Why do you hate transgender people, user?

Why do you hate transgender people, user?

Because they treat the disgust I have for them as something other than a natural reaction.

The mentally ill are a danger not only to themselves but others as well..

so we should treat them with HRT and all that jazz.

I don't really hate them, I think they're lying to themselves and everyone else. I also think they are very self centered thinking just because they feel a certain way that all of society should have to change to conform to their feelings.

The world doesn't and can't work like that. If you want to dress up and play pretend fine but when you start trying to drag the rest of us into your delusions then we're gonna have a problem.

Because they're not normal.

Mental illness has been on the rise for awhile. Instead of treating it like we used to, we now just accept it.

Transgenders have the highest suicide rate out of any group, and it's not because of "peer pressure" but because of this ever spreading, non treated mental illness.

Well. It's like this. In the animal kingdom when one animal begins to display abnormal behavior the rest of the animals push it, slap it, beat it, or whatever for a time until the animal straightens itself out. If the animal does not, the rest of them kill it.


What I despise is parents and media pretending transgender kids are a normal thing and should be encouraged to proceed with their treatments.

>appeal to nature
gay af

The fact that you want to pump a "transgender" full of chemicals and hormones (HRT) should have been your first clue that something is not right.

This. We are forced to lie about their gender to them to make them feel good.

I was on r/asktransgender or something like that and the amount of what I see to be projecting is incredible. They call people that don't agree with them delusional, no joke. They think they "pass" and people aren't just being nice to them because they basically have to.

It's worth looking at if you really want to get to know how they think.

it's like giving someone with depression medication. It's pumping them full of chemicals too

Treatment isn't chemicals. Treatment is psychological healing.

they often go to psychologists too

if this is a mental illness, does that mean some of them can "snap out of it"

I don't until I hear the phrase "cisnormativity"
Then I want to genocide these oblivious fucks. How much of the US is trans? Like 0.25%? Why the fuck is it wrong to say cisgender is normal?
Even without arguing that trans people have a mental disease that is being encouraged by society for a retarded political narrative, they're greedy fucks who think everyone should cater to them for literally no reason.

Also these

because self hatred is a hard addiction to break


They are a danger to the fabric of society.

Look. Let me explain it to you with an analogy:

If you have a clean and clear pavement. At some point, maybe via bird shit or weather, weeds get onto it. In biology they are being called Pioneer plants. Their sole purpose is to grow as much as they can and die off. Their dead material now will slowly turn into soil for the next generation of Pioneer plants. This cycle repeats itself until no more pavement is there and everything submerged into the chaos it was before.

Now take a guess what transgender people are in this analogy? Right. They are the manure for something way worse e.g. pedophiles.

There is a holy order to life and this universe one can figure out only using reason. This order has to be maintained for the sake of the nature of this order. Let us call it Logos. To maintain this you need to put in energy. And this is where god comes into play. God is the highest order one could imagine, if you actively engage against this order you are literally being a tool for the devil beside wasting your precious life revolving around your sexuality and how to gratify your unruly passion. It is animalistic, like the beast is. That why it is a cardinal sin.

Repent user. Gods mourns for his lost sheep.

so much smaller percentage of people actually getting any surgery/hormones. like .0001% or less

I highly recommend using this fresh OC as pasta in order to bring light to minds of the lost sheep. That they can see the glory and the grace of Jesus Christ, the holy ghost and God.


The WHO classifies this as an disorder. Going foward with the transformation is also a big waste of resources, as the reciever will most likely off themselves.
in summary, this should be treated like depression, drugs are a bad treatment and end in a failure in most cases.

They ruined everything for everyone.

In the 80s and early 90s gay men acknowledged that they were abnormal, and actually WERE discriminated against. They wanted to adopt children or use surrogates because it was the only way for them to fulfill their biological imperative. People were naturally concerned that these children would end up gay. Serious studies were conducted and discovered that children raised by homosexual parents were no more likely to grow up gay than kids raised by straight parents, and the gay parents just wanted their kids to turn out normal anyway. Homosexuality was and is a gross aberration, but homosexuals aren't inherently damaged people - they can function in society and lead normal lives.

Transsexuals are genuinely mentally ill. Unless they work in an academic setting where they can receive constant reassurance they generally kill themselves. There are no "old" transsexuals outside of university campuses. When these people have children or adopt, they aren't trying to fulfill their biological imperative (biology means nothing to them in the first place), they want to use their children as political tools and don't give a fuck what happens to their children in the long term.

I don't hate them. I feel bad for them and find them obnoxious. I have genuine hatred for the cunts who militantly normalise it.

The WHO also classifies autism as a disorder. Have you ever asked yourself why? The WHO in very very very related to the UN. And the UN wants Europe to keep from rise again. Pic very related.

What the fuck is this picture, user? Why the fuck did you have to bring one of my favorite shows in Sup Forums and tarnish it with your gay shit? I want to end you, motherfucker. I want to terminate you.