Illegal Mexishit on the corner are making bank

*trigger warning. steven crowder*

>Making bank
If you consider 10-12 dollars an hour for manual labor as "making bank", sure.

Tax free

it's their best kept secret and the biggest troll on nearly two generations of young Americans. they get paid in cash, send home a shit ton of money, live like "peasants," pay no taxes, benefit from tax programs, everyone hates them, yet they are irreplaceable because that kind of work is beneath young Americans.

Meanwhile young Americans have little or no job experience, worthless degrees, crippling student loan debt, live with their parents, have no savings, and complain about there being no jobs.


Fucking hippie

the mudslime chimes in

Americans are just too stupid to compete against them. This is capitalism at its prime.

Did u even watch the video, libtard faggot?

>Manuel labor

Checked, the illegals are cancer.

>Get paid in counterfeits

Oh you sure got me son.

I'll rather have a stinky beaner do the Shit I don't want to, instead of some trans Nigger who wants $30 an hour with no work ethics.

>10-12 dollars an hour

You've never hired corner Mexicans, have you?

fucking rentfags in here.

>pay for an hour of work
>get fifteen minutes of work, grumpy stares and pretending not to speak english

Mate sounds like them beaners have been niggerized.

I know what I'll be doing now if the US Navy
doesn't pan out.

you don't have to choose a lesser of two evils or make compromises, the middle between good and bad is not great or good no matter how bad you want it to be, and just because you wont do it doesn't mean I wont. I WILL DO IT! I WANT 20$/h and any hours but as an American if I go working unreported I get charged with criminal violations and fraud you fucking cuk!

This is why I've never seen a homeless Mexican. There's something to be respected about that. Now look at Portland and look how young men in their 20's are making their money without an actual job.

Whatever you do, don't hire Hondurans.
They're fucking nutcases.

Here in Vegas I can't walk in or out of a convenience store without seeing a white guy or a black guy standing outside it begging for change. They are all fighting for territories on street corners holding up signs to do nothing and get paid for it.

Fact is, most of those people probably make more being worthless than these people out there hustling for work - the reason why the beggars stay in their situation is because they are legitimately more stupid and worthless than hustlers at Home Depot.

it would be interesting to see if young americans have actually tried to get jobs like the mexicans do.

if they had that kinda thing over here/where i live i'd be stood out there all day everyday desu.

>the reason why the beggars stay in their situation is because they are legitimately more stupid and worthless than hustlers at Home Depot.

nah they stay like that because they make bank mate.
I once knew a lad who pretended to be homeless and made upwards of £500 a day easily from begging. Way more money than he could ever make in a job with his abilities.

I know they make bank, but these people are still sleeping on the street when its 100 fucking degrees out because they spend all that cash on drugs. These scumbags should be thrown into ditches and buried alive.

the ones that make a lot of money don't sleep on the streets tho..
there is such a thing as a professional beggar..

Tax free
while getting welfare
on a stolen social security card
living in subsidized housing
buying food with EBT
getting free health care

They're living quite well since all their money is pretty much disposable income