99 Years ago today, the Bolsheviks abolished Monarchism in Russia once and for all. Death to Royals!

99 Years ago today, the Bolsheviks abolished Monarchism in Russia once and for all. Death to Royals!

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Yes and then Russia and the Soviet Empire prospered? No?

Fuck off Monarchist rat. Have you ever read anything about what Tsar Nicholas and his family did to dissenters, Jews, Poles, et al.? The man forced millions of Russian men to die in a needless war only to further his own family's geopolitical power.

They went from Europe's Mexico to a superpower in a couple decades.

How does that make them any different or better than the Monarchy? All the prosperity but nothing for the people who starved in their droves or died in Gulags

One Monarchy was replaced by another


tsar nicholas got what he deserved.
dosent mean i like the soviet union though.
still better than the tsar though


What a well thought out and reasoned response

>Implying Kerensky and the Provisional Government didn't already depose the Tsar.


>Forced millions of Russian men to die
So like 1/4th as bad a Stalin at best

>the Bolsheviks
were Jews...they ended up killing orders of magnitude more people than Hitler is accused of yet do we ever hear this?

Commies need to be thrown from helicopters.

throw them in the pit. lousy royals.


Yeah, Jews suck man.

Ha, change your Nazbol flag you clueless fuck.

The Tsar was killed as revenge from the Rothschilds by not giving into their demands at the Treaty of Versaille. Nothing more, nothing less.

The hatred for Russia has been alive and well ever since then.

>99 Years ago today, the Bolsheviks...

...Replaced one tyranny for another.

> "Do you know what he did to the Jews?"

You're new here, aren't you? Stay here a while my friend, make sure you read lots

> one tyranny for another
Not for sure about that. Russian Empire in 1917 has usa-style gun laws and proeuropean aristocracy, less that europe, but still.
