He hadn’t made his rubber quota for the day so the Belgian-appointed overseers had cut off his daughter’s hand and...

>He hadn’t made his rubber quota for the day so the Belgian-appointed overseers had cut off his daughter’s hand and foot. Her name was Boali. She was five years old. Then they killed her. But they weren’t finished. Then they killed his wife too. And because that didn’t seem quite cruel enough, quite strong enough to make their case, they cannibalized both Boali and her mother. And they presented Nsala with the tokens, the leftovers from the once living body of his darling child whom he so loved. His life was destroyed. They had partially destroyed it anyway by forcing his servitude but this act finished it for him. All of this filth had occurred because one man, one man who lived thousands of miles across the sea, one man who couldn’t get rich enough, had decreed that this land was his and that these people should serve his own greed. Leopold had not given any thought to the idea that these African children, these men and women, were our fully human brothers, created equally by the same Hand that had created his own lineage of European Royalty.

Why are we so evil.

Other urls found in this thread:


i didnt read the thread, cant wait, i am dying...........heart attack or stroke, feels bad man...

> Fully human brothers
Quality bait

Better meet rubber quota or Belgians eat your family.

Tough . Almost every nation had slaves of all races treated equivalently to this Kaffir or worse. Time to move on.

>Leopold had not given any thought to the idea that these African children, these men and women, were our fully human brothers, created equally by the same Hand that had created his own lineage of European Royalty.


We're posting depressingly kino moments from /his/tory now? This is one that I really gets me thinking.

>Among the residents of the region beyond Jordan was a woman called Mary, daughter of Eleazar, of the village of Bethezuba (the name means "House of Hyssop"). She was well off, and of good family, and had fled to Jerusalem with her relatives, where she became involved with the siege. Most of the property she had packed up and brought with her from Peraea had been plundered by the tyrants [Simon and John, leaders of the Jewish war-effort], and the rest of her treasure, together with such foods as she had been able to procure, was being carried by their henchmen in their daily raids. In her bitter resentment the poor woman cursed and abused these extortioners, and this incensed them against her. However, no one put her to death either from exasperation or pity. She grew weary of trying to find food for her kinsfolk. In any case, it was by now impossible to get any, wherever you tried.

>Famine gnawed at her vitals, and the fire of rage was ever fiercer than famine. So, driven by fury and want, she committed a crime against nature. Seizing her child, an infant at the breast, she cried, "My poor baby, why should I keep you alive in this world of war and famine? Even if we live till the Romans come, they will make slaves of us; and anyway, hunger will get us before slavery does; and the rebels are crueler than both. Come, be food for me, and an avenging fury to the rebels, and a tale of cold horror to the world to complete the monstrous agony of the Jews." With these words she killed her son, roasted the body, swallowed half of it, and stored the rest in a safe place. But the rebels were on her at once, smelling roasted meat, and threatening to kill her instantly if she did not produce it. She assured them she had saved them a share, and revealed the remains of her child. Seized with horror and stupefaction, they stood paralyzed at the sight. But she said, "This is my own child, and my own handiwork. Eat, for I have eaten already. Do not show yourselves weaker than a woman, or more pitiful than a mother. But if you have pious scruples, and shrink away from human sacrifice, then what I have eaten can count as your share, and I will eat what is left as well." At that they slunk away, trembling, not daring to eat, although they were reluctant to yield even this food to the mother. The whole city soon rang with the abomination. When people heard of it, they shuddered, as though they had done it themselves

Reminder that niggers are externally motivated, not internally motivated like white people. If you want them to achieve anything, you need extremely strict and rapid discipline to keep them in line. The Congo was far more humane than any black ruled area at the time, but since it was run as a private business concern it was much more pragmatic and practical when it came to managing the nigs (like the Chinese are now) then the more high minded government run colonies

Are you a nigger. We've moved on and are now posting historical accounts. Join us nigger.

If he had made his rubber quota for the day none of that would have happened

Ah, the good old days.


Maybe work harder for your beloved child and baby mommy

lazy nigger should have worked harder

Leopold wants some rubber. African savages rape and eat a child. Somehow that's the Kings fault? The overseers were probably diversity hires from within the community.

Unfortunately, us whites lack the ability to empathize.


>not making enough rubber
>well shit i guess my owners are going to expend a shit ton of effort to maim, kill and cannibalize my wife and daughter.
>not like whipping me would be easier or anything



>Be African
>Told that if you don't fucking work your family will be killed
>Still be a lazy shit

>Ja'Nala Mamdu
>When Afrikan Kings and Queens
>University of Toronto-Scarborough

You really can't blame all of Belgium for the actions of who guy with no accountability.

>rubber quota

Belgium used to be great......

>not painlessly gassing your niggers
Truly inhumane

>Belgian-appointed overseers
All of the atrocities were committed by congolese natives that Belgians hired as overseers. When White people found out they shut it down. White people don't murder and eat people over rubber, that's what nigger's do for fun


in nigger's defense. "rubber quota" sounds like serious shit, and I wouldn't want to fuck around and miss it.

>Why are we so evil.

"We"? Fuck off. If White people were evil they'd be the only people left alive on the planet.