Why do poor red states unironically vote against their own economic interests?


Oppression of the North.



hypocrisy combined with idiocy

neocons and cities/blacks

Not all of them are poor, the poor red states are dominated by the religious right and neo cons.

it is entirely in their best interest to import thousands of hostile Syrian men and pay for the privilege

Red states are mostly rural ones with people not so much interested in luxury.

Moderated wealthy and hight morals.
Excessive wealthy brings imorality and the insane shit you see in California.

Babylonia used to be wealthy.

Because they are ran by right wing retards AKA Recucklicans.

They're only poor relatively. The lowest gdp/capita state (Mississippi) is still higher than the UK for example.

What I never understood about these non-stop troll threads is why ask do people vote for conservatives/Republicans but rather why do people not vote for liberals/Democrats.

Why constantly ask a question that will get knocked down every time rather than outline your pro-Democrat position and let people discuss.

The same goes from AIDS infested liberal whorehouses like reddit. Reddit will have multiple threads about Trump but none about what the Democrats are doing other than some AIDS rights or pro-degenerate agenda shit.

Also, I understand OP is just a troll but trolls could get honest responses to Democrat polices rather just being trolls. Trolls gonna troll... I know.

We're stealing jobs from California by the tens of thousands, lol.

Well the southern red states are full of the anchor of prosperity called niggers.

Well that settles that.


how the fuck is it harder to live in Wyoming than California?

holy fuck, sauce pls

population density and hardly any high paying jobs

the poorest counties in America are in the South and they are white

Culture of military welfare dependency in the deep south.

rural and suburban retards


Of course it is a 1 post.

These drive trolls are just trying to agitate and aggravate when they could be constructive.

They ask questions like...
>Why vote for Republicans?

Instead of giving answers such as.
>Here are the reasons to vote Democrat...