Damn... Nazis and close-minded pol bigots btfo. You really gonna argue with this?

Damn... Nazis and close-minded pol bigots btfo. You really gonna argue with this?

What the fuck does he know he just wrote some shit books

>globalists want to prevent other cultures from being experienced by systematically destroying them and rebuilding them using the same formula
GG op you played yourself

No, Cuz if we bring the cultures to you, you don't have to pay to travel and you'll stop being a bigot too. It's a win win. You should enjoy being able to experience all kinds of worldly cultures without having to fly to a different country

Mark travelled in a time where there was real diversity of cultures. If he did that today he would become the new fuhrer.

>experience all kinds of worldly cultures
The globalists want to eradicate all culture and replace it with a single culture
Again GG op you played yourself, next time learn to think critically for yourself before spewing regurgitated talking points

cultures are a social construct

Lmao oh its eradicating all cultures, that's why I can walk down the street and eat at a Mexican place, Italian place, Greek place, and an Irish pub by the end of the street. Globalism doesn't homogenize, it synthesizes.

Isn't that the guy who wrote a book where he literally calls niggers "niggers"?

if mark twain travelled to any nonwhite country, he'd be going at a time whitemen treated everyone there as servants...

So you believe in appropriating other people's cultures for yourself. Typical fucking bigot. You make me sick

Yes, to show unadulterated racism and what it looks like

The fact that this website brings people from all over the world to agree on xenophobic nationalism proves him right.

It's not appropriating sweetie. It's not like whites are making Mexican restaurants or whatever Lmao

So now you think its okay for white people to use racial slurs. Why do you feel its ok for whites to be racist, hmmm?

My favorite part about these threads is that they're actually created by Sup Forumstards ironically mocking the source content.

Here's a (You), OP.

>eating from an etnic restaurant is the same thing as experiencing a country's full culture including music, dress, social customs etc
Wow thats really insensitive, but you're a shitlib with no foresight so I don't expect you to be aware of this, just keep virtue signalling on facebook about how you experienced a new culture by eating at a ethnic restaurant down the street like a good goy

Of course it's okay to point out the existence of racial slurs if they exist. Twain was clearly using the word "nigger" within the context of writing an anti racist story to advance his point

Because niggers are inferior.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, racist

That's the great thing about it. You can experience dress and music and customs of all kinds of places all at once. THAT'S diversity.

Yes ironically call me racist while making a strawman, good job

Ok, this is good satire.

>Hurr some faggot said this a long time ago, bet you feel dumb now huh?
Mark Twain was the OG cuck. He'd probably applaud where we are now.

Ive traveled all around america and guess what ? it made me more racist it showed me blacks cant maintain even a neighborhood worth a shit and spics are demographically replacing whites in the SW and refuse to assimilate. Its why i live in one of the whitest states in america despite how expensive it is

I've stepped foot on 6 continents, seen many cultures.

Fuck everyone who is not from Dixie

But isn't "the taking of cultural expressions, symbols, ceremonies, intellectual property, and ways of knowing from another culture" supposed to be how one learns about them?

>this is what shitlibs actually believe
You make a mockery of culture just for attention on social media
You should be gassed

>But isn't "the taking of cultural expressions, symbols, ceremonies, intellectual property, and ways of knowing from another culture" supposed to be how one learns about them?

Exactly. He's just purposefully misrepresenting appropriation

Right back at you.

Thank you. Between all the meme nonsense it can get difficult to cut through these things.

Oh no sweetie Kraut, I'm just baiting.

Yes, that's why Nazis traveled on many vacations. To Paris, to Oslo, to Warsaw. To Athens

They even tried visited Moscow but it was too cold

If multiculturalism continues to its natural conclusion all the different cultures will blend together and become commodified, making travel worthless and baking us all 'bigots' again. I actually agree with Twain on this, I just don't agree with the conclusion you have drawn.

>I was only pretending
Wow you sure baited us by getting 30 replies
Will you post on r/Sup Forums about how you epically trolled the entire pol forum?

He once wrote there was a man named nigger jim so I would not take everything he says as gospel

That's the point. It's all in the same place. Over time it'll stop being different, it'll just all melt into the same culture.


And no, I do this to check Sup Forums's argumentative skills and sometimes to get arguments myself. Usually I also just find the reactions to the average plebbit post here funny.

Go to Mexico then got to a Tex-Mex restaurant. They aren't the same.
t. Been to and enjoyed both.

>You really gonna argue with this?
Nothing is mentioned about opening your borders to heathens and scoundrels. I do agree that there is nothing wrong with going out and about and seeing all the things in the world. Just because you meet a few people, it does not mean anything vs their society. You may meet nice Syrians in one travel...but rest assured that eventually you will be killed. Look at all the events involving women who decide to prove that the muslim world is not sexist/racist etc....they usually end up raped and dead. Too bad they are dead....but I wonder what they would think of this quote?

How come white liberals never live in black neighborhoods? Really makes you think.