((jared, yael, and stephen))). your turn is up soon. please, exit gracefully. i'd hate to take your power away.

>donald isn't even a civic nationalist stop trying to paint him that way.
>he's a fucking pro america
Stop contradicting yourself.

funny how all those guys made it their life's work to sperg out and declare themselves the alt right, then the real right, true right, alt west...etc...etc....fucking jews

none of those people were ever "right" and they never will be. stop talking about them. shun them. get them the fuck away from here. thanks.

If you don't understand that Cernovich was a major player in getting Trump elected, then you don't belong on Sup Forums.