Daily reminder that Christianity is inherently universalist, anti-white...

Daily reminder that Christianity is inherently universalist, anti-white, and tells its followers to accept African nigger converts over even their white ancestors who were not Christian.

This is an objective reality. Every single time you argue for this on pol, Christians will try to deny it. But if you push them, EVERY SINGLE TIME. they will admit to preferring niggers and spics over white people if the former wear crosses upon their necklaces. If you worship their jew God, no matter your race, you are superior. This is directly against all basic tenets and ideals of national socialism and race realism. This is why the Nazis had to start modifying Christianity around their ideology lest the Christians start disagreeing with the Darwinistic (and accurate) logic of the Nazi leaders. This is why we started cucking out and becoming racial equalists and being multi ethnic as societies, because if we all worship Mr. Dead Kike, we're equal! And even through all of this REALITY, Christians on pol will continue to deny that Christianity is a clearly Jewish religion in origin built and spread specifically with Jewish interests in mind, and the only reason it was ever successful at all was because the peoples of Europe blended a shitload of it with their own pagan beliefs and because European blood is inherently better.

>pic related is unironically what Christians here actually believe

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Daily reminder that our pagan ancestors literally invited the Jews en masse into Europe and allowed them thrive and propagate.

Daily reminder that Jews don't want to systematically destroy pagans, they want to systematically destroy the same Christian societies which persecuted and slaughtered them for centuries.

Personal reminder that I'm not even a Christ-faggot, I just think you pagan LARPers are KANGZ tier retards.

Isaiah 40:17

Jew quote. Don't need it. Might as well give me one about how Rabbi Melonburg loves diversity.

Nope, zero sources, zero citations. In fact it's the exact opposite of what you said. Medieval Christian lords and kings in Europe openly accepted Jews because like the retards they were they used them for loans and banking without realizing how much power it granted them (disregarding a select few kingdoms that saw through the obvious facade)

>Nope, zero sources, zero citations.

Oy Gevalt! That doesn't sound very tolerant. Go back to turning the other cheek goyim.

>falling for the evangelical Jesus
Someone post the "not nice Jesus" screencap.


Jews existed as a political group in Rome because they made up a population of people originating in one of Rome's conquered territories. They were never "loved" or "accepted". Need I remind you that literally the only reason families like the (((Rothschilds))) have ANY power and have SO MUCH INFLUENCE is because Christcucks allowed them to have it and offloaded financial power to them?

When was the last time you got laid, bub?

>make accurate point regarding religion and politics on the religion and politics board

Are you fucking braindead?

This is why you shills don't blend in

What is your pic supposed to prove. I never said Hitler was a Christian and neither am I, but your infograph is just as legitimate as an InfoWars broadcast.

You're such an obese pimple farm you are too afraid your ancestors have always had an affinity for kikes, Christian or not.

You sound mad. In fact, you sound a bit like a kike. Why don't (((you))) take a break from the internet for a while, all of this thinking might be working your brain a bit too much.

Rus byzantine war of 941

While it's kind of fucked up it alluded to several times in the bible the blacks were not even people.

They killed them and starved them and burned them and didn't give two shits. Said that shit was fine. Not even too far into the bible.

nice divide and conquer strat

maybe you should try reddit next time though

Not diving and conquering. I have no problem with most (white) Christians. But the fact is its more harmful than helpful, and I'd like to get some here to realize it

>the religion and politics board
This is the politics board, religious discussion goes on

And what gods do you serve?

I'm an agnostic. I don't serve any specific gods though I'm open to the idea of one. I think some kind of religion/spirituality is important to ensure most people remain moral and guides and life however.