Does this solve the mystery of Lauren's true political views once and for all?

Does this solve the mystery of Lauren's true political views once and for all?

When will you people learn that these female e-celebs are in it purely for muh likes and muh donations.

you are reaching.

lauren is just a kike looking for more shekels

Lauren did a 23andme DNA test, confirmed +98% European DNA, no Jewish ancestry (look it up). Stop lying & spreading misinformation.





Bullshit. If that was true she would be making normie-friendly content (pranks, gaming, makeup tutorials, showing off her boobs with no political or other content, etc) and she would be making 10 times what she is now. Look at her subscribers (hundreds of thousands) compared to people who do normie stuff (several million).

What you said simply doesn't make sense.

What a blissful life, to live in such delusion.


it's pathetic

Yes because turning a blind eye to your own extinction (which is exactly what the left haas been pushing for) is more "red-pilled". Fuck you're retarded, you're a shill and terrible at it.

Antifa doing a terrible job pretending to be AnCap to shill against the right. Go deconstruct the theory of gravity at a cliff edge.

are you one of the faggots doing that cringey as fuck anti-com shit? you are a faggot, stop posting here.

>your own extinction
fuck off white identity shill. BE A PRoUD INDIVIDUAL

if everyone thought like you, everything would fall apart.


You provided no counter-argument. It's clear that she would make orders of magnitude more money by doing normie content. She is hot, she could make a killing doing those videos. She chooses to do far right political content which has massive opportunity costs - this indicates to me that she's not doing it for money (she's sacrificing profit).

What is your counter-argument? Do you have one?

Lol calling me a "shill" for promoting something that not only pays nothing, but would destroy my ability to get a job or participate in society if I broadcasted it with my real name. Makes sense.

I am a proud individual, and a proud white person. I have an individual & collective identity (several of them), and they interface harmoniously. This is normal, healthy & human. We are social beings, always have been since caveman times (not much has changed since then in our base instincts, evolution is very slow).

Everyone does think like me because they are human (even you). You do not exist in a vacuum.

>I am a proud individual, and a proud white person.
you can't be both. being proud white means you think "muh tribe" matters

you're fucking delusional

why in the world do you think those are mutually exclusive? you are blinded by your own stubborness and ego, and have a lot of growing up to do.

>being proud white means you think "muh tribe" matters
It does, and so do I.

>you can't be both
Prove it. I'm waiting.


You guys spend the whole day bashing women for achieving nothing.
Then comes a woman who stand up for what you believe and you try to take her down aswell.

Mb you should have my flag.

Orban is such a fucking hero.

No, the people trying to take her down do not believe in what Lauren is standing up for, they are just paid antifa shills. Losers with no lives who accept miserable pay from George Soros & others to feebly attempt to disrupt right wing websites.

