Around Pajeet Watch Your Feet

Why do they do this though?

It isn't just the dot heads. All types of archaic type peoples do it.

they are poors without loos like every shitskin ,the correct question why they make childrens?

holy mother of jesus what the fuck am I looking at

at least your people dig a hole in the sand and shit in it but you really shouldn't use your own bare hands to wipe, especially when there isn't much water around to clean it off

that would be a mentally disturbed crack addicted homeless nigger squinting with great concentrating as they focus on shitting in their own pants

he is not african he is from burgerland

He more closely shares your genetics though. I imagine he looks a lot like your great grandfather.

why americans think all muslim countries live in sands and desert ?

Subhuman is the term


Is it true that Mohammed was black and invented grape soda but the idea was stolen from him by the jew and used to subjugate his people

>Mohammed was black
he was a sandnigger

Moroccans are Arab right. Maybe you can take the towel head out of the desert but you can never take the desert out of the towel head. Or are you a black african nigger? Either way stay the hell out of my neighborhood.

poo's are dumber that my retard cat, he shits in a box and covers it up

even most animals know better than to shit up their living areas

Paganism. If they'd converted to Buddhism this shit wouldn't happen

you have google use it

explain what the fuck is going on in pic related

they feed the rats because they believe they're reincarnated people or something

It's a temple in India that is dedicated to rats.
It's not really a big deal to the people because indians have been living like sewer rats anyways for thousands of years so they don't die from bacterial infection quite easily.

They're making sure their food source survives.

Anyone got the video of the dot shitting and then slipping in it and then a truck runs his head over?

>All types of archaic type peoples do it.

Why do so many Indians look indistinguishable from niggers

dont need to edit pictures, there are real ones

God daymn this dude must've really eaten a thick creamy hot Chicken Vindaloo. That's exactly how my toilet looks after eating it.

That one guy stands 3 feet forward from the others, forcing them to watch the shit as it evacuates his orifice. He is clearly the alpha in this situation.


It's not hard to tell them apart, actually.

Indians are basically what happens if you take a caucasian or white man, and then cover him with tar. Their facial structure is still distinctly 'white'.
Niggers just look like monkeys.

He's definitely in the lead, head of the pack
A role model for the others, always urging them to strain for greatness
To splatter the streets with their shit
To leave their mark upon the world

This neighborhood has gone to shit
Area is just getting super crappy lately
Something isn't right here, something stinks
The movement of the people
Sits vacant in the streets
Forever staring at the commuters
With its silent brown eyes
I am Pajeet, this is my street
This is my land, wipe with my bare hand