Why do protestants worship jews so much?

Why do protestants worship jews so much?

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Protestants do not "worship" Jews. They hold to the belief that the Jews have to return to the holy land before Jesus returns. They feel like they have to support Israel in order for it to happen.

I do not share in that belief.

this is what jews are meant to believe.
Thats why they try to fool us goys and the orthodox with the jews for jesus meme

>They hold to the belief that the Jews have to return to the holy land before Jesus returns
and that's worshipping jews because they need put the jews as the chosen ones.
Jesus said the ones who follow Jesus are the chosen ones not those who go to the synagogue.
The jews are living in Jerusalem and they hate Christianity today just like the pharisees hated 2000 years ago.

Because Protestantism is basically the subversion/brainwashing/Judaization of Christianity. Just look at how pro-Semitic Protestantism in general is, it's much more worldly/non-spiritual than Catholicism, puts a huge emphasis on material wealth and work, is okay with usurious banking, look at Cromwell in England, allowing the Jews back into the country for the first time since the 1200s, look at the Netherlands becoming capitalist and their relation with the Jews, etc.

>More white evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish people


The birthplace of modern judaism happened in Germany and that's not a coincidence: protestant germans helped to destroy the Catholic Church and promoting jews as the chosen ones and that belief spread to Netherlands, Switzerland and then to the whole world.

another interesting fact is that at the time of Cromwell the people believed if the jews returned there (England: The new Jerusalem) would be the new Holy Land.

christians worships jews because they worship a jew (jesus the kike christ)

>They hold to the belief that the Jews have to return to the holy land before Jesus returns.
That's not a Christian belief. You can't believe the Jews are God's chosen people and be Christian. At best, you're an outcaste Jew.

You can't believe both in Christ's divinity and in the special holiness of those who most consciously and deliberately rejected him.

The Jews are not the Israelites or the Hebrews, or even the Judeans, they are simply adherents of a religion which rejects Christ and therefore God as Christians know Him. Part of this religion is LARPing as Judeans / Israelites / Hebrews, even though they're basically all descended primarily from racially-miscellaneous later converts at this point.

When the Romans conquered Judea, destroyed the temple that was the center of the Judean organized religion, and gave the Judeans a status within the Roman Empire which allowed them to travel quite freely, they both shared their monotheistic religion widely and lost any effective structure for maintaining a consistent doctrine. While these Judean migrants are often referred to as "Jews", they are not what we know as Jews today, and soon there were many non-Judeans who took an interest in their idea of a world with only one true god, and began to explore and elaborate on it.

Then came Christ, and Christianity became the dominant form of this religion. It was at this point that what we know as Judaism today began to form, with opposition to Christianity, and the Western mainstream, as its central principle. Not universalism, but tribalism. Not one God for all mankind, but a tribal god to favor one nation.

Many Judeans chose Christianity, many non-Judean converts chose Judaism. It's this choice that made them Jews as we know them today. That a person is born a Jew and will necessarily die a Jew, for the Jews are a people, is the Jewish position, not the Christian position, which is that Jews are those who follow Judaism, rejecting Christ.

So in other words you worship Jews and Jewish lies.

Do prots in the US get their dicks cut up, too?

Why don't Catholics go to church?

When Napoleon essentially gave amnesty to Jews in France, etc. he even allowed them to reassemble the Grand Sanhedrin from old times and Jews thought that France would basically become somewhat like a new Jewish homeland.

> Asks why Catholics don't go to Church
> Barely any more Protestants do than Catholics

Protestants lead in all areas except membership. The lead is 17% in questions like the importance of religion and whether religion answers problems. Catholics lead in lukewarm, cultural, Christianity.

yeah this.
Anyone who thinks the Jews are "people of the book" should be told about the fucking talmud

Protestantism is crazy, and often not really Christian (e.g. regarding Jews as having positive significance in their religion despite their rejection of Christ and therefore God), and Catholicism is corrupt.

The real answer is to reform the Catholic Church.

All Protestants worship God.
Anglicans and Episcopalians tend not to be very concerned about Jews because we are smarter than them, richer than them, and control much more of the planet than they do.
Reformed Protestants don't care much about Jews either, and were quite happy to bank gold fillings pulled out of the heads of dead Jews.
Lutherans have always hated Jews and now they are overcompensating because of the war.
Baptists and evangelicals are fucking retards. They are easily manipulated and they love Israel because the Scripture man tolded them ter.

Because Catholics cornered the market on worshiping Muslims so Prots had to find other Semites.

The easy answer is the Scofield Reference Bible that has poisoned the western Church for over one hundred years.

The more difficult answer is tracing the practice of usury back to the Roman Catholics and then into the Protestant reformation which continued it. They've been long time supporters of Judaism and bankers, everything Jesus stood against.

John Hagee is one of the most influential Protestant pastors and he takes huge amounts of money from Sheldon Adelson. Though his shabbos goy Hagee, Adelson can promote Christian Zionism and pro-Israel garbage all over the place to unsuspecting people. It is truly sinister evil.

Does Hagee actually flick the light switches for Adelson on the Shabbat?

By the time of the Reformation in the sixteenth century, leading church figures such as Martin Luther and John Calvin declared that interest is acceptable as long as it is not excessive. The figure of five percent was usually given. In England, Henry VIII freed up moneylenders to charge higher interest in the paradoxically named Act Against Usury of 1545.

Opposition to usury remained stronger in Roman Catholic circles, and was strengthened by Benedict XIV, who issued an encyclical (a circular letter) in 1745 telling Catholics not to lend money at interest. Amidst legal and economic changes in the early nineteenth century, usury became more socially acceptable and Pope Pius VIII weakened the ban on usury in 1830. From 1917, the Vatican allowed church bodies to make interest-bearing investments.

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